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Posts posted by GlisteningMagnificence

  1. I can't speak for anyone else, but I do love these challenges! They remind me of old Tactical Alerts, but I guess a lot of people hated the weapon-specific ones... This one was a bit difficult because I'm not used to this weapon combo at all, but I found some tricks to keep me alive and succeed (I also ended up killing a lot more crewmen than needed because they wouldn't stop rushing in when I was trying to capture Bursa after downing him).

    Only reason I haven't done this sooner was because I didn't have any of the pistols allowed (I used my Lex to craft an Aklex...), so it took me a while to recraft something good. Luckily the Lex Prime is already pretty strong even with few mods on.



    I'd like the Arca armor set, please.

    Thanks again Thunder for this series, it's been a fun run!

  2. My Limbo is not properly modded and Forma'd since I've been trying to get into his mechanics for years now, but I basically run a duration/no range build for Rift Walk (and teeny tiny Cataclysm that won't make my teammates rage). Can't wait to see how that plays out in the reworked version!

  3. 3 hours ago, Doxorn said:

    This makes me wonder. What does the operator eats? If he/she does eat anything at all.


  4. rqS3oIV.jpg1t4w6cl.jpgRPGyiEv.jpgNUq09xm.jpg

    I have no interest in using Grineer weapons so I'm putting these up for grabs and see if anyone wants them, otherwise they'll become endo fodder.

    I can either sell them or trade for a Riven for any Corpus weapon, Latron, Akstiletto, Lex, Vulklok or Prisma burst laser.

    Just message me here or whisper me in-game if I happen to be online.

  5. Back in my time, when endo wasn't a thing and you had to collect fusion cores. I didn't know you could also use mods to fuse other mods besides the cores, and sold all duplicates I had for credits. (I made lots of credits really fast, though.) I later made myself a point to max Primed Continuity when it came out with nothing but spare mods, though. As a redemption, or something.

  6. Put a Forma on Tigris Prime and another on Mag Prime, unequipped everything else and went to this one high-level Nitain alert that popped up. It's a spy mission so the squad splits. Shadow Stalker says hi. I understand I'm about to lose my dignity but I still type "Stalker" in chat in hopes one of my well-geared teammates will come to my rescue. Nobody comes because they're busy with the vaults. I'm crying internally. Stalker spawns. In a quick reflex I press 2 in his general direction and shoot right after. Stalker dies before he sees me. I feel stupid. I barely had any mods on, but he still dies. A second after, Ivara arrives, but he's gone. We get our 20th Dread blueprint. That's it.

  7. 1) Quest

    a) Story telling: Did you like the story in WW quest and how in general the plot of Warframe is developing?

    It has its highs and lows, really. Whilst I enjoyed learning more about the Tenno and how they came to be, there are just some details that are bothering me right now, such as the voice speaking from the Operator in the end ("Hey kiddo" - who the f are you, Handsome Jack? Is this Tales from the Borderlands? Get outta my head) Until we get more revelations this is just too uncomfortable to me. And the fact even though we killed one of the Grineer queens she just might come back through whatever kuva ritual her sister's working on, which imo kinda defeats the purpose of all the trouble we had. Besides, they said there would be 'meaningful consequences' to our actions, but I don't see any consequences other than our Tenno regaining their memories, but that part wasn't optional. (Maybe we'll find out what these consequences are in the next cinematic quest by October 2017...)

    b) Did you like the new mechanics you found in the mission? (archwing lasers, robots worms, etc…)

    I was fearful of the Archwing sections of the quest when I first heard of them, and now I'm glad they didn't involve any sort of combat. So, yeah, the lasers were cool. The parts with the golden maw felt awkward at first, since mechanically it was completely different from anything we had in Warframe so far, but it wasn't all bad.

    c) Did you like  the ability to make choices which alter the story development and Tenno karma?

    Yes! It felt like a step forward in storytelling and character customisation. But at the same time I can't feel good about it without knowing what the consequences are!

    d) Did you like the new graphics and animations? (cinematics, new tileset, graphic quality etc…)

    Yes. The lighting is amazing and the Operator facial animations were really nice, if not funny.


    2) New features

    a) Do you like the ability to directly and freely control your operator and his void abilities?

    It's a feature I probably won't bother using much, maybe for fun. Right now the Operator is way too squishy to be enjoyable anywhere outside Mercury.

    b) Do you like the introduction of enemies focused on the use of our new abilities?

    No. Until I can remap Operator controls separately this feels terrible and completely breaks the flow of the game. Using the same key for going into Void mode AND Void dashing? So when I need to dash through the Kuva guards my Operator merely goes Loki and walks through the guard because for whatever reason me tapping LCtrl+Space doesn't register properly? Yeah, no.

    c) What about riven mods?

    Don't even get me started. I got a mod for Latron which adds punch-through and reduces recoil. Then a mod for Harpak which adds cold damage (less than Primed Cryo when maxed, but with a higher cost) and fire rate, but reduces mag capacity. And it costs kuva to re-roll the stats. And the cost increases every time you re-roll. And you have a chance of getting even worse stats. And apparently it's weapon locked? And whilst I'm at it people are getting ridiculously OP mods for Tonkor and Simulor? Nope. Just remove this RNG garbage already if you're not gonna rework it.

    d) What about the new invasion and sortie systems?

    I like it. I mostly do Sorties for credits and endo since it hardly rewards anything outside of that, so I don't know. As for invasions, not sure how they work? Kappa Sedna became Corpus again after what, 2 years? But I don't see any progress on this Razorback army on navigation? Er...

    e) What do you think of the new endless system? Is enough as incentive to play more?

    Maybe, haven't tried it yet.


    3) What would you have liked to see in this patch ?

    The ability to name our Operator! Biggest miss in this update. It's just weird watching a little girl running around with 'DerMetzgermeister' as her name.


    That's all. Thanks for taking the time to put this together, it's a nice feedback form.

  8. I'm so glad they made this quest replayable. When I first unlocked it I had to run the game at 800x600 resolution on a potato with nearly all graphic settings turned off. (For the record I still have a potato, but at least it's a better one.) That, and I didn't really have a good-looking frame for the cutscenes. Now I could finally experience it as intended!






    I love my Ash. I'm not an edgelord. I don't care about ninja stuff. I hate his P42W ultimate. But I just find his design stunning, even when I can't come up with a decent super-original colour scheme for him.


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