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Posts posted by RogatienMERC

  1. Dude, frames since at least Nidus have had a more mature abilities design than in the first few years of this game. I guess it started with energy color impacting abilities with Chroma. But seriously ... the synergy between abilities on the frames since Nidus is pretty cool. I mean, TBH some of them I refuse to play (just not a fan of Harrow or the music one) but they're still designed well.

  2. I read the patch notes. I get that there are two different energy pools for the operator now. But after dumping focus into Zenurik passives that increase Operator Energy regen I find out that Madurai's passive regens the operator's ... beam weapon. So Zenurik's doesn't? Seriously? "Operator Energy" doesn't include the beam weapon? Where's that explained?

    Dude even trying to make smart decisions I feel hosed. Misleading description on focus trees ... please correct, refund everyone's focus - to neutral - after week 1, and work on this. 

  3. Mission summary stats appear to be wrong when I click 'tab'. This appears to affect -

    1) Syndicate rep gain numbers. When pressing tab I see ridiculous numbers, like "26k+" standing for Perrin after 5 rounds. Just did 20 rounds of Akkad and see that I gained something like 250,000 standing. But i still have 712 possible standing left to gain with syndicates today. Looks like a decimal got moved somewhere in the code.

    2) Amp XP. When I press tab while in warframe in Akkad mission, I see that I've gained a ton of XP on my operator's Amp (initial one from meeting quills). It shows it is level 29 about to hit 30. I press 5 to activate operator and tab again, and it says my Amp is level 17 in the mission summary (including yellow bonus bars both times). Looks like it referenced the current in-mission level after I pressed 5 to come up with it being level '17'.

    [edit: for syndicate this is in "View Progress" and in final mission results screen]

  4. I actually came here to post this topic. Maybe not even the lenses, but the focus that is currently built up into the schools should be neutral. Naramon, Zenurik, and Vazarin are no longer what they WERE, so why am I tied to the amount of focus that I dumped into those schools? Please refund as a flat neutral pool of focus.

  5. 5 minutes ago, RogatienMERC said:

    lol that's why i quoted what i quoted. 'better build' is subjective. all in fun. :satisfied:

    also i guess more in the spirit of your topic ... just replace narrowminded with steel fiber on the one i posted for 8385.1 ferrite if you want to be stuck trying to spam roar every 30-40sec. i don't use iron shrapnel... don't know where you'd fit it in on what i posted. probably ditch intensify /shrug

  6. Quote

    do any one has a better build than this??

    Yes. Best all around rhino below.

    Energy Siphon


    Armored Agility

    Narrow Minded


    Transient Fortitude

    Blind Rage


    Primed Flow

    Primed Continuity


    ... max all mods. Efficiency sucks but FFS really? Make it work with a 425 power pool. Energy is easy to come by nowadays and this isn't meant for stomp or skin spam. And 425 power pool. Shouldn't need to spam iron skin ... either move or kill things faster. Rhino's got a decent base HP and you end up with 398 armor. EHP like a caster frame with health mods. So how about you just don't stand in front of the level 200 bombard?

    Now you're going to be tempted to dump rush for power drift. Don't do it. "Oh, but vanguar..." NO. Don't. You'll be slower. And mobility is key ... what are you doing, sight seeing at that 1.15 trot? Just... no. If you want to use the vanguard (sigh), fine ... just keep rush and be speedy speedy.

    So, dear reader, what are you actually doing on a regular basis where you can't get by on the 6233.8 ferrite armor below? Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge and just grit your teeth through sub-5-digit ironskins and know that your dps and your tigris really appreciate the 2.42 damage multiplier on a 1min+ roar. Your range sucks, but your tigris is at 0m and everybody else should know where to be.

    Just do it. :-):nerd:

  7. Man, used to... but 10 loadouts wide now and i dont like having to scroll. So they're all three or four letters now ... Paladin became "Main" ... Armsman (rhino) became "Arms" ... Nek (ros) ... X1 and X2 for random loadouts at the end. loki is just "Spy" and instead of being "Recon" my excal build is now "Pro" (totype... skin).

  8. Vauban seems obvious





    Too obvious


    They might pull a Nova and give us Oberon next, 'cause why not

    Think Vauban will definitely be after they crush the void so they can do some voodoo that makes him incredibly hard to get. 'cuz otherwise... no one would ever pay the plat for vauban (gotta think it's the most plat-purchased frame due to difficulty in attaining him through alerts alone).

    if they consider going Oberon, then i bet they would need to tweak/remake his abilities first, otherwise nobody would even want the prime version

    ... please expand on this. Not sure I know what you mean.


    All they'd have to do is add movement speed / armor / power pool or something, and you'd get the whole "touching void death orbs gives you energey" so... why wouldn't you want to play him?

  9. frost ( people always use him for defense, since he is so great at defending a place, but with the new addition to his snow globe [never ending] , you can place it in key positions when camping a place on the map, it will slow the wave down and will lower enemy armor when they get frozen, try to combo this with nova and corrosive projections ( Frozen enemies will have thei armor lowered and be slowed atleast + nova will slow all enemies even more, make them take more damage and when u add up the corrosive projections, your guns are gonna be blazing enemies off da hood, literally) . also try freezing key enemies like high lvl bombards.

    Oberon( The must underrated warframe in warframe) .: he needs some strength ,some extra vitality and rage mod transform this warframe into... wolverine.( damage gets turned into energy and energy into health with his abilitys, you must keep an eye though on ur hp, since u must keep recasting his health ability very often, but once u do... well. ur pretty much wolverine with telekinetic powers. ( ground slam ) . he is fun, and can be on the right hands be a very good high tier croud control..


    ^-- This. Oberon ... max out all of vitality, quick thinking, rage, fleeting, streamline, transient fortitude, intensify... 8th mod varies but normally stretch or steel fiber. You run corrosive and rush in the specialty slots. Thing is beastly for survivability and utility and you get a nice AOE (as opposed to valkyr / chroma tanks)... any deaths you take result from a very specific moment in late games when you're getting pounded next to an energy draining mob and don't have time to reckoning; trick is to maintain mobility and situational awareness and move. The +str makes your initial heal value somewhat decent and the 70+ second HoT ends up being useful in a quirky way sometimes. CC value of radiation procs from reckoning is vastly underrated, and the #1 works very well to enable finishers on high-end mobs, and you can use/spam it while reloading your weapons. Due to some regional internet issues last year I ended up soloing this game through MR17 and this guy can solo ... anything.


    I'm actually starting to feel the same way about Frost... only lack is healing but pads/melee heal so w/e. Played with a guy who introduced me to the concept of max-range/str/efficiency build. Basically if you're getting fed by a good EV, you can run through 4 rounds of draco with two randoms just standing by and frost providing the giganta-bubble + the dps to clear the map.


    Also Rhino - duration and strength makes him a good utility frame by buffing self/group. Your downside is that the AOE is not spammable and iron skin has tendency to drop right when you need it.

  10. Hi! Currently stuck in an airport for 8hrs and noticed... There are no page numbers for forum threads when you access via mobile. It just dumps you at the end... Which sucks.

    Also when in mobile interface and you click sign in on forun interface it dumps you to the money-mobile front page.

    Just passing along, thanks!

  11. Rest of squad left after round 15; I was going to stay to 20. Went through host migration (could hear enemies hitting me during that... but whatever). Got back to map, killed every mob on map, but after host migration there is no health bar for the objective (dark sector defense...) or round number. Just a map in the upper left. And no more mobs. Just me and one of the other dudes' left-behind leech eximus spectres that was somehow left behind when he exited the mission. And can't trigger next round. Sadface for a giant waste of time (was legit just farming rep lol).


    Please can has fixed? :-/

  12. The clipping in the below is almost a piece of art in and of itself :-)


    Loki Prime - Oberon Noble Animation (but issues with really any stance i tried)

    Dragon Nikana

    Hikou Prime

    Paris Prime

    Izvara or Nelumbo Syndana


    when holding paris at the low ready... nikana pokes through syndana and the handle goes through Loki's arm; paris prime slices loki's leg and neatly cuts the hikou holster in half.


    The weapon choices are actually a pretty classic 'warframe ninja' loadout so it's not like this is an obscure edge case. Just wanted to bring it to your attention ... especially with the beautiful new cloaks :-)

  13. It is actually not as bad as he makes it out to be. I find the blocky arrow to be quite fun. Upon drawing a bow, the block spins faster, and has a cool trail effect. The arrows do not obstruct the view of the player.

    I'm going to have to disagree - it IS that bad, from a purely cosmetic POV. The arrows should all be about 30% thinner.

  14. I have to start off by complimenting the art department on a BEAUTIFUL game that I absolutely adore. I have really loved previous armor sets that come with prime accessories packages but...


    ... I am terribly disappointed with the sentinel attachments that came with the Ash Prime Accessories package. The coloring is terribly washed out (dull yellow instead of gold; deep blacks show up as a light charcoal) and the design is completely underwhelming compared to existing para-wings.


    I'm really not enjoying the value from this $50 package.

  15. Wouldn't gaining loadout slots per Warframe still be limited Loadout slots, and no problem is solved?

    If you want to get rid of limited anything, you'd need to be able to get infinite of it.

    Wouldn't linkage of loadouts and Warframes be detrimental to gameplay?

    Why can't I have 9 loadouts of 3 sets of weapons and the same Warframe to combat all 3 factions?

    Heck, why not 12 for all 4?

    The solution to limited loadout slots wouldn't be to make the cap higher. That isn't a solution, that's a delay.

    It would be an improvement and a partial solution, but I basically agree with you. I just know there are sometimes issues with server space so "infinite" might not be an option.

  16. Issue:  The linkage between mastery rank and number of loadouts is detrimental to player enjoyment while adding nothing significant to gameplay.


    Explanation:  One of the most fun thing in Warframe is designing new loadouts - the perfect (or just fun and quirky) combination of warframe, primary, secondary, melee, companion, companion weapon. Let's admit it... one of the most fun parts of warframe is just sitting in your arsenal and building cool versions of action figures and going "Pew! Pew!" and loving the way things look and work together. The problem is, limited loadouts means that you can't save both your most useful solo loadouts for different mission types, fun different loadouts for each warframe, most useful loadouts for different roles in group play, etc.


    Possible Solutions:


    - Increase the number of loadouts available to new players (and gained per MR)

    - Just allow us to purchase additional loadouts the same way we purchase weapon slots. This would allow for increased flexibility and fun.

    - Provide an additional loadout slot for every warframe that is built (or potatoed - to prevent people spamming oberon builds to gain 100 loadouts).


    Additional Benefits: Adding loadouts would also make it more convenient to use a greater variety of warframes and weapons, thus increasing diversity and replayability of the game. This also could pave the way for new and improved MR rewards (higher MR-requirements for new weapons, MR-linked emotes or other activities, etc).


    Comments welcome.

  17. Buying potatoes now is waste of platinum. Look how many of them there were lately. If not alarm, then invasion. Slots are the only neccessary purchase.

    Waste is subjective. Getting plat with a 75% coupon (the only way to roll honestly)... a potato is like $0.17. Given the satisfaction I enjoy for that $0.17 and how much easier it makes leveling weapons and the hour or so I'd spend farming a couple IF an invasion is up instead of doing something I'd rather do... my time - which remains the only currency in life I can't replace - is worth more than the cost of the plat.

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