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Posts posted by (PSN)ELECTROxShOcKZz

  1. On 6/11/2017 at 7:03 PM, (PS4)themobster236 said:

    I've been trying to farm for Oberon for awhile now and I've got everything I've needed except the neuroptics, I've played with my friends many times and I know it's shared loot for that kind of stuff and they've all got it but I have never picked it up

    It's a matter of RNGJesus my friend you just have to keep trying its not a bug

  2. I don't know if this is a bug or not but every other update that I download seems to reset my control scheme, I have been on Warframe for about 3 years and over time made my own control scheme which made my life easier as a player but one thing which seems to reoccur is the resetting of my controls is this just for me or is it a thing for everyone?

  3. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

    That's pretty shocking, to a Volt. bleh

    Saryn: You guys are sick!

    Nova: Slow down with the puns and Warframe jokes.

    Trinity: Get a life.

    Oberon: Jokes won't heal your wounds, Oberon does.

    Loki: I don't see anything funny about these comments.

    This made my day

  4. So i before i go into this, i do use a custom layout for my controls on warframe and use a controller. When my friends down in missions and  i am reviving them sometimes when i die reviving them and still am holding the revive button it quits the mission for me. This has happened in to many long runs for me and was just wondering why DE hasnt got the functions for checking for a new key press instead of the revive system using the if key is down function because it does cause issues for players.

  5. So I cannot remember which version of the tutorial mission it was but i do remember lotus boosting of energy for the start where we wake up and we get taut the controls and get given infinite power until we kill all grineer in the room. So can other people control warframes besides the tenno?


    Also, another factor that plays into this is the fact in the first quest "Vor's Prize" Vor has inserted a little thingy into your warframe causing it to malfunction but also at one point Vor plays with your shields causing you to have overshields for a small amount of times. 


    Ok, so this may seemed far fetched but ever since watching DkDiamantes most recent cephalon thesis video about Salad V and him being an orokin of some kind. It got me thinking about all the times our warframes have been tampered with and if Salad has constructed Zanuka, which in my opinion is a warframe because it is constructed of warframe parts doesn't that mean if the corpus have that kind of technology are they just stupid or just not capturing enough warframes to utilize this plan?


    All replies to this, can be negative but i would much appreciate it if you give your own opinions. 


  6. Ok, so my original rant that started this thread may not have got what I wanted to say out. 


    The lotus has recently revealed what she is.

    I don't trust the fact she betrayed her kind.

    What made us her 'Children'. 

    I would like to chose who I follow.

    Its a nice idea and it most likely wont happen but its a nice idea.

    Red Veil are my syndicate.

    Lotus is just a person who betrayed her family and adopted the Tenno, I respect that she has saved not once but twice as she saved us from vor and she didn't kill us like she was meant to. 

    I have gotten bored of her saying my shields will be decreased as I'm already on my way to extraction or any other thing that she says late.

    She the 'Space Mom' but everyone leaves the nest eventually.

  7. That has never made it into game, and as such I find it to be a discontinued idea. A story thread that DE chose to never weave in. Supposedly leaked, and recanted.


    I may be wrong, but until that shows back up in-game, I don't think it can be taken as canon. It's a note, a thought, that never made it into the product.


    But as for Lotus being interested or even willing to dispose of Tenno, I doubt that HEAVILY. Every time she has had to confront the idea of losing Tenno she has been extremely hurt by the prospect - Hidden Messages, Vor nearly getting us with the Ascaris during the tutorial, her fear and telling us to leave rather than fight, hell even scolding Maroo when the latter starts to poke at us too much.


    The Tenno are SO much more than just tools to her. She is, as the Devs have joked so often, our "space mom" - a figure that loves us like a mother, regardless of any biological connection or not

    I agree i dont think it counts aswell

  8. (Sorry, but I couldn't help myself with posting a random stupid conspiracy theory that just popped into my mind.)


    You can believe the "propaganda" that Lotus picks you back up when the missions go bad, but the real truth is that it is all Klem. When the Grineer say "Get Clem" they are insulting the tenno because they think the tenno can actually take on the units in the ship and survive.


    After you are knocked down and left for dead, Clem comes forth and gathers all the down'ed tenno and their companions (E.G. Kubrows / Sentinels / etc.) and puts them in his giant waste bin (he does volunteer cleanup work when not with the SM). He takes us away, heals us up, and then kicks us back onto our ships for the fee of.....all the items and a good chunk of xp you found during your run. If you wonder why the Grineer and other factions agree to this, it is because Clem has done it for so long that his gear loadout is too OP for them to handle. His gear setup has enough aura mods that they nuke rooms of foes through the walls.


    You think the tactical alert where DE had level 1000+ troops showing up was tough? Clem does those runs with MK gear and no mods for a "light workout".  Why is it that DE set up the Formorian event where they would leave behind at least three relays? Clem was buying cleaning supplies on those three and Hek didn't want to risk irritating them. Hek had more Formorians waiting to take us all out, but he blew up the relay that took the 80% off coupon for new mop heads.


    Manics only tackle and claw you because the last Manic that wouldn't stop beating on a downed tenno got a drop kick from Clem so hard the Queens felt it.


    The only reason why the G3 get away with only bolting us instead of killing us is because the last time they killed a tenno; Clem killed them, revived them, and then "rinsed and repeat" it enough times till they learned their lesson.


    Whay I am trying to say here is that Clem is love and Clem is life! Sure he may be a medallion collector for SM when you go and see him on the Relays, but when you are not there, that guy is out trying to make sure the Tenno can still do what they do. Sure SM sends their units after their enemies, but that is because if they didn't do it then Clem would probably show up and challenge you himself.....and lets just say he needs more than 5 raid parties to take down.

    This guy is a legend^

  9. Kinda confused with the OP. The Red Veil and Lotus have the same end goal. There means for achieving it differ a bit but they both want balance restored to the system. 

    The thing is that I dont really trust her because she saved us once doesn't mean we should trust her as she is also holding information about our past and wont share it with us makes it even more fishy

  10. I Think something along the lines of:


    Cabrow (So replacing the Ku in kubrow and placing the first two letters of cat in there)


    Sembi (So taking a siamis cat or however you spell that breed 'em' comes from nowhere just fits nice and the 'bi' comes from tabby cat but spelt tabbie  plus i think Sembi rolls off the tounge nicest)

  11. It's not locked because all things considered, this is actually a rather healthy discussion on opinions on the Lotus, and the other factions. It's hilariously rare to get these kinda threads.

    I would like to thank myself for starting this thread ;)

  12. it would be cool if u could go rogue and/or turn evil or something. There could be an event where those who stayed and supported Lotus would fight against the other tenno who would be attacking lotus's hideout or something like that "with great power comes great responsibility"

    This idea is amazing DE should do something like this. They won't I know but it is a cool idea.

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