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Posts posted by DefectiveByDesign

  1. Ok, bug time:


    Did the mission to check the colony out and get mod support, got logged out after completing it.


    Logged back in, activated mod station, logged out again.


    Logged back in and had the option to activate foundry without getting the foundy piece, got kicked, logged back in, its active with the ability to remove the (i forget what its called, leg device thing that Vor lovingly gave me).


    Everytime I now try to do the Foundry mission, it runs up until the initial Lotus opening dialogue, then auto logs me out each time.

  2. Title says it all. A week or so ago, I uploaded a clan emblem picture via Account Management, followed the critera and got a notification saying the upload was successful.


    Couple days later I was a bit curious about the progress, so I looked around on the forum's and found out that Account Management has a neat little feature that tells you if its pending, or if it's been approved, neat-o! :D


    So I head there expecting to see...something..anything(!), but nothing's there, just the standard 3 rules about the logo, that I have a chance to preview before uploading the image and the cost.


    At the time I was 100% certain that platinum had been deducted from my account and was just hoping it was a bug, but the more i've left it to see if it'd fix itself, the more i've become concerned about what to do. I no longer have the platinum required to upload it again, so I'm really hoping that it went through.


    TL;DR - Account Management isn't saying whether my emblem is pending, accepted or what. I have no clue anymore if my platinum was deducted, it's been over a week I beleive and don't know what to do aside from the obvious "Get 150 plat, try again".


    Any suggestion's, folk's?


    Thanks for taking the time to read this :)



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