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Posts posted by mickyb1994

  1. Hi team ,

    I think you have a really great game, i love the design and concept of a team based shooter, i know theres a fair few of them around atm but the art style is fab. Although the art style in this is great there are a few really major issues that are stopping me from enjoying warframe as much as i would like!

    My first issue upon loading the game was being sent straight into the tutorial without any prior menu. It would have been nice to have had a chance to set up resolution and volumes and keybindings before jumping into gameplay.

    My next issue was that the tutorial came across as obnoxious to start with, telling me how to scope in and how this makes me more accurate is a bit patronising.

    I also had performance issues on this game when running in the default graphics settings, i had pretty bad stuttering, this was resolved when i turned all the settings up to max and correct resolution. I understand this is beta and this is the type of problem to be expected! if you would like further info regarding system set up etc please give me an email.

    Right so im now through the tutorial. adding my friends was a breeze, big bonus. Now to start a game... my friend sets up a lobbyu, i right click his name and join his game, not a lot seemed to happen, i tryed again and apparently i am indeed in his lobby. No major issue, some stronger visual clues would be great like a lobby board and lobby chat board.

    I start playing the first mission and begin to realise that both guns i have feel pretty lackluster. Just one fires faster and is automatic... This is a huge dissapointment. Fancy space alien destroying machines should feel just as cool as they look, and they dont. PewPewPew

    Another issue with the game is iffy mouse acceleration, please make this an option! i know some people who like it, but personally, this is entirely a preference and should be a toggle to use raw mouse input, a hell of a lot of people invest in a decent mouse, mouse acceleration quite often feels like arse! this is not just one of my own opinions, my friends who i played this with also expressed the same view.

    Great work so far! Keep it up, Ill update this thread as i play with upcoming patches and what not.


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