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Posts posted by .Mango.

  1. Maelstrom has recently welcomed two new members: Koert1000 and RoyalSphinX.


    We still have space open, and will be upgrading the barracks as soon as such is required in order to grow! Sign up now, and help us bring on new brothers/sisters Tenno. 


    "Prospects of war seldom praise the one-man army...

    Few shall revel in his inevitable demise...

    Stand before your brethren, 

    And you cannot fall."

                   -The Logolept

  2. Maelstrom Breche, a gaming community partnered clan, is looking for friendly and active members! All we ask is a simple sign up at our community site and you will be invited to use our Teamspeak server, as well as accepted to participate with the community's other guilds/groups for other games if you so desire.


    Visit us at http://www.impact-gaming.us/groups/warframe


    The dojo isn't fully completed, yet. However, we'll have it done soon as possible; accepting any one to join and hopefully we can build a more family-like clan together!


    We have only one rule, and that's respect for the self, the others, and the community.


    Clan offers:




    -Squad/Team Building (Training & Participating with a squad designed to suit your playstyle - will be easier to do the more members we gain)

  3. Greetings, fellow Tenno.


    The Impact Gaming Community would like to reach out to those of you who seek companionship. If you would like to join a community of friendly and dedicated players then this is the location for you. IGC's Warframe Alliance, Chaos Empire, has four different clans all building from the ground up, seeking members like you to make the journey more enjoyable. All that we ask is that we all have a good time, and keep each other in mind. Let me give you a little bit of a brief on what is being offered:


    1.) Active Community

    2.) Friendly Members

    3.) Teamspeak Access

    4.) In-Game Training/Advisory

    5.) Team Building - You will be given the option to form a squad within the clan/empire.

    6.) Dojo Hosting

    7.) Access to a Gaming Community that houses other MMOs and events.


    All that is asked of you, is very simple. In order to become a member, simply sign up at the website listed below and answer these questions (in the comments below):


    1.) What's your In-Game Name?


    2.) How long have you played? Do you require training/coaching of any sort?


    3.) Do you prefer PvE or PvP more?



    To check us out, and sign up visit: http://www.impact-gaming.us/groups/warframe

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