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Posts posted by R1L3Z

  1. When going to hand in my sentient cores earlier today once my daily limit had reset, I found that I (and many others) were unable to hand in their sentient cores to The Quills, Using the plus or minus buttons, does not work, typing in the number of cores you would like to hand in, does not work. And after discovering a hotfix put out earlier today STILL had not fixed this GIANT bug, please, please, please! Get this patched out quickly!

    I'm sure most of what veteran players (like me) are doing with half their time in the plains are perfecting capturing Eidolons and maxing out standing ASAP, or even for the newbies who can are just learning to kill/capture Eidolon, we would all like for this to be fixed. But if it takes long enough for the daily cap to have been reset in that time, maybe double it for that day so that we did not lose a day's worth of standing, preventing us from leveling further with the quills and unlocking more of this wonderful new content that you guys have put out!

  2. I like many other people watched griddark and DKdiamantes both get the achievement at 7:35am AEST if you want some kind of proof, and still haven't gotten the sigil nearly 9 hours later, I'm really tired of not getting this sigil as I have now watched people get the achievement 5 times....

  3. DESCRIPTION: My health will not stop going down forcing me to revive, even when healing myself multiple times and there were no more enemies left and there were no effects on me. During the time my health was going down my screen would have a red outline until I died. This was on Drunlo, Phobos when farming (Solo) for kills to fill up my sacred vessel (My loadout was Frost Prime, Ignis, Vaykor Marelok, Mios (with life strike) and Carrier.

    CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Not necessarily, as I don't know if a specific enemy hitting me that is causing it or an effect that says it's gone but actually isn't. BUT this has happened to me on multiple occasions, multiple times in different runs.


    •  1. Equip Vessel and Mios
    •  2. Go to a fairly high Grineer mission
    •  3. Keep playing!




    EDIT: Same thing happened when doing other missions with the only things staying the same was having the vessel in my gear ,the mios equipped and being a grineer mission (this was on Ceres, Draco). This makes me think it has something to do with the Hyekka masters or just the Hyekka's but I'm not quite sure...   



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