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Posts posted by Shiia

  1. I had the same problem. I'm in the US.


    I used Betternet (free VPN which only connects to US areas, I believe), and it hasn't had the error yet, whereas it was happening almost immediately when I'd try to download. It's at 13% now, no problem, but SLOW.  It's not the VPN that's causing the speed as it was slow the first time I tried, before it began erroring out.


    If it fails before it finishes, I'll come back and update.




    It's at 35% now and the speed has taken off. Much better now.

  2. Thanks so much for the data check and reply, @DERebecca.  It's so appreciated.  I knew I hated the bombards AND nullifiers for a VERY good reason.  Bombards shoot from the nullifier bubble (and from behind you, etc) while you're trying to burn the bubble slowly away and two more nullifiers protecting heavy gunners and bombards of their own are entering the room.


    The data is great, but living it and reading it are different as you well know.  In other words, could you slap the bombards onto you 'think/talk about' list too? 

    Some data to support discussion (specifically Nullifiers role in the enemy equation):


    Date range: April 1-14, 2015

    Platform: PC


    Orokin 'Heavy' Enemies confirmed kills on Tenno:


    Corrupted Heavy Gunners: 301,446

    (Assists: 20,912,087)

    Corrupted Bombards: 293,781

    (Assists: 5,138,534)

    Corrupted Nullifiers: 208,073

    (Assists: 566,712)


    According to this data, they're the least deadly amongst the top 'heavies' even when Assists are taken into account - is this because we've adapted strategies? Perhaps. Are spawn rates a factor? Likely. As Meryl Streep would like us to believe, 'It's Complicated.'


    I have played Survival endlessly for the Prime goodness, and ultimately my experiences (as well as the data) are leaning toward Bombards are being the bigger threat.


    Does this data change the fact that Nullifiers have some serious defenses that are more obvious and effective than their heavy counterparts? No way.

    Does this data change the fact that virtually everything we do is subject to change? No way.

    Is change slow? You bet - hundreds of things at any given time are fighting to be changed/tweaked/reviewed.

    Speaking to the 'meta' of this thread, there seems to be two types of changes we push out:


    Communicated and calculated.



    Reactive changes happen because we don't like seeing massive amounts of people unhappy, but sometimes they just lead to more unhappiness. It's a constant game of catchup.


    The Excalibur rework we talked about Friday - that's going to be an exercise in calculation and communications, and it's going to take a long time to do. The time put into that takes away time from other things in the short term - it's a balancing act that shapes a lot of what we do.


    Nullifiers are a sore spot at a lot of levels, conversationally they can ignite reactions, in-game losing to them feels bad, and no one likes that. The 'killing' maybe doesn't feel good enough to outweigh that 'bad' for some. We encourage anyone who thinks 'cackling and conspiring' takes place to reconsider this mindset.


    With all that said, this (Nullifiers) is something I'll advocate for focus on at some level over the coming weeks.

  3. First of all NO.   

    Second, have you asked yourself WHY players are camping? Maybe they need to stop trying to nerf anything players find to make the hardcore grind easier? There will always be a loothole, they nerf this, people will find something else.   


    But let's get back to WHY players resorted to camping? Maybe because certain keys are insanely tedious to get and players want to get the most out of them? Maybe the game is too annoying/hard to do normally?  


    I camp sometimes when I want to get most out of my keys. I never camped before nulifiers  and bombards were added to void. Is that saying anything? I used to have fun in void survivals, it's a beautiful tileset and it was super fun, but now I have to deal with permanent knockdown spam that oneshots most frames, enemies that can only be taken down with high rate of fire weapons or going on a suicide mission and coptering into their bubble.   


    I didn't have to deal with that stuff before and I don't want to deal with it now, that's why I will avoid dealing with it and sit in the little room that's covered by vortex, because I'm tired of imbalanced enemies with next to no counterplay.  


    40 minute runs are doable normally, anything above that is just a "Teammate picking up simulator" and it's not fun. Give us more keys, give us easier keys and I'll do 20 minute runs normally. Nerf bombards, let us shoot through nulifier shields, they were designed to counter press 4 to win and if we had to shoot them they already achieved their goal, they don't need to oneshot you and block bullets.   


    Until DE realizes it's not the players fault for abusing stuff like this and it's actually the game that is flawed, I'm staying in my little hole, shooting my little torid at my little vortex.

    Quoted for absolute truth.  If I have to choose, it will always be to run and gun.  That's why I play an action game.  Being put in a room with five nullifiers protecting bombards who shoot around a corner and ONE SHOT me (even while using quickthinking and full energy-WTF?!?!) while I'm trying to burn down nullifier shields ONE BY ONE feels hopeless and like I have no control.  Nothing I do makes a difference once so many minutes pass (and lasting so many minutes is necessary when something ONLY DROPS after a certain amount of time has passed).  I'd be an idiot not to do all I could to survive just to not get the f*#*ing part I want.

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