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Posts posted by -TrashPanda-

  1. For some reason when I spend 20 minutes/20 waves on a t3 and higher defense and survival all I seem to be rewarded with is forma blueprints.  Surely there must have been some kind of oversight here.  Rotation C is bork, DE fix plz.

  2. Why are people still going on about this? Ash couldn't be primed because he's a male frame and it was a female frame's turn. He's probably going to be one of the next two Primes along with another male frame.

    Really? That's your argument?  "Oh nooooo it would break the order, it's supposed to follow the order."  Like the world would end and the game would crash if a male had been released  over a female.  It seems that not being sexist is the new sexism.

  3. Well then maybe Loki, Banshee and Excalibur are the odd ones out?

    You clearly understand how underwhelming the whole ninja aspect in this game is, why do you still pretend it's the game's core mechanic and main theme rather than what it really is - an aged and long ditched moniker which the developers were never going to keep around?

    May not be the games core mechanic, but it was the original one that hasn't been touched on in a while.

  4. Desi, you got me into this game.  You told me ninjas in space.  Ninjas? F&@$in rad.  Space?  Only my goddamn  favorite thing ever.  When I loaded up Warframe for the first time almost a year ago (around the time Hydroid was released) it blew my god-damn mind.  It was the game I wanted.  It was my place.  You showed me the ropes, got me started with all the knowledge I needed to get started and said "go nuts".


    I've agreed and disagreed with you on several points in regard to the game (disagree more than agree).  On this one I actually agree with you.  I haven't seen as much of the ninja or ninja lore I was promised.  Limbo? Really? A damn magician? I thought it was funny and interesting at first; then I realized that, like his first ability, it pulled me out of the immersion of the game.  Mesa.  However much I like to play her, she's just Ash with guns and far to easy to play.  Nova Prime.  Did we really need that?  I mean she already seemed a little OP as it was.  Don't get me wrong, she has her use.  But did we really need her primed before anything else? Like maybe, oh, I don't know. Ash? 


    I'm going to stop  there before I get to ranty aout  all the S#&$ I think is wrong.  Desi, your face.  It's beootiful.  I got nothing against it.


    TL;DR I totes agree.  Notice me, Svenpai

  5. The DE app for warframe needs some looking over.  Some information is incorrect in the codex.  A couple examples being the Dread and Paris Prime crit chance are listed at 25% each, when they're actually 50 and 45.

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