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Posts posted by (PSN)I_BajanCanadian

  1. Well with every update being massive ones, "little" issues like this tend to get overlooked I'm guessing. And with U14+ coming along with a load of new stuff, I don't expect this to be fixed. Maybe the update after :)

    Ya "little" not like this is making a great power useless or anything, an ya maybe by the time we get u19.7 it will finally be fixed *fingers crossed*

  2. I have tried everything to fix the error about the ports and even tried to DMZ it but the game still comes up with the same port error is this a bug in the update or what

    Are you using a modem and a router seperatly, if you are this is probably why because everything coming thru is being filtered twice. I had this same problem so i just went and got a modem/router from my ISP and it worked fine after that. Hope this helped

  3. I play Draco on Ceres alot to get t4 keys and i get an average of 2 orokin cells per run so they really arn't that rare, but yes the distilling extractors need some love, i put one on jupiter 2 weeks ago to try to get neural sensors and haven't gotten any so far. I also agree the forma build time is too long considering i have over 60 of them thats 2 months for non-stop forma building so i would like to see the time reduced or the ability to build multiples at a time. I think the resorces in alerts should be bumped up to a pack of 5 like in t4 with packs of 5 fusion cores. I also agree they should add calalysts and reactors to the t4 drop tables, i mean you can get a forma from t2 an t3 and they cost the same in the market. Overall some good suggestions

  4. First off let me say i recommend NEVER RUSHING ANYTHING, but to your problem just submit a support ticket an they will give you your plat back 

  5. I had this happen to me with the stalker too, and i was playing a t4 interception last week and vor came during the stay or go screen and killed me. I really hope they fix this in the next patch. 

  6. I have had this happen to me multiple time and i cant remember any similarities in these situations. My Carrier will pic up everything but it just floats above my head and makes my camera but out. I kind of have a picture of all the stuff my carrier has picked up but not one of how it messes up the camera. Also when i was playing yesterday my Carrier died but it still wouldn't let me collect anything. I didn't know if this was a problem on PC too so i just thought I would put it here.

  7. First off let me say this re-releasing event mods is complete BS in my opinion, maybe not from someone who i don't know DIDN'T do the event. Before the cicero mods were re-released people were offering to buy them for 750p, sometimes even up to 1000p, then when news broke they were coming, im ps4 so we knew when update for pc came out, the price dropped to around 100~150p. Now since we got the update you cant find any1 that wants them. The price dropped from 750p to next to nothing within a month, now all i think is WTF, i did that event for the mods not the badge or the twin vipers. Since everyone knows the tethra set is probably coming soon it's hard to sell a tethra set at all, and once again i did that event for the mods not the badges an surely not for the disappointing gorgon wraith. I now feel like i did both of those events for nothing since the event EXCLUSIVE mods aren't exclusive now. I am also debating wether or not to even do the next event because in a month or two they will be worthless. Also wheres primed chamber it was an event mod before the cicero or tethra event so why hasn't that been re-released yet? An since your making all these mods worthless why dont you just re-release Excaliber Prime, i mean that was an exclusive item so why dont you re-release it too and make everyone that has him feel like what they did was worthless. I don't see why you can't do something like you did with primed chamber an release an uncommon version of the mods that  have less stats, say 40% at max so the mods we got from DOING the event actually are still worth something. I would just like to say to myself hey it was worth doing that event. 

  8. First let me start off saying i didn't really know where to put this at so forgive me if its in the wrong section. Anyways down to it i have seen at least 10 ppl today in trading saying "doubling" plat pm me. This is obviously a scam as there is no platinum glitch, so i was wondering why is there no way to report ppl doing this so they don't rip someone off. It is bound to happen because, pardon me, but there are some not so smart ppl out there. I think new players are especially vunerable to this because they dont know really how everything works, just that stuff they want costs plat so they want more and what is more appealing than "free" plat. PLZ implement a way to report ppl like this and also NO ONE ON PS4 FALL FOR THIS IT IS A SCAM.

  9. Just a reminder about Sony and cert...

    At this point nearly all PS4's are still under the year warranty from original purchase. Unless that warranty has been otherwise invalidated, Sony is responsible for those systems. It is in their financially sound interest to make sure updates for any game, not just Warframe, do not cause damage.

    Updates don't cause system damage, PC updates dont go through any certification an i don't see any bricked pc's. the new consoles are just like pc's so as long as the updates don't brick pc's i don't see why we need cert

  10. so another F*cking week of waiting for the update. COME THE F*CK ON, IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE DAMN UPDATE. AND NOTHING YET. when drew says that he will give us an update on 13.7 it will be A MONTH OF WAITING. im bored as hell and I cant do anything else, not because of laziness but because of my broken arm. I cant do anything active. this sucks cattle anus

    Exactly They say they will update us on the updates status, but the only update they ever give us is "ok its out now". We never get a "it will be out next week" or a "should be out tomorrow or the next day" its always "we don't have an update really" then "ok everyone its out"

  11. does everyone complain the moment they hit the forums for the first time without reading or taking a look at the history. good point youngn0121 perf has improved and continues to improve. the game is a beta for a reason i truly wish though before you gripe about what should be unacceptable do a little research. everyone at DE has worked extremely hard to keep this game progressing forward and it has done an amazing job at it. i believe if we could just point out the glitches with screenshots to prove them or clipping affects or sound effects it would help the community instrides. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM instead might help just a bit more.

    I may be new to the forums but I have been playing since ps4 came out, and how is fixing glitches going to fix the frame rate? I know they have increased performance but it is still, i think unacceptable for a next gen console. I will have to agree with the person who started the tread Battlefield 4 a game that is broken right now due to glitches runs smooth (performance and frame rate wise) with 64 people in a game on map that is probably twice as big as most of the tile sets. Lastly i would like to say I know they work hard to progress the game but if they haven't completely fixed something wrong from the beginning they really aren't really moving forward   

  12. Yes as much as i would love them to fix it i really don't think they will any time soon. All they seem to be concerned about is shoveling content down our throat than fixing a problem that has plagued the game from its launch. I am glad that my game doesn't crash every time i do a void survival because of the lag, but it is still far from lag free. It really &!$$es me off that we have a console that is 16 times as powerful as last gen yet warframe runs at a ps3 level. PLZ fix or just improve this soon DE, its great you are releasing content but if i cant play it without dropping into 20fps or even less it doesn't feel like a major improvement or addition to the game  

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