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Posts posted by genjishu

  1. Did a Tower 3 Sabotage with 2 other Clan members, grabbed all 3 caches and went in to kill the sisters. Upon killing 1 of the sisters, the other sister disappeared under the map only to die moments later and no key was dropped to place into the beam device. Only objective listed was the device itself as if we already acquired the key and were ready to leave.

  2. I am Genjishu. I am 19 years old and I've been playing this game for a little over two months now and figured an introductions was a bit overdue. I am the leader of a ghost clan named Shadow Serpent and currently started working on my own tiny community inside of our massive community. This game so far has been extremely entertaining and I have met quite a few interesting people since I've started and hope to continue to meet more wonderful people as I play this awesome game.

  3. Hmm, I originally did want to build a Marelok but gave up on it for awhile since I had to use my polymer bundles for clan research...But I guess i'll build that next and see. As for whether it's automatic or not I don't really care just as long as it's useful haha. Thanks for all the great tips too! Also would it be worth it to potato/forma the acrid? Or is it a lost cause?

  4. I'm trying to find a secondary weapon that can perform well in most situations, I recently build the acrid only to find that its damage doesn't seem quite there... Anyone have some recommendations on what secondary I should use? Tired of getting blown up by my own angstrum when teammates intercept the rockets...

  5. Shadow Serpent is a small ghost clan that I started with friends so that we could all have fun together and fight together, only problem is a few of the members don't really play so I'm currently working towards expanding the clan. I have almost all of the labs completely unlocked (very very few items not fully researched), as well as a trading post up and functional. Just looking for new members to bring some life to this dreary clan. If you're interested hit me up with a message on here or add me in game and I'll chat with you anytime I'm on.

  6. I'm personally not having any trouble with logging in, chat or missions. It may just be on your end. I'd try restarting your modem if you have one and possibly restarting the computer. If that doesn't work possibly try calling your internet provider and check in with them to see if anything's wrong, sometimes it's just the simple things though.

  7. I'm looking to trade my Brown Male Sahasa Kubrow with Black Tiger Stripes and stout muscular build for a Huras of the same build (rare colors/patterns not required). Only accepting offers of Huras with the stout muscular build. Gender to me doesn't matter.


    Here is what mine looks like for reference.


  8. Recently I've been trying to make a clan emblem for my ghost clan, Shadow Serpent, but alas to no avail. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who could make my clan a proper emblem since none of us have any kind of creativity in making the picture x.x


    We're in desperate need of an emblem and would love some help for a nice one. 

  9. I recently have been attempting in obtaining an emblem for my small clan and so far I have a decent idea of what I want it to look like, but I don't really have the creativity to do it myself. 




    That's all I have so far, if anyone has ways of improving it or even fixing it to look better so that I can use it in game I'd greatly appreciate it and I'm sure my clan members would to. Our clan is called Shadow Serpent if it helps with any ideas. I used purple for the background simply because it was a darkish color. Any colors will do as long as it's kind of stealthy or dark feeling.

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