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Posts posted by Braque

  1. Well.. I just played a match with my rhino/kubrow with some other dude as nekros/kubrow and before wave 5, he disconnected from my session and the match turned into a hybrid between defense and interception. All the tower nodes showed up and the crypod was still there.

  2. I went with my mate and we both used Mag Prime. He used Shield Polarize on Alad V while I used Bullet attractor on Zanuka. This combo works well and we took him down relatively easily


    Well done.. that's a pretty specific approach and not quite on topic to what I'm getting at ;)

  3. Ya, Themisto (Alad V level).. level 10-11 enemies is it? I get to Alad V and he is level 70ish. That's a little overboard methinks. I don't mind ramping up the difficulty but if you (DE) plan on scaling bosses to my conclave level.. why not for the whole mission?? It's a total cakewalk/one shot fest until I get to Alad V who is now a house.


    Would be nice if the whole mission had a consistent difficulty.. Hell.. make it a fairly long/challenging mission with a guaranteed neural sensor OR, tone back the boss a little bit.. jesus.


    Alad the loot pinata is now Alad the DEVASTATOR :D

  4. DE_Pablo,


    It is hard to believe you had trouble finding constructive feedback about the new UI. Judging by this weak response, you likely spent very little time browsing this forum. This post reeks with lack of enthusiasm and effort and in that spirit reflects poorly on the adjustments you might make now or in the future.


    That being said...


    The new interface lacks efficiency and organization. It is sacrificing function for presentation.


    -The planets not having labels in the nav menu is one thing, but the whole nav menu itself is a downgrade from the old mission selection menu. Without coming up with a whole new idea for this menu, just having the old interface pop up would be an upgrade right now.


    -The mod interface was also a step backwards. I was actually hoping for something a little more toward a spreadsheet look and usability but instead you guys decided to make it more bloated and.. animated??


    SUGGESTION: make the mod grid smaller and zoom it out a bit. Maybe add an option to display only the names of the mods in a spreadsheet type fashion where hovering over a mod name pops up the graphic of the card.


    The ship is neat but it should be similar to the dojo in that it should be a place to visit and maybe spruce up or view my awesome looking frames etc but it should not be the focus of the main interface.


    Right now we have very lacking 'escape menu' to go about our business.


    Without going into too much, the whole 'squad visualization' needs work too.. That is the one thing I can think of that got smaller instead of bigger and actually took a hit to it's appearance. Hovering over a tiny box to see what your team has equipped is not an improvement from the straight forward blue box that listed a person's load out.


    Anyway Pablo, yes.. it's a pretty update (mostly) and you obviously have talented people creating this stuff but I dunno about the decision making :)

  5. I am ok with the missions and monsters being harder. I get that DE probably wants to slow down the gravy leveling train and that's fine too. What is not fine is beefing up the enemies while still having a squishy cryopod. Vauban will be a popular guy in these missions (if not necessary for 15+ waves) now.


    Also, direct hits with my ogris are not killing the ospreys (that still bug out in awkward parts of the board).


    Slowing it down is fine guys.. Keep it FUN..



  6. Unless I'm missing something, I can no longer change gear while a game invite is active on my screen.


    IE: Before U14, if I got invited to Sechura while a match was in progress and I wanted to switch equipment prior to accepting the invite, I could do so. Post U14 I have to decline.. change gear and ask for another invite.


    This is minor compared to most of the other issues, but I figured I'd bring it to light.

  7. Branched official UI support is unlikely, and both the old UI and new ship experience would need to have new elements and mission nodes manually added.  However, I am so frustrated with this experience that I would even take a User UI toolkit, knowing that this means either trying to develop my own UI (a task for which I am woefully unsuited) or periodically migrating between third-party solutions with no official support and no guarantees of unofficial support.


    Agreed. Branched support would be unlikely but, correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not a programmer/designer), the framework for the old UI still exists (hopefully) and adding content to both interfaces shouldn't be a hard task.


    I would be more inclined toward highly flexible customization options rather than attempting to develop my own UI.

  8. Well.. judging by chat traffic and my deserted friends list, I'd say the new UI is a failure, along with most of the other changes. DE, you have a great game fundamentally but you best look into fixing this up ASAP. I will keep an eye out for updates but for now, I'm pretty much done.


    (I use a controller to play in game but navigating the menus is/was still better with mouse and keyboard. Functionality over appearance fellas)


    -Best of luck Tenno and Tenno puppet masters.

  9. Although it doesn't seem to bug out as much lately, this ability seems to glitch on infested mainly. I've seen it glitch quite a few times on the little infested guys that explode.


    Possible solution: give us the ability to stop the bladestorm after it has started. This would add a new dynamic to the ability and also stop the auto targeting of creatures you can't damage.. PLUS make the bug irrelevant. If there is a balance issue with that.. make stopping the move cost energy too.



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