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Posts posted by Aisenkuis

  1. I just got Inaros and so far he seems very fun to play.. I just don't understand the limited camera in his 3rd ability: sandstorm. I already found a archived post about this same issue from 2016 but it seems it was forgotten. I really rarely see Inaros anywhere and now that I've found him very intriguing warframe to play, it is sad to see that the camera is still the same..

    Why not just give the ability the same camera controls what you normally have? I wonder what was the founding idea to have the camera restricted awfully in the first place...

  2. Like majority of people use WASD as their movement keys, I use ASDX.
    In captura mode, you need to press "x" to go to captura settings, which for me is move backwards, so it doesn't work. I checked that in the default key setup "x" is bound as the use key.
    Well my use key is bind as "w"... Can you just make it so that the captura keys -> settings uses the bound key that is set for "use". Now it's just press "x" for settings or don't use the settings at all. It's always frustrating to use captura when I have to rebind my basic movement keys to be able to use captura settings, because it's hardwired to use only the unchangeable predetermined keys.

  3. 50+ level enemies are supposed to give you a bit harder time. Most of the game is already too easy if you don´t intentionally take crappier gear with you.
    Nerf is the word that comes last in to my mind. This game needs more difficulty options and more challenging gameplay rather than "nerf this and that", because reasons..


    I love it when things start to go challenging and you really have to start to play the game. Usually at this point people scream in fear and run to the exit :D

  4. -same ol same ol-


    So I just supercharged my Angstrum to shoot 5 rocket salvoes (ammo cost wise).

    I also have supercharged Ogris what launches 2 rockets with heavy caliber + firestorm almost as wide as my Angstrum. The difference is that the much more powerfull mainweapon Ogris just uses 1 ammo as Angstrum depletes the whole clip (5 ammo).


    Now that every animal in the zoo seems to share one ammo type, it just gets so confusing.

    How can little micro rocket gun share ammo with big bazooka and railgun..


    In my opinion they should make new ammo type for the explosives or have somekind of separate ammo storage for main/secondary (you pick sniper ammo with ogris in hand you get ogris ammo etc..)


    Main point of my nerdrage is this:


    5 sniper ammo =  One full salvo from angstrum with moderate damage and big spread.

    5 sniper ammo =  FIVE TIMES(!) Two High damage separate hitting buffed explosion rockets from Ogris.


    -rant out-

  5. In this certain map player colors get overwritteng by red. I don't think that it is intentional because even some meta game effects are also changed i.e. the blue glow of your friends when they go behind a wall.


    When certain effects are cast, their original color will appear for a little moment, but then the red color will come back..


    Good way to notice this is to use melee weapon channel (if you have other color than red).


    I've mostly played Seimeni and I don't know if other Ceres maps have this bug.

  6. Bump!!


    I noticed exactly the same thing with my Ember.

    All her colors were this hot fiery orange and now all seems to be this boring reddish white color.


    You can see well the difference while doing the weapon energy channel. Before the patch my melee weapon channel was this warm fiery orange but now it is like having those two colors lined up. Red and white.


    Please fix this!

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