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Posts posted by -Sora-

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some bad planning here considering [DE]'s reputation of focusing on certain aspects of content for an arbitrary amount of time. The UI has been redone what? About 5 times? There was pre-u13 that had its own set, U13, U14's take, U16's retake i believe, the star chart rework we were promised that never took hold. Now we have the sacrifice redoing parts of the UI in it's own theme. almost 4 years later.

    My main concern for content is that everything is created at the absolute baseline for functionality. Then built upon later leading to the contrasting themes of the new gold 'sacrifice ui' with the blue contrast of the star chart, along with the u14 pause menu. It's all built up with a different theme or focus now. There is no consistent theme of how the game is supposed to work anymore leading to oldies like me (jeez I'm only in my 20's) being overwhelmed with pointless side-grades at best in my decked out gear I've had since OG Mirage came out. An amp kills just as fast as any other weapon, whats the point of grinding for them? Why do I care about Zaws when melee gets straight up nerfed because 'damage 3.0' is coming. The melee rework still hasn't come out yet. But the straight up nerf [DE] released still exists. Operators are a straight mess that has so conceivable use in regular gameplay and are supplemented with absurd grind to even become a slight downgrade compared to warframe gameplay. Then are touted as the main focus of all new content. Whats the point of wasting time grinding days worth of focus for 30 minutes of content? Then the nerfing of push 4 to win whilst consequently increasing resource requirements for new content is rather poor as well. Is this supposed to be a horde massacre shoot and loot game? or a hallway shooter?

    Why is so much contradictory content being developed? It's leading to all of this content drought with Lunaro being the current 'shiny new thing' that was beloved then tossed aside. Then its POE being the shiny new thing developed, then tossed aside for venus. The Sacrifice just is a poor excuse at this point. What exactly did it provide for the players to play differently in a meaningful manner? Unpolarizable mods, A slightly tweaked Excalibur? A couple new conflicting UI sections? The Drought has always been there, it's just finally been made more apparent to more players now.

    Hopefully the pushback will get [DE] into gear about something finally.



  2. I could have sworn the update page originally mentioned that The Sacrifice was the end of a trilogy.


    Other than that, I agree with your points. Content Drought is at it's peak currently for an update that was even hyped at E3 this year. I started playing in U13, and for the amount of hype including the treatment of the update as one on the level of U14 or TSD it's disappointing to have such a lackluster 'major' update.

  3. Rather than writing out a few paragraphs on the flaws i found with the update that will ultimately be ignored despite offering detailed and constructive criticism, here is my reaction after finishing the sacrifice.

    Where is the actual update?

  4. That goes against the purpose of the new system. [DE] is attempting to get away from the restricted nature of Gameworks/Apex, hence why they developed the GPU Particles. The new particle system is pretty advanced, it's just that it isn't fully utilized.

    Whilst PhysX and FLEX and any other Gameworks graphics options are decent in action, It's kind of pointless to implement them at this point. [DE] created a decent cloth dynamics system way back in U16. The new GPU Particles are decent enough in terms of similarity to PhysX / Apex dynamics. Nvidia Hairworks / VXAO /PCSS are all relatively heavy and difficult to implement without alienating the AMD population (Plus 80% of the time they make negligible differences to graphical quality in terms of cost.) FLEX in games like KF2 is ridiculously heavy (and looks great) but is really incompatible and prone to crashing. I personally would prefer [DE] refines the current system they implemented rather than tossing it all out so only 10% of it's user-base can enjoy FLEX.

    As much as I hate to admit it, give [DE] some time to develop the system some more. There are variables in the .exe itself that point to the system being able to be adjusted as needed. Whilst I am no expert on the subject. increasing values like 'mMaximumParticles' and 'mHitParticles' would improve the look and feel of the system. Losing the stretching that occurs based upon velocity would help also('.mParticleSysDesc.mVelocityStretch'). The system is too sparky in appearance, for explosive barrels this makes sense, but on everything else it looks out of place. And lastly, the system is too 'explody' Abilities had a more hose-like effect after the explosion and this appears to be implemented in the game currently, but is unused. 


    But at the end of the day, APEX is dead, long live GPU particles! =)


  5. The main issue is that it appears that only certain particle systems involve the new dynamics that were implemented. It looks like most of the new system involves a mixture of the old flow particles with a touch of new generators dependent on what abilities are used. Sayrn's ability set implements a lot of particle collision upon the environment AND IT LOOKS GREAT. Nidus on the other hand has no dynamics occurring at all (as far as I can see.) 

    That is the key factor that made PhysX so appealing to those who used it. It made the game world appear much more interactive, not necessarily realistic, but it conveyed a real sense of power to each ability. Hardware has gotten much more powerful in the past few years alone which was the primary reason that a majority of PhysX particles were disabled since disappearing bodies caused crashes and frame drops.

    I'm sure many expected similar dynamics, myself included and that is the primary reason behind the disappointment. It appears that a majority of Warframes still use the flow system hence the lack of dynamics. Certainly, implementing them on a per warframe basis is extremely taxing towards whomever does particle work. But the system itself is still in a beta stage from the looks of it which is not a bad thing at all. I'm completely impressed [DE] returned to this as PhysX was completely swept under the rug apart from the time Valkyr and Banshee had Apex Particles re-added to certain abilities and sincerely hope it does not got shoved under the rug, again. The new system has a lot of hidden potential simply waiting to be unlocked.

    I would suggest that people also stop jumping on [DE] with such hyperbolic language. I digress that certain aspects of the system are unfavorable in it's current state. Some adjustments are required, so here is a quick bullet list of the primary concerns that seem to be prevalent.

    • Dynamics are severely lacking on a majority of Warframe abilities. (Collision with the environment is lacking on too many warframes to count. Vauban's vortex is a missed opportunity)



    • Projectile-based abilities and weapon based abilities lack particles on the created object (Gara's 1, Nidus' 2 and 1, Hydroid's 4, and probably many more)


    • Phase out the cheap billboard effects on most abilities and replace them with the new particles. Unless it indicates range, there is no reason to have them and it hides the new particle systems. 



    • Delayed cast abilities (Loki's 4) do not have any particle effects on the actual cast compared to the ramp up.



    • Particle Lifetime is severely short. Look at the PhysX trailer for a reference here. Most abilities have a strong lingering effect on the environment.



    • Density varies way too much between abilities, standardize it according to the GPU Particles options (Ludicrous should be LUDICROUS!)



    • SLIDERS ARE NOT OVERRATED. More customization does not hurt anyone, especially in terms of graphic capabilities. From my limited experience with particle systems (blender mostly) you can adjust the number of particles created per system. If it's on a multiplier basis, implementing the logic here would not be necessarily difficult. There is no negative to letting us push our systems to the absolute limit here.

    And to top it off, here is a quick mock-up of a slider option. This allows individuals who do not like excessive screen coverage to adjust it as needed.



  6. Yeah lifetime is definitely disappointing, I am playing around in Captura trying to get a feel for some of the new effects, yet half the time I feel like I can't even obtain a proper screenshot since half of the glitter disappears, or there are barely present any apart from the initial casting.

    The system itself does look great in action. But at times it seems completely underwhelming for being 'Ludicrous.' Apart from a few select warframes, most of the effects appear to either be implemented in an extremely limited fashion in terms of density and lifetime.


    Here are some screenshots.

    Rhino's 4 looks absolutely awesome.




    Nekros' 2 is barely even touched.



    Nezha's look arbitrarily long for some reason, rather than being dense.



    Nidus's 4 barely has anything.



    Loki's 4 is rather underwhelming, there are few particles after the initial cast, and the particles around his hands are too grouped.



    Gara's 1 has no dynamics other than being shoved outwards



    Hydroid's 1 and 2 are beautiful, albeit short on lifetime, You can't admire the aftermath of anything going off, especially in Tidal Surge's case.



    Hydroid's 4 seems pretty underwhelming in comparison. And has the same issue with long particles rather than using several dense particles.



    Nekro's 4 appears to be using very few of the new particles.



    Only octavia's mallet (1) has particle effects, everything else has nothing. Why can't her 4 be more like Rhino's?



    Excalibur's 1 and 2 look great, His 4 only has the initial draw, no lingering effects from his sword are present.




    Rhino's 1 barely has anything happening, Hydroid's 2 does. Both abilities are functionally the same, why does rhino have less?




  7. Rhino is definately a lot more entertaining with the new particle effects. However, on other warframes particle effects seem to just be lacking in general. Loki's radial disarm used to have some pretty cool effects when PhysX was in it's full version and several others used to look pretty awesome.

    Maybe I'm just missing something, but Ludicrous doesn't really seem that 'Ludicrous' to me. I was half-hoping for similar density to the original PhysX trailer. A 'Ridiculous' setting would be great for those with high end GPUs. 300% Density would look pretty awesome if more of the new particles were implemented for Warframes.

    And I have to agree that the particle lifetime seems to be a bit on the short side. Maybe add in a slider to adjust the length on a per client basis?



  8. 2 hours ago, Momaw said:

    Power creep is bad.  Enemies do not get more powerful with each update, so adding weapons that get more powerful with each update just carries further and further beyond the point where there's any challenge in the game. Weapons that stomp all over the enemies without giving those enemies a chance to ever fight back is boring. We need LESS powerful weapons, with unique interactive behaviors, to keep the game interesting.

    However, you already got your wish. The Galatine Prime just came out and it makes every other melee weapon obsolete. Merry Christmas.

    Due to the nature of the game, the gimmick weapons get underused. Why should i use the Heliocor if I already have a completed codex? Why should I use half of the weapons that were released in U16 when the old, tried, and true weapons excel and are much more efficient for everything?


    I'd prefer to use a tried and true method instead of having to rely on getting headshots with the Dual Toxocyst pistols. When I'm in a 4 player public match I barely have time to even aim due to everyone blending everything into dust.  And If I'm running solo there arent enough enemies half the time for me to make use of the "unique" interactions anyways.


    Just giving out "unique interactive behaviors" to "make the game interesting" doesn't work if half of the time the features are on low-mid tier weapons.


    Besides, how is power creep bad?


    MMOs manage to do it all the time. And people keep playing them! World of Warcraft has been going on strong for a decade. And with each expansion pack the numbers on everything went up. It's literally the only solution that actually keeps the base game the same whilst adding onto progression.


    We shouldn't have to gimp builds in order to have a challenge. The game should give us challenge yet give us the tools to exceed them. "Stomping" enemies happens because high level players are condensed into zones with low level enemies. The Synoid SImulor is absurdly overpowered because the numbers it puts out are absolutely ridiculous in the current game meta. It's leading to the stagnation of progression within the game.


    Power creep is not giving us OP gear to take out weak enemies. We should get lesser rewards for doing so in the first place. Almost every game does this. I'm level 30, The enemies are level 15-20, I'm not getting rewards, I should move onto higher level content. However we are STUCK at level 30 whilst the enemies power up EXPONENTIALLY. And we have to rely on broken items to have a fighting chance.


    It's not power creep. It's simple progression. 


    Enemies do absurd amounts of damage and have absurd amounts of health in the current endgame (>lvl 100) due to the scaling present in the game. If players are allowed to match it and eventually exceed it, They should be REWARDED. But instead, we get those lovely 5000 credit bundles of disappointment. There is only the entry level rewards for top of the line players.


    To fix this, we need to get players OUT of lower level missions and INTO higher level content. AND BASE NEW CONTENT AROUND THIS. A player should not start the war within with low-mid range gear. It should take players with high end gear. Then introduce higher end gear in order to push progression along. This is not intended to sound entitled or anything. The game has been focusing far too long on the low to mid range area of gameplay. And ignoring the higher level. The meta needs to consistently change otherwise it leads to the stagnation that we have RIGHT NOW. 


    I don't care if i have to farm new resources in a different galaxy, I don't care if I need to forma new gear, I don't care if I need to level my warframe up to level 60. The truth is the game is STUCK in a rut, and the view that "Oh but muh challenge!" is outright denial that the game is stuck because we have been stuck at level 30 for ages. If we want more challenge then we need to be given the tools to deal with the game's scaling system. If enemies scale exponentially, then we should too. 


    This means we need level 100+ planets. A higher level cap for powers and warframes, new mods, new gear, and new content to be tailored towards older players. This fixes the fundamental issues with the current meta. And every major update should do this.


    The current scaling from level 1-30 is absolutely fine. Beyond that it gets into procedurally generated challenges. That is the issue. because it is computer generated. There is no way to play content in the level 100+ range without relying on breaking the game. This needs to be fixed.


    If the content we receive is tailored to the lowest common denominator. Then we get the exact issue that we have right now.


    It's up to the player base to decide whether or not to go with it. And from the way things are looking, It's staying exactly how it is.


    Now if you excuse me it's about time i went to sleep.

  9. The video does bring up several points that are pretty valid in this moment in time. Not really sure why you're getting so much flak OP. 

    Telling the guy in the video to "git gud" is ignoring the issue and makes me feel as if you didn't even watch the damn video. 


    The "self imposed arm race" point is really valid as literally every new weapon is either a sidegrade or straight downgrade to the big weapons already in the game. I don't want gimmicky weapons. I want something that I can improve my game with.


    Content Drought is also very very real. The video brings up sorties and I agree as to how there is no real progression outside of sorties which really don't give much of a reward for the time we put in. I already have the wraith weapons and focus lens' that I want. Why bother for a 10% chance of getting fusion cores?


    There is no next level past sortie / 2 hr long survivals. And that is an issue. If you go into T4 survivals and plan on actually living as a squishy class while solo you most likely need to have invisibility and/or quick thinking. Because if you die you die, and there is nobody to revive you.



  10. The only issue i really have with the update is how focused it is on new players and not older players. The idea of having to fight specters in order to progress to the next planet is executed very well. However, it falls over due to it not also appealing to older players.

    What use is a Furis blueprint, and a few thousand credits to an MR 13 player? I can easily buy most of the items offered with no issue. Even then, there is no incentive to even attempt to actually do the junctions as I already have other planets unlocked.

    It is way too focused on the 'new player experience.' This leads to it being detrimental towards giving a new experience to players. Especially old ones as they have no reason to even bother with the content introduced. Its a time sink with no reward or progression for older players. I already progressed past the point which they are intended to take you, therefore I have to reason to attempt it.


    There should have been an option to at least reset star chart progress in order to actually allow older players to experience the 'new player experience.' 


    This includes being able to restart old quests. It gives older players a reason to replay all of the lower level and forgotten missions. It was mentioned when U14 dropped that there was work going towards replayable quests. What happened? Or even Nightmare Versions of the quests? Those were mentioned too. So many ideas are brought up yet largely ignored. 


    Regardless, the update is very pleasing aesthetically. And overall makes the general mission process feel more refined. It's just that the rewards for making progress are rendered null to older players who only have void content to farm. I shouldn't have to make a new account, forfeit everything I earned: my platinum, my prime access packs, my weapons, my companions, etc. Just so I can actually experience an entire update.

    I want to be able to enjoy having to reactivate solar junctions, not see them as a chore with no reward. 


    What I think would make the update feel more rewarding to the older playerbase would be giving an option to reset star chart progress, placing the player at Terminus. And allow them to work themselves back up to their former status. But only for those who wish to do so. Second of all, give older players a reason to activate junctions other than mastery and fodder items. Have the loot scale up based on mastery, or do a token economy. 

    This would allow players to actually experience the update as intended. Allow them to work themselves up the rails again should they wish to do so.

    It's not enjoyable having to go, "Oh I guess ill just play lower level missions for no reason as I already have gotten past them and the rewards for replaying them are low-tier."

    This effectively cuts off half of the player-base from the whole update as well as further ones because most content is geared towards the 'new player experience.'


  11. After reading through about 13 pages of this, I finally got a grasp of what the heck I want to know about.


    I'm not intending to start an argument or anything of the sort. Just trying to see how some things fit together in the entire aspect of the player base being overpowered and the proposed adjustments that several people have mentioned.


    First and foremost, this has been a nagging issue i noticed throughout the thread as people mention the constant reworks of both players and enemies. How will this make the game more enjoyable for me as a player? I don't see much mention of that, and I really don't want to dig through an extra 20 pages of crap to find out. The way I see it is, The proposed changes do revolve around reducing the general speed of the game. Proposed ideas like headshots being critical hits only sound good on paper, However, in execution, it would not work out in the fast paced TPS-RPG game that we have at the moment. As a player, you don't always have time to slow down and go for headshots as you can get torn up like a paper napkin in higher level missions. But that's not necessarily a bad thing is it? It keeps a certain edge on the player, especially in 90m+ survival matches. Smacking around ability use (Specifically, damage and crowd control) seems like it's a knee jerk reaction to the lowest common denominator (Past level 30, damage based abilities become pointless and CC becomes more important. Therefore, I min-max)  I worked hard to grind out corrupted mods in order to min-max my builds. Should I be punished for my work?


    Second of all,  I want to bring up the issue I have with the game right now. And that is, there is no reason for me as a player to even care about half of the content I get now. It's either a hopeless grind which I cannot keep up with due to work and life, It's too long of a wait for an hour of new content that will be 'coming soon™' or "will be implemented at a later date." Update 18 came out in December. And absolutely nothing has been done with anything it added except for minor tweaks to the focus system, and more teasing about what is coming soon. Odds are, the same thing will happen once the bulk of U19 drops. Tying this back into the point above, It's clear DE wants some kind of progression to be occurring with the introduction of focus. But the lack of attention to it demonstrates they don't know where it should go as shown by little being done to it for a little over half a year. Focus shows that power creep is coming. But I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing for the game.


    However, in it's current state, It's S#&$e. 


    Power creep is a part of MMOs as demonstrated through the various expansion packs released for games such as WoW, Everquest, Guild Wars, you name it. They up the numbers but also up the players. As well as adding new environments meant to last for a decent amount of the player's time. Be it through having to mine new resources, skin new animals, cook new foods, obtain new gear. This is where Warframe is having an identity crisis of sorts. The players get stronger, However, there is little done to actually move them along the rails. Instead, we get stuck at the current top of the game. We have no reason to keep playing except for grinding for what have you. And whenever a major content update drops, It lasts for a couple hours, then I go back to running around cheesing through mooks because I have nothing else to do. And it does get boring because I'm at the top. And I cannot go anywhere else because I'm at the point which every serious player will hit in an MMO. I've maxed out my character and therefore, am stuck until new content gets added. As i grind longer and longer doing more of the same with the same boundaries set, My enjoyment of the game wavers. Thats the issue right now. This leads to high leveled players getting shoved together with lower players due to there being nowhere for them to actually go. It's like all the high level players in WoW being stuck in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms and having to compete with lower level characters for rewards. 


    It leads to issues exactly like this. Lower level characters complain about higher level characters competing with them. High level players have nowhere to go, therefore they tell lower level players to sod off. And it leads to this mess of a thread.


    What would my solution be? 


    Do a WoW sized expansion for the next major update. Ala Burning Crusade or WOTLK


    What does this mean for the players? 

    New resources need to be farmed. New Mods need to be obtained, New Weapons need to be built, and new abilities need to be made. 


    Instead of having Serration, Now players get SerrationΩ. And new content needs to be based around this. Therefore players always have something to work towards. 


    Does this negate player effort?

    Slightly, However, all new loot should be allowed to carry over to lower level content. But the players at the high spectrum of the game shouldn't have to return to lower level content as they have no use for it. Besides, The end result is more power to the player in the end. Is that not a bad thing? It rewards progression and doesn't completely punish the player for their work as they can simply fuse the old R10 mod into the stronger R10 mod


    And content such as the void should have higher end content Ala Tower1Ω 2Ω 3Ω with double the amount of loot drops in order to reward players for reaching such a high level. 


    That's my solution to the issue. It's not nerf everything in order to make it a more even playing ground. But instead add in more progression to further the lifetime of the game itself for players at their endgame. 


  12. These are some of my opinons. 

    @OP Most trees don't specifically state the roles they fall into. While some might consider Naramon a stealth tree it is focused on "Knowing The Enemy" which is incredibly vague upon itself. Therefore you can't really classify them as typical MMO based classes/abilities.


    Most of the trees don't really follow their descriptions at all. Vazarin is "Countering The Enemy" which doesn't really sound much like healing. Moreso debuffs. Y'know? 


    Focus needs a bit of an adjustment to that I agree. Progression is a nightmare. And most trees don't exactly feel rewarding towards the player. One way I think that the entire passive debate could be settled is by making each tree have it's own unique melee critical ability which I mentioned in another thread.

    Naramon has shadow step.

    Unairu gets an invulnerability or a massive self damage reduction (I'm saying like 95%) on melee crit

    Vazarin gives a squadwide 75% damage reduction on melee crit

    This way they maintain a balance between each one.


    Cooldowns should definately go. They just make focus in general more of a chore to use due to it taking 3 minutes between each usage of the ability.


    In terms of progression. I feel that locking it to certain ingame acheivements is just adding into the grind. Before focus gains were nerfed you could get a decent amount of focus points without having to run draco 24/7. Even with the pickup multipliers are pitiful. I get a whooping 500 focus when most abilities cost over 50k. Instead of segregating focus gains to certain tasks. I'd say there needs to be doubled, maybe tripled in order for progression to be more pronounced.


    In general, focus should be more accesible because of it's current status of being "endgame" It needs to actually be strong in order for it to actually be viable for usage instead of a gimmick to play with on <lvl 20 missions.



  13. While the new Star Chart that steve is teasing looks fantastic. It looks to be a very massive strain on the eyes. Is there a possiblity of there being a "Dark Theme" for vampires like myself? :)


    E.g a black background with white text versus the white with black

  14. On 3/27/2016 at 5:48 PM, owendawgx said:

    Plain and simple: it makes every other melee ability/arcane/aspect 100% useless.

    Valkyr invulnerability? Who cares?

    Loki/Ash invisibility? Completely pointless for melee now, Naramon does it better! And on any frame you like!

    Arcane Trickery? Obsolete.

    Nullifiers? Don't matter. 

    Non-Crit melee? Why bother even bringing a melee at that point?

    Endurance runs of Survival for hours? I could do it with an unranked Warfame.

    This is incredibly poor design.

    No drawbacks, permanent invisibility on any frame, any scenario, as long as you use a decent crit weapon. This is an insult to your player base. Buff the other focus groups, but nerf Naramon as well. Being able to do these things makes so many other factors of the game worthless, and trivializes all the time, plat, forma and other resources required. It's boring, and atrocious, in its current state. 


    ALSO: keep in mind that the vast majority of dissenters for this are blinded by how broken it is. Remember when people hated you for "nerfing" (balancing/changing) Saryn? Yea, this is the same issue. They refuse to admit its obvious design flaws. Please take this all into consideration. 

    As for melee not doing enough damage: melee is now stronger than most Primaries/Secondaries, due to Red Crits, permanent stacking of Combo, and stealth multiplier.

    ALSO: Remember that Naramon doesn't cost any energy at all. Just something worth mentioning. 

    So essentially. It's "this thread again"  

    Lets get some things out of the way.

    It does not make loki/ash useless. It DOES NOT open up enemies to stealth finishers like Invisiblity/Smoke Bomb/Prowl does. Ergo, you lose a crapload of potential DPS. See this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN5i8Tsh8z8

    Arcanes? They are a massive time and/or cash sink. Half the time they aren't even worth the effort. 

    Valkyr Invulnerability: Toss on Primed Reach, nullifiers are then sorted. 

    Endurance Runs with an unranked warframe? Proof OP. Remember that you do have to first charge up your focus ability in order to use it. 

    This is an insult to the player base? How? The game has been stagnating for months in terms of progression. DE finally adds in an extended system of progression that was intended for endgame and everyone screams nerf. 

    It makes so many factors in the game useless. How? You can't buy focus with plat. IF the game is so boring. Then perhaps it's due to player error? Maybe you should take a break and stop playing the game for a little? I did because it started to get boring. But thats what happens once a player reaches endgame in any MMO.

    Melee is finally a viable option. Holy crap. I can actually do some kind of decent damage in the late game. I don't need a synoid simulorXmirage combo to actually survive. Is this what you want? The game to simply be broken down towards the big three? Soma Prime, Boltor Prime, Synoid Simulor?

    "It doesn't cost any energy at all." Okay? Neither does any arcane. I can use Loki w/ maximum duration and efficiency for 12.5 energy as well as a 33 second invisiblity as well as having stealth finishers, AND not having to wait for a medicore focus ability to charge up.


    OP. I'm not trying to bash here. In all honesty. Shadow Step on paper does seem to be unbalanced. However, this is because no other focus tree has an ability simillar to it. I do see the issue. However, screaming nerf like this only solves one problem. Instead of bringing down one tree with the intention of endgame. The rest should be brought up. Hell, give Unairu 5/7/10 seconds of invulnerability on crit melee. Zenurik 5/7/10 of 75% damage invulnerability for the squad. Each tree has a specific concept. Except Naramon has one which exceeds the others. No other tree has a 5/7/10 ability. They need one. Lets not bring one down when we can instead bring the rest up.


    I'm probably going to get lynched for this. But Warframe NEEDS POWER CREEP. The game scales infinitely. And it's being done in an especially small area. Therefore leading to these overpowered endgame characters cheesing through content meant for lower level players. The game needs a new sector for endgame players to play in. If they can trivialize the current endgame. Then the game needs a new endgame. It gives the game new life. If DE expands the solar system. Then we would be able to spread out drop tables. Thereby reducing grind. We wouldn't have to retire gear. We would have endgame. Heck, if warframe abilities scaled infinitely (including mods) yet were locked to certain values in certain areas I feel the game would be a lot better for it. 

    Instead of the entire nerf mentality. Why not bring things up? Why not expand? Why not encourage actually playing on higher level planets? Sure, locking certain abilities behind higher levels might be a band-aid. But it stops the entire issue of players being able to cheese through certain missions.


    Is progression really that bad?




  15. Sort of the point i was attempting to make, yeah. 


    The issue is that scaling is out of whack and a majority of frames focus on pure DPS which ends up leading to threads such as this. Those who can CC typically are preferred over others due to it not falling off as much as pure damage abilities.


    If scaling gets sorted out then threads like this might be reduced in number. 

  16. Nezha has a pretty damn good place imho


    Warding halo is essentially a beefed up version of rhino's iron skin with a few seconds of damage absorb. Which can really be handy later on should the player have a decent eye for triggering it.

    Divine Spears is a near upgrade to radial javelin due to it having an infinite number of targets as well as more damage once you factor in the slam part of it. (2688 vs Excal at 2238 damage)

    He mixes two together yet does so in a way where he is unique. He lacks the buffing ability of roar, as well as having only a self buff version of speed. This gives him a specific niche for himself.

    While I do agree some frames need some love. Most fill specific niches do so well. The issue stems from most powers simply falling off later on in the game which is progression related. Not really frame balance imo.

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