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Posts posted by Fortoom

  1. After most recent hotifx, my kubrow isn't loading into the mission with me. He is equipped but doesn't show up. His health and shield bars are there though. Unfortunately, after the mission, it is treated as if he died and loses loyalty. Sitting at -20% now because I didn't realize this bug counted as a death.


    Please fix asap. Can't even use the kubrow. I know you cant use him once he is down to 0% but I started with him at 60%.


    Edit: Okay this is strange. I thought you couldn't equip kubrows at 0% loyalty or less because earlier, when this one was at 0%, he didn't show up in the list of equippable companions. However, this time it stayed equipped and now I'm at -60%. Yay!


    The mission I was running was an Invaion on Metis, Jupiter.

  2. I recently re-installed the game when update 14 was posted on the steam front page.

    I changed the hotkeys for crouch, jump, use, and roll (Mouse 3 was set to roll and 'use selected power' with default control settings).


    Within the past day or two, I changed the keys again for jump, roll, and use, but not crouch. After one of the hotfixes, I started the game and jump, roll, and use reverted back to their previous settings. I set the keys again to what I wanted, and it worked fine. However, when I exited the game and came back, they reverted again back to their previous settings before the hotix. I am exiting using the escape key and selecting exit the game with the menu.


    I have to set these 3 keys again every time I start the game now. They never save.


    I don't know if this was due to the hotifx, but the timing of the issue seems significant.

  3. When fusing mods, if you wish to use a mod equipped in the fusing, you get a prompt to either uninstall the mod or cancel. When you select uninstall mod, you can no longer select mod "cards" or back out of the fusing screen.


    Afaik, have to restart the game via Alt+F4


    Playing in borderless fullscreen fwiw

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