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Posts posted by Syndicate1x

  1. So I've been able to replicate this every time. If your in a mission and withdraw your Shawzin to ready some mad tunes while waiting to extract or for your fellow tennos to arrive. When you start the animation to depart the mission you continue to levitate spinning and doing some quite interesting clipping with your dropship.








  2. Now you people need to chill de fudge out, this was stated in the last Prime time that they are working very hard at fixing these problems, just because you cry all day doesn't mean its gonna make them work faster.



    What you don't understand is that you can't just go in find the problem then vualla.


    They have to do very complicated coding, they have to make sure that what their coding does doesn't effect other processes if they were to put in one wrong 0 or , they could break the game entirely so stop making them work harder than they already are, for all you know they may plan to take down the entire forums for a week or two just for you to: stop being rude, and crying all over the forums.




    Someone who knows what their talking about...


    Some just don't understand how inefficient they are. The crying posts like "GAME CRASHED PLS FIX OMG LOST MY LOKI PRIME SYSTEMS HELP!!" don't help at all.


    - Your game crushed? When?


    - At the 15:00 minute mark in T6 Survival. It was hard. Where is my Loki Prime Systems blueprint?  <-- This is NOT a helping answer!


    - We had a squad of 3 Mirages and a Hydroid, and when we tried to combine Prism with Undertow, it just crashed. <-- This is a much more helping answer! Almost told the devs where to look at to fix the issue!


    - Meh, I'd rather send a support ticket with my EE.log file. <--- BEST answer! Also combine with the one above, and BOOM! You HELPED FIXING AN ISSUE!!! You are now a REAL BETA TESTER!!!



    I love this guy because he knows what he is talking about!!

  3. This is super annoying when your called into conferences or just trying to look cool in a video, you used to be able to site how you please, but now you HAVE to sit in some specific direction




    This is also annoying because i can confuse me at times and it looks bad all at the same time.



    I will have another post with pictures in the bugs forum.

  4. This is super annoying when your called into conferences or just trying to look cool in a video, you used to be able to site how you please, but now you HAVE to sit in some specific direction




    This is also annoying because i can confuse me at times and it looks bad all at the same time.



  5. With a bit of looking around in my user files i found a file named "User Missions" is this a user made mission system?


    At the moment it is empty but i believe Warframe is going to add in a user made missions system, this would be cool and fun way to experiment with the tile-ling of missions like a parkour map that is a mobile defense mission or a defense mission where to have to defend large high level hordes coming from 4 directions, above, below, in front and behind this would add all sorts of different kinds of strategies to the game

  6. Can't really see what the problem here is...


                                                                 ...I have a S#&$tttttttttttyyyyyy computer. But i don't get THAT problem, only thing i

                                                                                                       get is supah lagg when in full-screened 1280x970 or whatever it is.

  7. Same here i was in a game with only one mirage, but she had a fully decked out melee weapon that had effects, her weapons had effect, and then she took my computer to blu town with her duplicates i went from a measly 60 FPS to not kidding 0.78 FPS 



    Less than a frame per second, they really need to fix mirage, because many people do not have GI Alien Ware computers or Super-Computers


    Most people who play this game have  regular computer, that are supa happy that they found a game they can run smoothly and that's fun, third-person ninja kick @$$ shooter, but ever since U14 its obvious that us Med. Class people without Super-Computers are not worth much anymore, so we get the short end.


    Most games do this to out rule people who wont in the end game, make up money for their product, thus they can keep the rich @$$ people and us low end people are left on the curb. I'm sick and tired of this, we don't get any good games because these games wont stay at their level, sure if you want to make a rich people game then do this:


    For Rich:

         Make a separate server and download for these C***s.

    For Us: 

         Keep the nice smooth version of a game for us. That way you guys won't have so many complaints. 


    When i take up this topic with someone with a high end computer he goes off saying he has no problems, well you should get a better computer, or too bad for you move on. I love this game i can't afford a better computer and you don't have any problems because YOU have a better computer I DO NOT!





                                                             ...but it's true.

  8. I have a Chat bug to where i get frozen and cannot do anything, no main menu, walking around and it only happens when you in your ship just talking in chat, its really getting irritating,


    That U14 update has junked up alot.


    It broke missions, nodes, drops, and more...


    Anybody who is irritated by this, reply show that fact that they need to push their fixing skills to the max, because i give up i wont play until they fix these dumb bugs. 


    Ill be looking at any hot fixes that pop up every day.

  9. [#]With this i understand everything everybody has said, but with the whole quest system is a bit jarring, i think they should add in a system  [to the left of the nav like the news is] where you can go into your quests without having to go into the codex,


    [?]Plus with a bit of looking around in my user files i found a file named "User Missions" is this a user made mission system?


    [+]at the moment it is empty but i believe Warframe is going to add in a user made missions system, this would be cool and fun way to experiment with the tile-ling of missions like a parkour map that is a mobile defense mission or a defense mission where to have to defend large high level hordes coming from 4 directions, above, below, in front and behind this would add all sorts of different kinds of strategies to the game


  10. Yea this happened to me once but it soon fixed along with a hotfix maybe it was a inventory bug?

    I had made about 3 keys before i realized what was happening but i forgot about it when it fixed my inventory back

  11. Today and Yesterday, I've been looking for Nano Spores for the incubator core, only problem is that there are none, ive been playing non stop none of the planets have them listed not even the void, I've been playing for 2 1/2 days now and i still have 0/4,500 Nano Spores needed for the core i dunno what happened...

  12. I found out the best way to find one of those eggs is to go in alone, apparently the drop rate is higher the less people you have, yeah may be harder but its easier to find them, i wouldn't say im lucky but due to my U14 connection, it helped me in a way disconnecting all of my friends leaving me to go in alone...


    I don't have a bad computer, i5, 8gb ram, but i have a 3 minutes of loading screen.



    Same here but when i load in a game as a Host anybody with me freezes half way and they cant load in, instead i end up alone.

    Pre U14 my connection time was nominal but now i have made, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, and omelettes in the time my loading screen takes, i know its good practice but come on i shouldn't be loading in for THAT LONG!

  14. They also should remove the animated loading screens, it been causing bugs for me too. It slows down connection times and once it made a vault run impossible because people were blind, IN THE GAME! I don't know when they will fix this but i hope it is soon, i can't play any missions with other people now due to my connecting time. It's getting pretty annoying.

  15. 1. My Game take an extreme time to load, this is very annoying because on Vault Missions and Regular Missions i HAVE to do it alone or i will be disconnected, wait over 20 minutes, or crash.


    2. Some times my game will freeze upon changing chat tabs.


    3. The Screen in the front to the left will pop up through my character and wall, kinda kill the immersion.


    4. My Nav Point for Raiding the Corus Cache is also missing never came back, ever...


    [PM me in-game for any other minor bugs that are super annoying]

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