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Posts posted by Arehk

  1. I don't know what you are talking about dps stats but the bullet damage isnt replaced by proc. The proc adds to bullet damage, it is just that viral is strange.


    We could test my theory. Find something with enough hp to be halved and at the same time have the bullet exceed the 50% threshold and you should be left with something like


    475/500 on that first proc bullet


    (if the braton did 525 damage per bullet @ 100% proc)


    but then again it is just what I think happens. I might be totally wrong. I'd pm some of the devs if you really want to know how it works


    Been testing things out myself, from my own obeservations I am willing to say you are incorrect, status effect happens first, the HP is halved and then damage is applied.



    Did some testing because the stuff DoG was saying sounded made up on the spot.


    Damage is applied AFTER the Viral proc. If you shoot once, the enemy health will be halved and THEN damage is applied. This is good news for snipers/semi-autos.






    After a Single Viral Shot:


    (yeah I missed 3 times, stupid railing)

    I had someone tell me this and it really seems that way in my gameplay experience.

  2. Does this status effect proc before actual damage proc? I.e. If I put this on a sniper rifle would the bullet have to shoot through their whole health and then after it would proc viral, or will it proc viral to begin with and the bullet damages their halved health after that proc?



  3. It makes sense to have Shotgun Amp if we got a rifle/sniper one.


    Also, Arehk, why are you posting its name at the end of each post? :P

    The people have a right to know.


    When is Shotgun Amp coming?

  4. its gonna be nerfed before being released... u thought it's good? look at dead eye

    20% is better than nothing.


    Shotgun Amp

  5. No. You can't.


    It will be released in maybe never.

    I bet all the Devs have it for their characters though, wow.


    Shotgun Amp

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