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Posts posted by 00Takemikazuchi

  1. On 7/17/2016 at 2:05 AM, Kenshin98 said:

    the open space should be empty, since it's space, the asteroids and mining ships make a nice filler, never really had a problem with it 

    I guess what I was trying to get at is here is that in normal missions, when you're exploring a Corpus or Girneer ship, the layout makes them feel really massive, but yet when you go out in an Archwing mission, they're nowhere to be seen in the open space tilesets, which is kind of jarring. Having open space Archwing missions above/around a mining base or a large ship (Like the Balor Formorians) would make the mode feel more 'alive'. I mean, the game is set in the future where massive spaceships are commonplace, but you only really see them from within your Liset.

    On 7/17/2016 at 2:05 AM, Kenshin98 said:

    I don't really think AW is meaningful, even with the rewards were attached to the missions, I only played it to have some fun and to have a change of pace from normal combat, that's what I feel AW should be, not some reward pool. that's why I think DE should be focused on making AW more fun rather than more rewarding 

    I agree that Archwing should be made more fun before better rewards are added, but if Archwing was vastly improved without some sort of incentive to play it, then not many people would bother, especially if they have been burnt out by Archwing in the past. And if not many people play it after its been reworked, then why would DE spend more resources in supporting the game mode in the future? Rewards can be used as a way to reset that interest to better gauge whether a game mode has been really improved or not.

    On 7/17/2016 at 2:05 AM, Kenshin98 said:

    the new game mods are really good for me. I agree with your notes on pursuit. but I think the rush changes would make it feel closer to spy or capture. if the ships are spread out then it's just like spy, but we need to destroy a ship rather than hack a vault. personally I think rush is fine as it is, but not perfect though. for example. there's no telling if a ship is left or not. the time isn't fair since sometime the mission layout is longer (like you said) 

    I think that all the ships should leave at the same time when the timer hits 0. and not leave one by one. and when we arrive to the hanger, the timer should stop, there could be some control tower or something (like in airports) that we can destroy to prevent the ships from leaving, or at least delaying them 

    To clarify what I meant by changing it to be more like a Spy mission: It would still be a (relatively) straight path from beginning to end, just that the ships would be split up at points between the beginning and end, and not all bunched up at the end like it currently is.

    I kind of disagree with you that the ships should all leave at the same time once the timer reaches zero. Having the ships all leaving at once at the end wouldn't change much for players new to the game mode, as they can still completely fail the mission if they don't reach the end in time due to unfamiliarity with the game mode. This is different with any other existing game mode, where you are at least given a chance to learn the mechanics of a mission and can't really fail from not knowing how it works.

    Also, with Rush's reward system using the ABC reward system (Depending on how many ships you kill), rather than a single reward pool like Capture, it would make more sense for the ships to be more spread out rather than be placed at the end.

  2. So with Specters of the Rail, Archwing got a mini overhaul with its controls and some of their modes. While I enjoy the Archwing mode, I am kind of disappointed that Archwing still remains in a shoddy state. The update, while bringing in some improvements to the mode, also highlighted flaws that it has. So I’ll be going over some of what I think are the overarching design problems with Archwing from where it currently stands. As this would require a major overhaul of Archwing, I’ll also talk about some improvements that can be done in the meantime to make the mode better.


    Archwing has an Identity Problem

    To start off, Archwing suffered from being introduced as an extension from the normal game mode. While this is not necessarily a problem in of itself, the problem comes from the two general directions Archwing tries to go in. The first is the ‘trench run’ playstyle, which is highlighted by the Corpus missions, as well as the underwater Grineer sealab missions. The second is the ‘open space’ playstyle which is highlighted by the Grineer space missions. Because Archwing tries to cover these two types of gameplay, the overall game mode of Archwing suffers in two major ways.


    The first thing that suffers is the controls. With the new control system, there is more emphasis on Archwing being quick and mobile while playing. This can be great for the open space missions, but are too clunky for the fine control required for the Corpus missions. This makes playing those Archwing missions far more unpleasant than they should be, and in the case of the Corpus missions, can often lead you to killing yourself from impacting obstacles. In the case of the sealab missions, the old movement system (which still applies to it) feels great for that game mode, but because movement speed is slowed down in the mode, it feels too sluggish, making the mode feel less enjoyable to play, especially because Sharkwing, as it currently stands, is just an intermediary way of moving in a level on Uranus, rather than having its own, unique game mode.


    The second thing that suffers is the overall design of the two modes. For ‘trench run’ specifically, it’s less of a trench run and more of a maze of death. Going off the controls of Archwing, the tight corridors that make up this mode makes navigation extremely frustrating, even more so with the new controls. Because the tiles having so many turns with very little leeway to allow you to maneuver, players either get knock-backed from hitting obstacles or are forced to slow down to navigate properly, both of which feel awful for a game mode that seems to be centered on moving fast. In my opinion, DE should just throw out all of the Corpus tiles that have all of these tight corridors and redesign them to have more open space to make it feel better to play. If there really needs to be obstacles in Archwing missions to slow it down, I would prefer them to be like Grineer Zeppelins, which will enclose you in an area and prevent you from proceeding until you destroy them. For ‘open space’, it feels empty most of the time. Because enemies are designed to keep the ‘trench run’ tilesets in mind, the scale of enemy units are kept tiny, and when you go into the ‘space missions’, the enemy size makes it frustrating to shoot them if you don’t want to use a non-automatic weapon in Archwing. Additionally, if not for the asteroids and objects on the map, it would feel empty because the enemy sizes don’t stand out in the large open areas of space (with the exception of the Balor Fomorians).


    Archwing, I feel needs to focus in what it wants to be and double down on it, as without this, it will continue to persist as a problem that cripples the game mode.


    Archwing Balance needs to be reworked

    With the controls being centered around moving quickly, Archwing enemies feel like they are balanced around hitting hard assuming that they will miss a majority of their shots. This balance design feels like it is just copied from the normal game mode and applied to Archwing, but this doesn’t work. The primary reason why is because the controls are different. In the regular game mode, you can easily run and gun with parkour mechanics, and the enemies are fairly easy to hit. With Archwing, running and gunning is so ineffective because you have to deal with six degrees of freedom in movement, as well as enemies which are too small to hit unless you are standing still (leading to death by missiles), and obstacles that will kill you if you happen to crash into them. Additionally, because there are very few Archwing missions/mission types, there isn’t a solid progression of difficulty to ease players into the game mode. The end result is that enemies become extremely deadly in the hard Archwing missions and players are forced into using tankier Archwings with defensive mods in order to play these modes. This leads to the Itzal, the one Archwing many players say that makes the game mode fun for them, to be fairly weak in higher level missions, even with every survivability mode used. This is even more compounded by the lowered drop rate of health orbs in Archwing, which (unintentional or not) makes survivability harder for all Archwings, except Amesha. Also, the game modes of Archwing, especially the harder ones, encourage players to sit in one spot (Interception, Mobile Defense), which just adds to all of these issues.


    Archwing Balance, like its design, needs to be relooked at so that it better fits the gameplay of Archwing, rather than be a badly copied system from the normal game mode.


    The updated reward system makes playing Archwing less meaningful

    With the change of Archwing parts being obtainable through clan research/syndicates, it makes playing Archwing feel less rewarding for those who have invested a lot of time in it. Not that the change was necessarily bad (As many players complained about the drop system being unfair which was a reasonable complaint), just that there isn’t much you can get out of Archwing than in any other game mode. For example, Conclave (when it changed to a PvP arena system from Dark Sectors) started out the same way, but eventually got its own meaningful rewards (Weapon skins). While I don’t expect something as drastic as this as a reward, as Archwing is still fairly niche, there should be a better reward for players that enjoy this game mode. Perhaps slightly better core/relic rewards from missions as a start? Though I’d be extremely weary of how much better this would be, as players can easily start complaining if they feel like they would be ‘forced’ to play Archwing in order to get better rewards.



    These three design points are what I believed need to be reevaluated before Archwing begins to be enjoyable for the rest of the player base. Other than these three points, there are a few things that can be more easily adjusted to make the current Archwing mode better.



    Archwing needs a better minimap: Probably already stated before, but it is essential for Archwing to get a better minimap system to help with navigation, as the default minimap system did not transition well with the new control scheme.

    Archwing objective markers needs to be centered better: I feel like the objective markers that circle the UI is too far from the center of the screen to make getting information from them really useful. The markers should be able to scale through a UI option for players that would prefer for the information to be more condensed.

    Option to choose between old controls and six-axis controls: Can’t see why this can’t be done, as Sharkwing still uses the old controls, and some players would prefer that over the new ones.

    Controls in general need to feel more responsive/less floaty: While the floaty controls may be ‘physically correct’ in how movement in space might work, it doesn’t feel great to play. For the trench run missions with tight turns as well as when you need brake immediately to revive a teammate, these cases require more precision than what the current controls allow. Adjusting the floatiness of the controls to be more responsive would make it feel better. Additionally, floaty controls are generally more suited for space combat where you are always moving forward. Since Archwing doesn’t have constant forward momentum, it doesn’t really make sense for the controls to be this way. Additionally, the floaty controls adds a small barrier of entry to Archwing, as players used to the normal game mode might find this annoying, and end up not playing the mode because of it.

    Roll Controls need to be readjusted: The roll controls (Crouch + A/D) are too clunky. On one end, trying to roll a short distance feels too slow due to the acceleration in the movement, while rolling medium-large distances feels too fast because the acceleration speeds up exponentially. Additionally, the Roll left/right should have their own buttons that can be rebinded by players who prefer that method of movement.

    Space Bar as a speed up is too conflicting with current controls: Space bar currently is set to ascend, as well as speed up if you are holding sprint. This leads to situations where I want to speed up, but end up ascending or vice-versa, where I want to ascend, but end up accelerating forward. A possible solution for this is to bind this to the sprint functionality and then adjust the base speed of Archwing tobe close to the current sprint values.

    The Camera needs to be moved back: The current placement of the camera in Archwing makes the player cover like ¼ of the screen. While not normally an issue if you are shoot, this easily becomes a problem if you try to melee, where the camera zooms in so much that the character model covers ½ the screen, making melee a clusterfuck of spamming quick melee until you run out of things to hit.

    The camera constantly readjusting itself is nauseating: The camera in Archwing is currently set to try to be aligned with the horizon of where your Archwing is currently staring. With the new six axis controls, a slight movement of the Archwing causes the camera to constantly adjust to try to stay aligned, which can be extremely nauseating for players.

    There needs to be a ‘grounding’ button to readjust the camera: Since the maps generally have a ‘down’ direction due to how they were originally made, there should be a button to allow players to reorient the camera to the ground, as with the new control scheme, it’s hard to find your bearings after moving a lot.


    General Gameplay:

    Death is still boring: Since the beginning or Archwing, if you are downed, you pretty much just sit around and did nothing until your allies could revive you. Nothing much has changed since then. Archwing needs something for you to do when you’re downed like the normal game mode. Since Archwings don’t have a secondary weapon, an alternative might be to launch flares to deflect missiles to help your ally that’s trying to revive you, a ‘force push’, or an interceptor laser that you guide to destroy incoming missiles. These things can also be Archwing specific to give each Archwing their own flair (heh) of downed mechanisms, like how Inaros has his own revival mechanism.

    Global exp Range: The change to global exp range in the normal missions made leveling in Archwing much more annoying than it needed to be, especially for those who don’t have good Archwing gear. Since Archwing by design emphasizes combat in a large area, it doesn’t make sense to ‘force’ players into sticking close in order to get optimal exp.

    Melee weapon switching animation is too slow:  Alternating between quick melee and shooting in Archwing feels extremely clunky compared to the normal game mode. Currently, you need to wait for the full animation of swapping weapons to complete before you can go back to shooting, which detracts from the feeling of speed from the game mode. Speeding up the switching speed would be a great QoL change to making melee combat better.

    Underwater Melee feels weird: Using melee in Sharkwing doesn’t have the same ‘impact’ as it does in the space mission. It just feels like you’re flailing around and not doing damage to enemies, even if you kill them.

    Itzal’s stealth needs to work like Ivara’s stealth: Itzal’s stealth is currently gets disabled whenever you move slightly. This makes using it to revive teammates feel weird, as it currently disables movement on cast, which feels weird as if you want to move, you have to manually disable the ability by recasting it, or by moving your hands off of the movement keys for a second in order for them to be able to register again. Having it only be removed when you speed boost, similar to how Ivara’s stealth works, would make the ability feel much better.

    Archwing Rush: This game mode feels pretty broken currently. With the way the maps are randomly generated, the timer you get along with the tiles can make it pretty much impossible to reach the end in time unless you perform the run perfectly (Or if you’re just running Itzal). This is especially compounded with the new controls, which with the conflicting speed-up/ascend controls, as well as the floaty controls making you collide often when going fast, makes this mode really highlight the problems with the trench run tileset and the new controls. As I don’t really see this mode being fun to play without a fundamental change to the tileset or controls, the only thing that can make the mode bearable is a reevaluation of how the timer is set to allow players some leeway to actually be able to complete the mission on a regular basis.


    Additionally, it’s currently designed to be almost an all-or-nothing affair, with all the ships being at the end of the mission. This make is so that you don’t feel much of a difference between reaching the end with one, two, or three ships in the hanger. Unlike any other game mode, Archwing Rush doesn’t properly introduce the mechanics of the game mode well. For example, in Capture, you reach the target and they start running, and the Lotus tells you to catch the target or they will get away. In Spy missions, you are directed to three vaults, and when you trip an alarm you get a countdown timer to encourage you to hurry up or risk failing. In both of these game modes, you are told the objective, as well as given some leeway before you fail. In Archwing Rush, you are put in the mission with a timer without any context to it, so you don’t know how fast you should be going (which, currently, is REALLY fast), and when you fail (which will probably happen on your first try), the player doesn’t have much understanding to why the failed, so they might end up being frustrated. To solve this, I think the ships should be spread out over the mission, similar to how Spy missions work, as this would make the mission feel better, as it will introduce one of the objectives early on (so you understand what your target is and that you need to shoot the drones when you reach one), as well as make progression through the mission feel much smoother in terms of reward and challenge.


    Archwing Pursuit: The mode is okay mechanically. I the only thing I feel that needs to be changed is the shield targets need to be a bit bigger/more distinguishable, to make it easier to shoot.

    Archwing Defense: Now, I know people didn’t like this mode, but I thought it was good, at least conceptually. A defense mode that rewards skilled players more rewards if they do well is something that the game should have more of. The actual implementation of it, was extremely bad, with the defense targets being made out of paper, forcing players to basically ‘cheese’ the mission with at least a single Elytron that spammed maxed range Bombardment into the center of the map as the only way to ensure their survival without much coordination. I feel like so long as the defense targets had more health (or perhaps have an ‘easy’ defense target with higher health, and a ‘hard’ one that had lower health), and that the targets were more easy to reach, then the mode would have been fine. Otherwise, Archwing Defense, as it was, suffered the most from enemy size scale being too small, as harder targets to kill meant the defense targets would continually receive free damage and die fairly easily. Combined with everything else, it wasn’t a surprise that everyone pretty much hated it.

    Archwing underwater missions: Currently, there are no dedicated Sharkwing missions and Sharkwing only serves as a method of getting through the missions that include it. I know the mode needs a tune-up before a specific mission type should be introduced for this mode, but it feels like a waste for Sharkwing to be introduced and have nothing added to it.


    Overall, these are my thoughts concerning Archwing in its current state. With the War Within coming up soon, I don’t see Archwing to be overhauled soon, but I do wish DE would take some of these points into consideration when they get around to it.

  3. I'm not sure if this should be placed elsewhere, but here are all the bugs I've encountered in Archwing in general since Specters of the Rail:

    • With the change of Salacia, Neptune from Archwing Defense to Archwing Mobile Defense, there are no Corpus Archwing Missions that are high enough/can scale where Corpus Quanta Rangers and their Eximus counterparts can spawn.
    • Corpus Attack Drone Eximus for Archwing require 20 scans to complete their Codex Entry, rather than 3-5 for other Eximus targets.
    • Certain Archwing Eximus units do not grant bonus exp on kills (seems to be certain Corups Drones/Grineer Dregs/Lancers)
    • The ‘leash’ effect applied to Archwing units trying to cap a point on interception does not correctly attach to the capture points on one of the interception tiles.
    • The smaller center sphere of Amesha’s Benevolent Decoy is solid and cannot be shot through
    • Due to the length of the dodge roll animation, if you dodge roll into the side of a wall, you will incur massive damage that can kill you.
    • End of round Archwing interception icons for enemies has not been changed to the new target icons like normal interception modes
    • Cyngus switches to melee when attempting to fire when it is out of ammo
    • New Archwing weapon mods do not appear in the codex
    • Elytron’s Bombardment does not appear to properly work if its not at max rank (Does no damage to enemies within its range)


  4. With the change of Salacia, Neptune from Archwing Defense to Archwing Mobile Defense, there are no Corpus Archwing Missions that are high enough/can scale where Corpus Quanta Rangers and their Eximus counterparts can spawn.

    Also, Corpus Attack Drone Eximus for Archwing require 20 scans to complete their Codex Entry, rather than 3-5 for other Eximus targets.

  5. 20 minutes ago, truthless said:

    What about the other 2 relics in each tier (7 total), that apparently some people got and others did not?

    So I believe those new Relics that were introduced aren't obtainable through the conversion. You have to obtain them through missions after the Specters of the Rail update. The reason DE probably did this was to encourage players to play through missions after the update rather than just sit on their hordes of keys. Whether or not this was a good decision or bad is up for debate, though the fact that Mag Prime and her corresponding vaulted items, which are currently unvaulted for a limited time are only obtainable through these new Relics makes it unfair for those who were waiting for the update to farm those items, only to find that their grind became much harder.

  6. So I actually have a roughly accurate record of what keys I had from 1-2 weeks before the update. I have created a Google Sheets document to share. From what I can see, all keys were converted by putting all keys of a corresponding tier into a pool and them semi-randomly distributing them between 5 specific relics of that tier. The end result is that each Relic tier should contain an equal amount of Relics corresponding to Keys of that tier. So if you did actually have an issue with not getting keys converted, you should probably contact support.

  7. The presence of a Void Fissure on a Survival mission makes it act as an alert mission, where the timer counts down from 10 minutes rather than count upwards from zero, even if no on else has a relic equipped, the mission will still act this way.

  8. Yes. just checked my Codex to make sure. It's currently at 2/3, with one from Eris and one from Earth. I don't know if there is a wildlife Fragment specific for Eris as well, as I only have one of the three fragments currently unlocked for Eris.

  9. Since Lua (the Moon) is now set as a separate entity from Earth, can it have different resource table than Earth? With the Specters of the Rail Update, Lua's resource table is just copied from Earth (Ferrite, Rubedo, Nerodes, Detonite Ampule). The main reason I ask is because Neural Sensors are still pretty much confined to Jupiter, while Neurodes can be found on Earth, the Orokin Derelect, Eris, and now Lua.

  10. This bug seems to persist for all junctions that requires you to seal a void fissure. I'm not exactly sure what causes the bug, but it seems that certain void fissure alerts will not grant credit, while others do.


    Edit: Also I forgot, but there was a Phorid invasion early in the day that also didn't count towards the Eris Junciton, which, may also be related to this bug.

  11. Playing Excavation on both Triton, Neptune and Wendell, Phobos, I've noticed that the Grineer Power Cell Carriers in Grineer Excavation can often times spawn less frequently than their Corpus counterparts. I'm not exactly sure if its just the spawning or because I'm playing solo (because no one plays Wendell), but it makes Excavation on that mission considerably slower for no apparent reason (e.g. I'm on a single tile with two excavators active at the same time with no energy, and still have to wait 1-2 minutes until a power cell carrier can spawn). Compared to Triton Neptune, where I almost never have to wait for a power cell carrier to continue with the excavation.

  12. So people are unhappy with the movement changes that have happened with the Lunaro patch. In my opinion, I haven't noticed the movement changes affecting me that much and I understand why DE would make the change (Having inconsistent movement properties between PvE and PvP would be weird, make it harder for players to get into PvP, etc.). So how about introducing speed/jump pads into the larger tiles? It won't affect PvP in any way, and can potentially expand the design space for larger tiles without having to worry too much about navigation issues (Except in the case of low level content, as newer players would need some way for these to be introduced, else they will complain about navigation issues). We already have some in PvP maps with jump pads, so I don't see how it can't be done.

    In the potential case about this overlapping with Volt's Speed, this will be limited to certain tiles, so his ability will still be useful in a general case. Otherwise, the speed/jump pads can just be slower than a Volt's Speed with power strength or they can stack together for an added bonus (Though the buffs stacking can cause issues).

  13. Pretty self-explanatory. After killing him ~200 times, I'm pretty sure he can't drop them. This is assuming the drop rate of the mod is the same as an uncommon fusion core and the fact that you can get a decent amount of uncommon fusion cores in a single run of Rathuum from only killing Dhurnam.

  14. Questions that will most likely be covered:

    -Update on allowing players to repeat quests?

    -Update on the app (wasn’t it supposed to be released last week)?

    -Update on Star Chart?


    Developer Questions:

    -With Kavets (Catbrows) coming soon, due to its implementation, it feels like the incubation system will become overcrowded with both Kubrows/Kavets using the same implementation, along with the restriction in using Kubrows/Kavets when an incubation is occuring. Will there be additional changes to the incubation system? (Will it be a ‘band aid’ fix?) Will this be included with the orbiter changes in update 18?


    -What can we expect with the orbiter changes in update 18?


    Traditionally, events been structured where you earn rewards over a period of time at your own pace. The two events before Project Undermine have been structured as four 24-hour events, which can be hard for some players to be able to obtain the rewards they want to due to time constraints. Can you explain the reasoning for using this format rather than something like a tactical alert, which doesn’t have such a small time frame to do the event?


    -Will we get dedicated servers/lobbies for PvP? If not, can you give a reason why?


    -Currently in PvP there is no reputation dump reward (i.e. Void Key Pack) that players can utilize, reducing player motivation to play the mode after getting all the rewards. Can you include one?


    -Update 17.5 made it so that Archwing enemies are now always alerted, removing the ability to stealth kill them most of the time. Will we get an Archwing stealth mission in the future? (Can you bring backs stealth kills?)


    -Update 17.5 also brought defense to Archwing with a nice twist to the existing formula (defending two points, getting rewarded for being able to defend both). Will other mission types, be it in Archwing or in the normal game mode, get the same treatment? (Can you give some examples?)


    -Will the Star Chart Revamp change resource distribution for the better? (i.e. Neural Sensors aren’t stuck on Jupiter)


    -Will rewards be changed with the new Star Chart? (i.e. more focused ways to get certain Void Keys, making a clear split between which mission levels drop T2/T3 Keys)


    Other random questions:

    -Can we get a fast-travel menu/console for Relays? Currently, you can semi fast-travel by using the Conclave menu option in relays, but a proper/better system for it would be appreciated


    -Why does Conclave’s ranking only go up to 4? All other syndicates go up to 5, or start at the max rank (Cephalon Simaris)


    -Why does Phorid only show up on the Grineer Asteroid tileset? Can he appear on the infested Corpus ship tileset if he is on a Corpus Planet?

  15. Questions that will most likely be covered:

    -Update on allowing players to repeat quests?


    -Update on trade chat overhaul?


    -Update on the app?


    -Update on Star Chart?



    Developer Questions:

    -You previously hot fixed the game to remove the ability to farm Brakk parts from the Clem quest. Is DE considering other ways of making it easier to farm weapons/blueprints that drop from assassins? (i.e. assassins have a higher chance to appear in nightmare mode or dark sector missions)

    With Catbrows coming soon, it feels like the incubator system will become overcrowded by how it is currently implemented (unable to use kubrows/catbrows while breeding). Will there be additional changes to the incubation system? (Will it be a ‘band aid’ fix?)


    -Since Catbrows have been stated to have a more controlled approach to breeding (You collect DNA to make the Catbrow you want), will a similar system be applied to Kubrows, or will Kubrows and Catbrows have their own separate breeding systems?


    -Traditionally, events been structured where you earn rewards over a period of time at your own pace. The two events before Project Undermine have been structured as four 24-hour events, which can be hard for some players to be able to obtain the rewards they want to due to time constraints. Can you explain the reasoning for using this format rather than something like a tactical alert, which doesn’t have such a small time frame to do the event?


    -Will we get dedicated servers/lobbies for PvP? If not, can you give a reason why?


    -With update 17.5, it seems that Archwing enemies are now always alerted, removing the ability to stealth kill them. Will we get an Archwing stealth mission in the future? (Can you bring backs stealth kills?)


    -Update 17.5 also brought defense to Archwing with a nice twist to the existing formula (defending two points, getting rewarded for being able to defend both). Will other mission types, be it in Archwing or in the normal game mode, get the same treatment? (Can you give some examples?)



    Other random questions:

    -Can we get a fast-travel menu/console for Relays? Currently, you can semi fast-travel by using the Conclave menu option in relays, but creating a proper/better system for it would be appreciated


    -Why does Conclave’s ranking only go up to 4? All other syndicates go up to 5, or start at the max rank (Cephalon Simaris)


    -Why does Phorid only show up on the Grineer Asteroid tileset? Can he appear on the infested Corpus ship tileset if he is on a Corpus Planet?

  16. I like the concept of the mission, where you can get more rewards by being better. However there are two issues I've noticed with the mode.



    Enemy Scaling is too high

    By wave 15, I was encountering enemies level 80-90-+, making it extremely difficult to advance, especially with the shuttles having low hp.


    You can bypass this, however...


    Host mitigation resets the game

    Host mitigation resets the wave counter back to 1, as well as enemy levels, but the rewards every 5 waves will still be remembered. (i.e. If a host mitigation happens after wave 10, the wave counter appears to be 1 in the top left and enemy levels appear to also reset, but the reward screen at wave 5 will show rotation B rewards and the rewards you previously got)

  17. So I've been playing PvP since before Parkour 2.0 regularly and decided to give my thoughts on the game mode. Overall, I think the mode has been vastly improved over the last few months, and I applaud the dev team for being able to make most changes in a relatively quick manner, but there are a few things that need to be added/improved to make the mode better.


    P2P Hosting

    P2P hosting is really bad for PvP. There are a host of problems that happen because of it, such as energy surge not properly applying after a host mitigation, energy spawns disappearing/having their spawn timers reset after host mitigation, and host latency causing doors on grineer tilesets to not work properly. Also when loadout switching was introduced, the lag due to players using the feature was so bad it made playing Conclave almost unplayable (thankfully, its much better now). If more features like this were to be added, P2P hosting might continue to cause problems with the game.


    Team Balancing

    Currently, if a match is even in players and a new player joins, the new player will always default to the sun team, which can be unfair if the sun team is already winning, has better players, etc. It would be nice if players were added to teams based on different factors so that the sun team isn't inherently imbalanced.



    There is one feature on the Conclave UI that I would like implemented and that is the ability to list how many open matches are available per game. I have noticed that there are possible issues with connecting to PvP matches that may be caused from either switching game regions or from leaving a PvP lobby/match, which can prevent you from joining a match until you reset your game. This would also be helpful for people with problems connecting to a match due to various internet issues. Additionally, a counter would benefit PvP as a whole by encouraging more people to play if they see many open games.


    Kill Streaks

    I think that kill streaks should be every 3 kills, rather than every 5 kills as it is currently. The problem with the 5 kill requirement currently is that it encourages you to feed your opponents if you have the Streak Stopped Daily Challenge (especially the focused variant). When trying to get a kill streak in Team Annihilation, a kill streak is basically 10% of the required kills you need to win and in Team Annihilation, that goes up to 20%. Additionally, with the nerf to match times down to 10 minutes, it gives players less time to complete these quests, which in turn, increases the incentive to feed.


    Reputation Rewards per game mode

    Currently, if you just wanted to grind out rep, you should only be playing cephalon capture, as with parkour 2.0, you can basically finish most maps in 2 minutes or less (provided your opponent is mediocre and you don't get the really long orokin derelict map). On average its more like 4-5 minutes, but compared to the other modes, you're usually playing up to the full 10 minutes because lobbies aren't always full or the game ends up in an attrition battle between good players that run around the map once their health goes low. Increasing the end of match payout and reducing the kill requirements for Annihilation/Team Annihilation would help it be more on par with Cephalon Capture's reputation output. Additionally, increasing the end of match reward would indirectly encourage more players to play a match until the end instead of just leaving. 



    PvP Endgame/Rewards:

    Currently in PvP, there is no reason to really play it after obtaining all of the rewards. There are no leaderboards/MMR to encourage competitive players to constantly play and there are no rewards to earn with reputation after a certain point.


    To encourage PvP, I suggest a monthly ladder that resets (similar to Hearthstone for those familiar with it), as that would give competitive players incentive to continue to play PvP.


    For rewards, Conclave is the only Syndicate that doesn't have a 'reputation dump' reward (i.e. Tower Key Packs or Exilus Adaptors). Including one would allow people to continue to play PvP and be rewarded for doing so. As for what kind of reward, it would have to be something that doesn't force PvE players to play PvP to get it, or grant PvP players an advantage in PvP (Perhaps a random rare resource pack?). Another kind of reward that would be nice would be weapon skins, but the amount of effort to make weapon skins regularly to keep PvP players occupied might be a lot, but a few would be nice.


    Cephalon Capture Maps:

    Orokin Derelect

    This map needs to be redone. It is far too long compared to any of the other Cephalon Capture maps, which leads most matches to end up in attrition because it just takes so long to get to the other side of the map that the defender's 

    advantage is too great. Another problem is that the map's design funnels players in the middle, making it very easy to intercept players, which also adds to the attrition problem. Also, with Parkour 2.0, the jump pads seem to be more buggy, as the launch seems to keep you in air far too long after hitting a wall and you can't really break out of it. This also makes it so that it is actually faster to bullet jump rather than use the jump pad, which is bad design.


    Corpus Gas City

    This map is mostly fine, except for the large amount of energy spawns (8), which is even more than the largest map (Orokin Derelict with 7). Taking out two of them would make the map better.


    Balance Thoughts:


    Temporarily removing Weapons in Conclave for balance changes

    Sometimes, as with the case of heavy weapons having a huge ground slam radius, weapon nerfs don't happen as quick as they should. If a weapon is clearly op, and a change would require more than a week to occur, these weapons should be temporarily removed from Conclave, rather than letting players run wild with them for a bit. Allowing players to use these weapons can discourage other players from playing PvP, as it can be frustrating to play against these weapons while they are broken.


    Magnetic Damage

    I don't like how magnetic damage in PvP currently is just a straight up hard-counter to energy. I would rather it drain 25/50 energy per proc rather than empty out your entire energy pool on a successful proc. Since there are only two (technically one) weapon with magnetic damage available in PvP currently, as well as no elemental mod modifiers for weapons, it is not an issue, but if more magnetic damage weapons are added or elemental mods are released, this will be a huge problem for PvP.


    Heavy Weapon Ground Slams

    The biggest problem with slam attacks on heavy weapons is two things, the ease at which you can perform the attack and the ability for heavy weapons to just kill you in one hit. These two in combination makes it nearly impossible for any other melee weapon type to compete against heavy weapons, so either one or the other needs to be changed.


    Parkour 2.0 and Heavy Frames

    With Parkour 2.0, heavy frames are less encumbered by their movement speed, which leads them to have more survivability without much tradeoff in maneuverability. I think that heavier frames should have some sort of tradeoff in association with their ability to parkour to make it more fair, while also potentially giving lighter frames a boost to their parkour abilities.


    Chroma is OP

    In my opinion, there are two broken things with Chroma, his augment and his third ability.


    His augment is the only augment in PvP currently that directly affects the damage output of an ability. It grants 100 bonus damage for every second you have Spectral Scream on, up to 500 bonus damage, which is far higher than anything in the mode. With an initial cost of 10 energy, with a 5 energy/sec drain, makes it super cost effective for its damage. Coupled with the frost effect on Chroma, it means that being near Chroma pretty much means your dead. Did I also mention the projectile splashes on impact?


    His third ability's armor multiplier is insane. If you look up the modifier in the regular game mode, its 350%, but in conclave it is literally 10000%. It basically gives Chroma virtual invulnerability for 12 seconds if he has enough energy, and combined with a heavy weapon or his augment, guarantees he will almost never die in the hands of a good player.


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