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Posts posted by LTRFOX

  1. The mouse polling rate is reading 1000Hz+ when using Direct Input Mouse Rate.  It should be noted that the stutter does not occur when not moving the mouse as the above the gifs show.  I have no issues with the same settings used to record the above videos and strafing without using the mouse.  The stutter only occurs for me when I move the mouse in certain tile sets.  On the liset standing still I can see no stutter whatsoever.


    However, removing v-sync and upping the framerate limit option to 74 results in less or no stutter, hard to tell with some screen tear.  Moving the frame limit to 120 eliminates the microstutter and makes the movement as smooth as my hands will allow.  The same applies to no frame limits and running at 160-260fps on the Ceres tile I used earlier.


    Using 120fps Frame Limit option:

  2. A quick recording I took on a Ceres node:



    The obvious example that demonstrates the effect is while focusing on the hacking console.  It stutters quite a bit.


    An edited showing of the same location + a closeup of the in-game stats.  No clue if the fluctuating FPS counter (>60) indicates an issue.



    V-sync is enabled, frame limit is not being used.  Refresh rate option is at 60hz.  If I use only the frame limit option @60fps without v-sync there is too much screen tear to make it playable.

  3. I encountered this as well, the quest still tells me to go to Darvo's shop on Mercury Relay. No quest marker on system UI, in relay, and Darvo doesn't reference the quest after I had already visited him following the survival portion of the quest.

  4. A quick way to see some of physx particles are the capture targets.  When capturing there are particles that spawn from the target and swirl up and around as you finish the capture.  I don't play with physx very often, as you say, the benefits are not so obvious sometimes.  But this is one situation that shows them prominently.

  5. Send in a support ticket.  On their page they even specify that they can help with mispent platinum and incidents such as a wrong forma polarity.  With arcane enhancements being a relatively new system they are sure to evaluate the situation in a similar fashion to the above situations.  The interaction, however, is known to take exception to abilities that inflict finisher damage without actual attacks being the source of the finisher damage and other topics were made regarding these issues.


    Perhaps in the future it will change, but we don't know if it's working as intended or if those abilities will remain exceptions.

  6. The concept of community gravitation towards the quickest and easiest way to do complete or as closely automate long or repetitive game sessions such as farming is as old as farming items.  The other people are putting their time into the mission just as you do, and most of the time they are just ensuring that they are not being expected to carry another user with little to offer in late rounds/waves/etc. and without being informed of having to do so.


    If it comes to 40+min and suddenly you are going down, dealing no damage, or providing no utility, and yet you specified you wanted 60min+ runs for example, then of course that situation can turn sour.  If you are low level and want users to carry you to high rounds and waves, saying so will gather the people you want.


    In your case, you observe users bringing certain frames or asking for them in exchange for the host putting up the key.  The host is ensuring that they are getting the results they are after with known strategies that are essentially fool-proof if handled with reasonable threat assessment such as prioritizing nullifiers.


    I can present a rather common example from another game: Monster Hunter Frontier Online


    In MHFO you are limited to 4 players in a quest, and for the most part you are quite weak against the player# scaling HP of the highest ranking quests with enemies that can one shot you or deal 90% health damage in seconds.  Even solo players and players with full competency in the game and it's mechanics submitted to the idea that farming hundreds/thousands of entry tickets just to enter quests that used 1-5 tickets each was absurd if we took w/e we wanted everytime.  It turned 3min hame (efficiency) runs into 8-20min chicken chases while the boss monster would change areas or resist status/traps, etc. all lowering the damage output and risking failure due to three death limit.  We took specific weapon line-ups, and made concessions for players with weaker gear all the time.  However, doing so required more resources and more stress on the experienced/overgeared players in order to compensate for reduced damage or setup requirements.  We also ran the same quests with absurd gear restrictions for fun when we were burnt out of our minds, such as all players using Christmas gear, notorious for their suck-stats, 'cause fun.



    People do what comes easiest and guaranteed if all they want is a low percent failure on a key they probably spent time in a mission they hated just to get, or don't want to waste their limited supply on a pug gamble.

  7. Although this bug is reproduceable following the same pattern when trying to upgrade mods, sometimes I am allowed to upgrade a mod that freezes the UI by going through the "Mods" tab in the esc menu.  Sometimes I am allowed to upgrade it if I go through and select it without changing tabs or sorting options.  Other times I HAVE to change tabs or sorting options.


    I can't seem to figure out if each occassion applies to certain mods that 100% freeze during one procedure and yet allow fusion through a different procedure.


    Rage for instance would not allow me to fuse at all when done by approaching the Mods segment in the Liset.  However, I was able to use fusion when I chose "Mods" under the Equipment tab from the Esc menu.

  8. I know this is an old topic, but this same issue has come up for me.  I am unable to trade at the moment as no one can see any items I place in the trade windows.


    I submitted a support ticket two days ago, but until days/weeks pass where it is addressed, I am left without a way to either trade with guildmates/players or progress in slot addition without buying the platinum.


    These are images taken from both sides of the trade window at the same time as a test:




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