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Posts posted by Altantean

  1. I noticed this bug just earlier when the Jackal would actually walk on top of the drones flying about, lifting it off the ground for a couple seconds until the jackal walks off of it.

    i thought it was quite humorous, I would of taken screenshots but I was a bit to pre-occupied xD

  2. I like this idea. Hacking does seem to be a bit underused and feels as though is a great potential to become a neat little minigame without straining the fun out of the game. I mean, it's quick and easy enough to repeat (Though I must admit, I've failed it once or twice due to brain lag x.x). Rewards for hacking would be awesome too.

  3. I just love having Overwolf over my games when I'm playing, but it doesn't want to seem to overlay over Warframe. I reckon this little app would be great for something like this, plus it would save me from alt+tabbing to check my facebook and skype!

  4. I am Altantean, Sam. I just started Warframe and am dowloading the client as I type this up. As soon as I saw TotalBiscuit's vid on this I just had to get on with this piece of action!

    So what do I do?

    Well, I'm on twiiter @separesAQW

    With that name I'd like to say that I play AQW

    Other than that, I'm a vector artist by trade.

    So basically, hello!

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