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Posts posted by Medigan

  1.   Ash's smoke screen does AoE stun and his teleport also stuns, so those powers have limited support utility. Otherwise, yes.

    very limited range on the stun, not wide spread enough for someone to go YEA LETS DO DEFENSE I"LL STUN WITH MY SMOKESCREEN! *looks at radial blind and accelerant for good stuns or rhino stomp for a grand stopper,

  2. He can use Shock during a reload without interrupting the reloading to keep enemies off of his back while he is busy feeding his gun with some tasty ammo ;)

    his main stun is overload. which puts him in a horrible pose for a while, otherwise yes he can get a tiny stun from enemies that he can see that he couldn't finish off in one round of shooting.

  3. Over all any frame can do basic missions because they all don't suck, its just at higher waves do the strongest start to shine. Frames that buff the team or inconvenience enemies in any way will always be better then just straight up damage skills.


    ash abilities do damage yes, but it has no use when enemies are much much stronger, with health reaching 5k+ and ash lacks any team support skill that actually hinders enemies,


    volt's stun is alright but is a waste of time when he could just be shooting a gun that actually does damage,


    banshee silence is lack luster and her only good skill,


    oberon does have some good fast ultimate but again, damage skills start to become ineffective later on, his healing isn't even that good,


    the only frame i think that is better on your list is valkyr, who thanks to melee 2.0 has become a maniac, with war cry buffing the team and lowering the enemies defensive. Giving her steel fiber+vitality+rage and any melee weapon worth a damn with life strike, and she'll become a little spinning top of hate. who won't go down easily. Rip line is only doing ok for movement but with war cry she'll be coptering all over the place so it won't matter,

  4. lvl 1 would be pull, easily the most spamable op lvl 1. move 2 would accelerant, its a damage multiplier, + area stun that not many people realize. tier 3 would be chaos or that valkyr 3rd move, because with anyone but valkyr it would actually do damage. And finnaly m prime, because it is clearly the strongest ultimate currently.


    mag ember valkyr and nova


    M. Em. yr. a




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