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Posts posted by Johny5X

  1. I've been playing the game for a long time, and i know that it has already a ton of weapons  but i think that a game that is listed as an action, third-person shooter  needs something more. Grenades .I know what u are thinning,why in the world should i need simple grenades when i have a penta or a tonkor that kills all enemies with one shoot?.But if grenades are added to the game u can have a wider selection of weapons because you wont be using the primary slot if u like grenade-type weapons.For example u can have a grenade that will make all enemies in one area get a status effect like fire,cold and others.U can also have grenades that blind enemies or make them move slower.Thus u will have a small crowd control.And IF they are added to the game there can be a mastery level cap for each of them so they won't be all availabe at the beginning.I mean,if corpus and grineer can throw grenades at u why can't u?

  2. Is there any chance for us who use an AMD Card instead of NVIDIA,to enjoy the game with PhysX on?,

    because i believe it is a shame that so many people don't have the chance to play this game at it's full potential.

  3. I've been thinking about a new warframe which uses the powers of lazers(or crystals?) to exterminate his enemies.

    First ability:Lazer burst

    By using his palms he fires off a small burst of a beam which deals damage on everything that stands in it's path

    Second ability:Beam Scaner

    The warframe uses a lazer which scans the area around him to reveal enemies and loot even behind walls ,this ability can also be shared with the rest of the team

    Third ability:Crystal Spore

    The warframe ejects a small crystal which gets inside a target and uses the power of lazers to explode inside it dealing damage to everyone who is near it

    Last ability:Death Ray

    The warframe gathers energy or sunlight to a core inside its body which whehn is charded,emits a ray that kills and vaporizes enemies on contact

    Thats my concept,and i hope that DE will get a inspiration from it.

  4. I had almost the same idea,u know u could also add an ability which the frame creates a crystal core inside it's body which gathers light and uses the crystal to create an energy beam which deals damage like the flux rifle but much more powerfull.i think that this will make it a unique frame

  5. I have been playing the game for some weeks and i thought that there isn't a place where my warframes can test their weapons/abilitys  on enemies without the difficulty of aiming at them because they are moving or the risk of dying.Adding this room to a dojo can make players think more about the endless posibilities that their weapons/abilities can have and find out the weakness of each enemy.This can be used with the codex list (Just an idea :) so that if you fullfil an entry you can test your weapons to that enemy or at least a kind of hologram like a tenno specter.Please think about this because it can make the game much more intersting


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