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Posts posted by Tharsten

  1. Two questions here..okay three:

    Do you have any plans to implement a 'escape button' to be used should the player get stuck behind geometry, and if you don't, could you? Also, any word of a fix these damn occasionally-malfunctioning Corpus and Grineer doors during multiplayer sessions?

    And lastly, any hopes for more realistic versions of the 'planets' on the Starmap? Phobos for example would be more of a asteroid shape than a perfect sphere.

  2. This weekend has been a major letdown. Other MMO's at least put a little effort into their halloween events. This is just rehashed exterminate mission (the most boring of the bunch) which gives cores as reward. Or would give if half of them weren't stuck inside walls. I'd rather have the potato instead thank you.


    Nice free palette though.


    Well this isn't an MMO, is it?

  3. I seem to recall you lot mentioning that you may allow players to revisit previous events, if you were to do this could it be done through quests? It would certainly help give the game the fluff-filled storyline it so desperately deserves.


    And also, what's the possibility of getting a Grineer version of Papers, Please? A la Happy Zephyr.

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