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Posts posted by (PSN)fusion322

  1. Fusion, either get carried, or just grow stronger. There is a reason you can replay missions- don't think of it as just a linear story plot, because it's not.

    I think you need to know about mod fusion (pun intended) :P

    If you don't, basically, you get mods through fighting enemies and having them drop them. For example, Redirection is a mod that increases your shields by 40 per rank, going up to a max of +400 (correct me if i'm wrong?)

    And once you get more shields, better mods, more health, etc, you gain more survivability. Also, yeah, there are credit-only weapons in the market such as the Lex and the Braton. The same goes for weapon mods, aswell.


    Ok ill try that i didnt know  you could upgrade mods.

  2. They've been here much more time.


    So theyre just farming.



    The problem i have is that the resources i need are on mars and sedna (i think thats what its called) and i cant even survive the missions.


    So how am i supposed to get new gear and get stronger if i need to be stronger to get the resources...

  3. I have no clue how to get new weapons.


    I have made it to mars and im still using the default weapons.



    Im trying to craft one of the bows and cant get supplies, i cant just buy more weapons either because theyre all xp locked.


    All the people in my missions have insane weapons and different warframes and im still using loki and default guns.


    How do you get new weapons and characters?

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