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Posts posted by Megamaker

  1. I agree with Rhaenxys on most points about what he needs and I've added some extras:

    • The ability to pick up items while inside cataclysm
    • A knock down effect when activating/deactivating cataclysm
    • A defensive ability
    • Permanent buff to damage inside the rift (a weaker version of rift surge)
    • Companions/Sentinels should also go into the rift as well when you use rift walk

    All of those suggestions are easy to understand, the defensive ability has been something I've suggested in a couple of threads - here's my example of a decent defensive ability:

    A replacement of "Rift Surge" could be "Rift Slam" which would consist of Limbo slamming his hand down on the ground and throwing enemies back with so much force that they tear through the rift and then back into the real world or vice versa - this would in turn deal damage to them (perhaps a bleed proc as they might have organs in other dimensions). HOWEVER! To stop this being to overpowered there might be a chance that some of the enemies would stay in the dimension they had torn into while also gaining bonus damage making them more dangerous to Limbo and anyone on the same plane. For example if you did this against a group of 10 enemies on the material plane, all 10 of them would take damage and be thrown back, but 5 of them would get a bleed proc and 3 of them would stay in the rift.

    Just think about that on a defense mission, if the cryopod is being overwhelmed Limbo suddenly has a crowd control, however at the cost of saving the pod he now no longer has a safe plane of existence to go to until he has killed those 3 enemies.

  2. Cool ideas, the only thing I'd change would be that instead of a teleport, give Limbo a crowd control. 


    For example, a replacement of "Rift Surge" could be "Rift Slam" which would consist of Limbo slamming his hand down on the ground and throwing enemies back with so much force that they tear through the rift and then back into the real world or vice versa, this ability is also based off how Limbo can move through space. 

    This would in turn deal damage to them (perhaps a bleed proc as they might have organs in other dimensions) due to movement through space being dangerous.

    HOWEVER! To stop this being too overpowered there might be a chance that some of the enemies would stay in the dimension they had torn into while also gaining bonus damage making them more dangerous to Limbo and anyone he has banished or is inside his cataclysm.

    Just think about that on a defense mission, if the cryopod is being overwhelmed Limbo suddenly has a crowd control, however at the cost of saving the pod he now no longer has a safe plane of existence to go to until he has killed these enemies.


    I think that would be a fairly well balanced ability.

  3. I don't get much use from rift surge because while it can be very strong, it requires the correct situation. If there are too many enemies you throwing down a cataclysm to use rift surge will just mean you've thrown away your way of surviving or if there's only one enemy you waste energy by banishing a single target target just to rift surge.

    [Edit] Plus I usually don't need the buff that rift surge gives because I can kill the enemies in 1-2 shots anyway.

  4. I don't know about you guys but I find that I don't really get much use out of rift surge compared to Limbo's other abilites, although I know my opinion means basically nothing I'd like to state it anyway. I think Limbo should at least get a rework of his abilities, if not replacing that particular ability entirely.

    For example, a replacement of "Rift Surge" could be "Rift Slam" which would consist of Limbo slamming his hand down on the ground and throwing enemies back with so much force that they tear through the rift and then back into the real world or vice versa - this would in turn deal damage to them (perhaps a bleed proc as they might have organs in other dimensions). HOWEVER! To stop this being to overpowered there might be a chance that some of the enemies would stay in the dimension they had torn into while also gaining bonus damage making them more dangerous to Limbo and anyone he has banished or is inside his cataclysm. Just think about that on a defense mission, if the cryopod is being overwhelmed Limbo suddenly has a crowd control, however at the cost of saving the pod he now no longer has a safe plane of existence to go to until he has killed these enemies.

    Obviously there's a 99% nothing like this would replace any of Limbo's abilities but it's just a suggestion.

    Anyone else got any ideas of possibly reworks for Limbo, or do you like him in his current state? I'm interested to read peoples opinions on Limbo because while I love him, I feel like he needs some love in the form of a rework.

  5. Sechura, Pluto Spawning Bug


    So I started playing a game on Sechura and after five waves one person (the host) left, the rest of us stayed though. We encountered no problems up until wave 19, where suddenly there was another host migration and I found myself alone. When I got back into the match pretty much every enemy for the round had spawned round the cryopod so I immediately spammed Peacemaker. Once I had killed everything, it all just stopped. Nothing was spawning, nothing was appearing. Everything just stopped. I waited 15 minutes or so and recorded part of it while waiting. I tried using Peacemaker to kill enemies I might not be noticing but it didn't work.  :/  I've posted that below

    To a lesser extent this also happened on a T3 Defense mission a few days ago where the spawning of enemies after wave 30 slowed down to a snail's pace and we had to exit because each wave took 10 minutes to complete.

    • Did you have a host-migration mid-way through the mission? We had two host migration but I'm not sure why in terms of the second (I'll get back to this on the next question)

    • Were you with a squad or were you solo? I was with a squad but suddenly the host migration screen came up and I was alone

    • What frames were in the mission? There were two "Mesa"s (one was me), the other two were unknown (the first left after five waves and I didn't bother looking and second I just can't remember)

    • What faction were you fighting? Infested

    • Which mission was it? Sechura, Pluto



  6. explanation: some enemy come into ur cataclism.

    i donn t see any other possibility.

    I didn't have cataclysm active at the time

    It may have been a proc you incurred earlier, or an enemy toxic aura. Also bombard rocket splash damage still goes across planes.


    From the wiki:


    "Though the homing function of the Grineer Bombard's AT Ogris rockets cease when the target player enters the rift, the area-of-effect damage from the rockets still can harm players through planes."


    That's probably what happened, thanks   :)

  7. Sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forums.


    I was in a Tower 4 Defense mission using Limbo and it was wave 18, I'd been using rift walk in order to revive team mates. Suddenly, I started taking damage from enemies. I looked down at my abilities bar and it showed rift walk as still active and I know I hadn't banished anything at that time. Obviously as I was in rift walk I couldn't shoot back at the enemy to kill them and coming out of rift walk would've been suicide anyway so I ended up dying from enemy shots even though I was in rift walk.

    There's probably some simple explanation for this and I'm just being stupid but I thought I should post about it anyway. Sorry it's not very detailed and I can't give you anything in order to recreate the bug but that's the best I can do.

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