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Posts posted by Sword0fLotus

  1. Since introducing heavy attack on "hold melee" input they keep triggering on their own, zero-ing Combo Counter and making Blood Rush obsolete.

    I've enjoyed using them in melee 2.0 and never did them on accident, even with both Amalgam Organ Shatter and Swift Momentum equipped. Now with none of them equipped this keeps happening every mission even when paying attention to my clicking pattern.

    Adding option in controls to remove "hold melee" input for heavies would be something.

    Making "hold melee" heavy attacks without Combo Counter cost while matching the strength of ones at zero Combo Counter and keeping "secondary fire" heavy attacks draining and with damage multiplier would be amazing.

    To differentiate both types, "hold melee" heavies could have VFX of energy channeling on warframe removed.

    • Like 2
  2. Heavy attacks trigger on accident, consume whole Combo Counter and make Blood Rush builds virtually unusable.

    How about making "hold melee" attacks with no cost and no modifier and "secondary fire" attacks with cost of 30-50 Combo Counter.

    Or at least let us remove binding for "hold melee" so it doesn't trigger all the time.

  3. 3 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    Have the combo multiplier also multiply (or add) range

    I can't agree. The abilities and guns are for ranged combat. Melee should be close quarters weapons - not a room/corridor cleaner. Making every warframe launch single strike of Exalted Blade from time to time would be silly. Small Combo Counter cost (idk, maximum of 30) for those strong heavies would make sense to use on tankier enemies and add much needed variety while common enemies would be dispatched with normal attacks.

  4. Many melee weapons are suffering form lack of mobility.

    Removing "forward" input requirement and swapping it with "sprint" would solve some issues.

    "Melee" and "melee + block" combos could be performed no matter "WASD" inputted and allow a bit of mobility, while

    "Forward + melee" and "forward + melee + block" could be swapped to "sprint + melee" and "sprint + melee + block" staying the most mobile ones.

  5. "W + melee" combos shouldn't stop you or slow you down a lot.

    Since they don't do a lot of damage and don't give a much of Combo Counter and are supposed to keep you mobile, I found it dissapointing that they stop you on some stances (Decisive Judgement for nikanas from top of my mind).

    • Like 2
  6. We could use drainless charged/heavy attacks.

    I enjoy running Blood Rush builds but miss using charged attack from time to time, especially given how little combos we have now we could use some variety. Now they empty your Combo Counter that you want to keep.

    Adding drainless charged attacks on "hold melee" with no CC drain and damage bonus and maybe without channeling glow effect on warframe's body would be nice.

    Keeping draining heavy attacks on "alt fire" with their glow effect on body and drain capped at, let's say, 30 Combo Counter instead of all of it would add much needed variety and incentive for tactical use of your new resource if you use anything stacking with your Combo Counter like Blood Rush, which is very satisfying to play.

  7. On 2019-10-10 at 3:22 AM, lukinu_u said:

    The bonus stack additively to other damage mods, so if you use Pirmed Pressure Point you go from 265% damages to 325% which is only a ~22.6% increase.

    Swift Momentum is a better choice, but it still need a buff and get rid of the charge rate.

    Steel Charge buff is still pretty decent imo.

    Yeah, buff would be nice but why get rid of charge rate? With Amalgam Organ Shatter it gives sweet and fluid feel to those charged attacks.

  8. Swift Momentum is a welcome change for melee players, but doesn't seem to be worth it as alternative to Steel Charge.

    It's already pretty situational, mainly for Naramon, Blood Rush, crit builds. It frees a weapon mod slot from Body Count, but provides too small of a Combo Counter bonus.

    Buffing it to match 12 seconds like Body Count or even 9 like Drifting Contact would seem reasonable, given how build specific the sacrifice of Steel Charge straight damage boost is.

    Please consider, as it would add variety to possible builds.

  9. Channeling is toggle-only and under MMB - discourages tactial use of one/few attacks at the time in favor of just switching into channeling mode

    Automatic blocking is intrusive and annoying - takes away player's choice and cripples use of sword & shield specific mods

    Can't perform RMB combos without swapping to firearm right after - takes away player's choice

    If equipped with only melee, manual blocking locks you into blocking/aim glide position - makes any precise maneuvers impossible if you run melee only

    Groundslam VFX leaves elemental stain even if you triggered off elemental VFX on melee - inconsistent, making it non elemental cracks would fix this little issue

    Why not give full combos and utilitiy of melee to gunplay just by allowing it instead of quick melee, and leave equipping melee by holding F as it was in Melee 2.0?

    • Like 1
  10. Recently Void Strike (operator melee) has been updated, so it has color of your suit energy - same as Void Dash.

    Sadly Void Beam is still locked with default blue. The issue does not appear in Second Dream and War Within - there colors are of your Warframe energy and suit energy respectively. But if you unequip your Amp, your operator's Void Beam will always be default blue.

  11. Nikana Zaw (Sepfahn strike) have strong clipping issues. When moving around, jumping and blocking, blade clips through scabbard and is held next to it. I haven't noticed anything like that on other nikanas.

    Unique design of its scabbard (fact that it ends further down from hand) also results in holding it by air during combos, reviving and such.

    Adding button in appearance menu to remove scabbard and make it invisible - the way it is done with Banshee and her shoulder guard - would solve clipping issues and allow more fashion choices for Nikanas. Movement and combos aesthetics would not suffer from that option.

  12. If you are running Valkyr with Eternal War augment, there is high chance you encountered it.

    At some point you lose your attack speed bonus (possibly armor too) but Warcry is still active and gaining seconds from melee kills. This results in you being stuck with lower attack speed unless you don't melee for some time and recast the ability.

    Bug seems to occur when you kill enemy and Warcry is close to ending (1-2 seconds), but recently I've seen it happening when still having 10 and more seconds of buff left.

    Making Warcry recastable would solve this problem and add tactical variety, allowing you to slow enemies from time to time even if you are using Eternal War augment.

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