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Posts posted by MrSnipyCat

  1. You could just used the search button instead of making another post aobut that... but the search button is too mainstream... so the hell with it.

  2. Dont buy it, its the same as the dual heat swords but just one and you cant hit multiple enemies like u can with the dual heat sword, if you do win it in a "?" build it because it helps to lvl up ur mastery level.


    EDIT: Use it to buy a new warframe/sentinel, they come potatoed and the warframe comes wtih a extra slot too, i wouldnt recommend buying weapons wiht platinum tho, since you can get the for free by buying the bps,winning bps on "?" missions, so use the platinum to buy potatoes for the weapons and slots for them.

  3. This is just a suggestion, but what if we had some Material Alerts?

    In addition to having the credit bonus we get an extra 2-400 alloy plate, ruebedo or something similar.

    I personally have been struggling to get enough alloy plate together to craft some things and i know others have been as well, this might help some people along and provide more of an incentive to the 2k credit alerts we have been seeing of late.

    Whats the community's take on this?

    EDIT: This wouldn't replace the ? alerts, only added onto the 2000 credits ones.

    It would be a kick &#! idea there could be 3 boxes or 2 one box wiht the ammount of cash ur gona win[7100], the 2nd box would be the ammount of the rare or uncommon material you would win for example [350R](R for ruberdo) and the 3rd box if there is one the [?]  ---> [7100][350R][?]

  4. The flashlight is supposed to come on automaiticly when your in dark areas. It doesnt always do this. They said in their previous live feed they are trying to avoid having too many buttons to press but if they cant fix the auto feature on the flashlight then they will have to just add the key or an option to bind it.

    I dont think that theres many buttons to press, but the flashlight button its like a basic thing almost every game has so i think one more button wouldnt hurt.

  5. I dont know if anyone already posted this but here goes.

    I think it would be a good idea to have a button that would turn the flashlight that u use when u destroy a reactor or play on a infected map, sometimes i get into some parts in some maps that are dark and then i cant see anything.


    -I dont like to rush maps, i generally collect everything i can, but refrain from "stealing" other peoples loot.

    Hi, wecolme, btw you cant steal anything, what u pick up they can pick up and the cash u pick up also goes to them, you probably noticed players passing on top of energy ballz, making the pickup noise and still beeing there, and also when someone picks up the cash u also see +189 credits on ur screen even tho u didnt pick it up, but i digress... welcome :3

  7. I just bought the Wyrm with platium, and it came potatoed, but he doesent do anything

    he just sits there... in my head... looking at others shooting me or it beeing shot at, do i have to put some kind of mod in it? because i cant do it due to the fact im at beeing lvl 0 and it levels up pretty slowly. Any help would be apreciated.

  8. After reading all the comments i can safely assume that people that play this game are casual scums. 

    I am saying "casual scums" because video games are getting dumber and dumber just because people that play games for 1h a day are not pleased. 

    Despite all the negative ratings i have to agree to the poster. Credits are overflowing and they are loosing it's value. I can buy whatever the F*** i want without worrying about Credits. If casuals want that much easy game then why don't give everything for free already. pff. 


    If you dont like the ammount of cash ur making, go play world of tanks or war thunder where you have to waste 20 to 40€ per week just to advance 1 tier, even tho the "free" in free to play doesent exist anymore i think this is the closest game that reaches that actual meaning, plus if ur playing the game for the credits and not for the fun you might as well leave, aaand even tho i make 50k to 100k (depending on the day of the week) in the end of each day i get 5k in my balance because i leave something building or i simply buy bps, yesterday i bought 2 viper bps thats 40k and a dual viper bp thats 15k plus building, i think it was 20k each plus building the twin viper another 20k, so thats 110k in 1min. What shuold happen is find a half term and pump the market prices a bit like 10 to 15k.

    -Casual Scum

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