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Posts posted by -YS-OmgRocket

  1. I have a Primed Sure Footed mod installed in my warframe, I KNOW that it is not 100% excludes the possibility of me being staggered or knocked down, but Symbilyst laser attack seems to stagger me 100% of a time and that's really annoying, especially in sentient tileset conditions, where those Murrex are full of opportunities to fall into the abyss and lose all active abilities.
    Please fix, unless of course you think that is supposed to be like that.

    • TYPE: In-Game, Scarlet Spear servers.
      • DESCRIPTION: [Sorry for mistakes, not native english speaker but this might be important]
        I'm not sure, but I think your game uses some kind of method to merge Scarlet Spear\relay servers if there are too many of them or I don't really know how this works. I'm not a developer by no means, but I am seeing some things so I should report it just in case.
        The problem is that after some time it "happens" that Railjack Teams(RT) just won't receive kill codes anymore, or receive them at a VERY lowered rate(20-30 mins per kill code). And that happens abruptly after many Murrex were successfully kissed off.
        However, Earth Teams(ET) are, in some cases, in the majority and their work just flows into the abbyss, yellow messages state that codes being received by them but those codes just don't transfer to RT for some reason, (also that problem creates a huge ping, me being already in the flotilla could see yellow messages about me receiving kill codes). And there are multiple cases. 
        At the same time some other flotillas have a good time with no problems at all. If my theory is correct and servers are really merged together then there might be something desyncronizing, overflowing(or whatever) after that, I came to that conclusion after I joined a flotilla with 80\100 murrex to ask how were they doing to see no yellow messages at all with 3 RT and 8 ET, however there already was a player that told me different team statistics, he too was in the flotilla, but we were unable to see eachother and team stats were different for us both, so I presumed that I connected to a freshly merged server, in which that other person was doing good long before my connection.
        One more thing that made me thinking about this is that I, in many cases, coudn't find flotilla that I've been in for a long time and then have returned to orbiter. I approximately remembered relay number but I just couldn't find recognizable people there.
        I might be completely wrong about OR you could be already informed about that being a problem if it is right, but whatever the case -- please fix it as soon as possible, it annoys many people and might badly affect future popularity of the event, as it will be up 25 more days but some people would just buy weapon blueprints and won't participate in the event any longer in fear of gaining nothing and wasting time.
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Piloting a railjack. Sentient ramming capsule overlaps a breach in a railjack, making it impossible to fix and resulting in a mission failure. Please fix, waste of time without player's fault is just unfair and very upsetting.
    • REPRODUCTION: Have a sentient ramming capsules ram your railjack, then make your railjack's health exhausted, wait for a breach to appear under a capsule, also notice that it is closed and you have no way to fix a breach 😞
    • EXPECTED RESULT: At least capsule should have been opened to fix a breach behind it, maybe.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Capsule doors were closed.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 2\2 missions had a ramming capsule to appear closed.
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