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Posts posted by Malfael

  1. Even though it's really nice to have someone like you in the gaming industry, people that actually care about what players want/do not want, what players think should be in Warframe, or not, It's just plain wrong to let yourself be "stomped" on by that handful of Grandmasters. It's really great and all that they've "invested" some money in future of Warframe, but that doesn't mean that every time they don't like something, it has to be changed. You've mentioned that you've "angered/frustrated some of your most loyal players". If they are so loyal, how come they don't have much understanding for you ? Drop rates ? Wow, people complain about Prime gear parts, but nobody is complaining about Control Modules raining down like crazy. No disrespect to others, but chill the f**k out, you've paid for the in-game stuff, that don't mean you have to know every single thing that's going to happen/should happen in Warframe. And to DEV's, keep up the good work, and don't take s**t from anyone, you're the god damn team that's making this game happen, and know that there are a lot of players out there that will have understanding for every possible mistake that happens, because, like some user here said, we're people, and we make mistakes. Keep up the good work, and keep making us happy with further updates !

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