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Posts posted by DragonScar92

  1. Okay, this was very, very aggravating. 

    So, I was doing a sorite spy mission where there's infested, and I was a Loki Prime, and being invisible helped a lot during these Sortie Spy missions to avoid getting caught. Well, as I was invisible the juggernaught decided to roar out (mind you i'm still invisible at this point) as I ran to a console to hack it. And, somehow, they saw me (while being invisible) and attacked me while I was hacking the controls to get inside.

    I do not know if that was intended for them to do that or not, but I was not seen at all during my run through the area to get to the controls. Mind you, I was still invisible and, somehow, they saw me when the juggernaught roared out, killing me during my hacking sequence. The reason why I am putting it here in the bug report is because it seems like a major bug the jug has on his part when it comes to players trying to stealth their way through a mission.


    I hope I can get a reply to this soon, as I have a feeling I may not be the only person who experienced this.

  2. Now, hear me out on this one, as this could bring more light to the lore of the game. This is only an idea and would be amazing to discuss this with other players. Who knows, maybe if enough people like this idea for the ones who enjoy the lore in the game, maybe DE (Just maybe!) may consider it!

    So what's the idea?

    While I was watching one of StallordD's video on YouTube about an intercepted transmission, how about we actually have message decoding instead of just "decoding" a message for the Lotus and not know what it might be.

    For example, Corpus mission-based Interception has a chance to unlock a codex entry (like the Kurias in a sense) of an actual message to put together from something related to the Corpus. Depending on the level of difficulty, the message varies.


    So instead of just casually intercepting a worthless message, we have a chance to actually GET something lore related with every 4 rounds completed! That also includes the possibility of not getting anything at all as well. They won't be item related, but it would be more like a notification (like when you scan a Kuria to get a pop up on screen that you have gotten a readable message line. That pop-up will also say a bit of the line as well.)


    Yes, this acts very much like the Kuria, as I liked the idea of finding them to figure out what the message (or poem) was talking about. So, why not add something like this? It'd keep lore-nuts like me engrossed in the game more lol


    But here's the catch: You can't just keep doing the mission to get different messages. That one mission will do one line of the message. You have to do other interception missions to complete it in its entirety. Of course, the Grineer and Corpus as well as the Infested will all have different stories related to them. 

    Alerts that require Interceptions could have a higher chance to gain a message decode upon the first round completed just to make it more fair. As with every other farming situation, that's a possibility. And it depends on the level of enemies fighting you too. 

    How it would work: Let's say you're going against Grineer on Ceres. (Because, why not). You have a chance to get a message decoded in the codex for that specific mission and class of enemy in the interception after every 4 rounds. Then when you go to another mission, say a Saturn interception, you have a chance to get a message decoded there that is different than the one on Ceres.


    think I made it clear enough about what I was talking about, but, yeah, just sounded like a great idea to do with the game to keep people busy, I suppose. And to delve deeper into the lore as well.


    EDIT: I also forgot to add, when completing the entire message for the faction, you get a reward. As in what the reward may be, I haven't really thought that through yet.

  3. Now, I don't know how common this is, but it's pretty annoying to say the least.


    So let me start it off here, I am now Rank 18 from this current post as of the 14th of August, 2015. I only have about 5 loadouts avalible. But it just said I got a new one but I didn't get a new loadout. Is this some ignored bug that's going on around Warframe or is it just me? How many Loadouts am I suppose to have at this point? I remember watching one of the dev streams and DERebecca had, like, a lot. Way more than five loadouts. So is this something up with the UI?


    I remember before it said I got a new loadout but I looked and still didn't see a new one. I thought, "Oh, well, maybe it'll get fixed later on a hotfix." Nope. My fault for not reporting this so, yeah. Don't know how many other people have this issue but it is slightly annoying at this point.

  4. I always thought since Earth is "a desolate ruined world" in the lore, maybe have more variation of the ancient civilizations once living there. Like ruined Skyscrapers, hidden easter-eggs of, say, the head of the Statue of Liberty in a rare room generated or something. I can understand that Grineer genetically modified a bunch of things such as the trees there (that's why they're so MASSIVE) but, come on, not everywhere on Earth is going to be some sort of massive forest in the middle of nowhere. Show that Earth is ruined, show that Earth was once an active planet thriving with civilizations. Heck, more variation of Wildlife would be amazing! lol It's just so "plain" after awhile, ya know?

  5. Alright, well, as many of you guys know, a Relay is quite the place to meet and greet new (or those old Tenno) people in the game without happening to fight enemies! You can chat, view their frame, and whatever thing you wish to do.


    Though, I feel like the relays aren't as great as what they can be. I mean, think about it, most of the time we go in there, sell our prime parts, go check up with our syndicates, and then basically leave. Maybe a peek into Darvo's den for a deal and that's about it. I just feel like there -could- be much more to it. Maybe have a variation of Relays or something? Or have a section dedicated to apparel of all sorts (Like a tailor or something) where you can find deals on the color pickor, syndianas, and special skins. Because, well, Darvo only does one thing at a time within, I think, 12 or 8 hours before it switches. Should have something similar with apparel. You pay to look good~


    Another Idea would be a quest system close to the syndicates with higher credit rewards the harder the mission. Some will reward you with (special) mods, resources, or even on rare occasions a weapon BP of some sort. It'd add a lot more replay value to the game and more meaning as a "free-fighting" Tenno able to do whatever they want, in my opinion. There's a lot of people  just standing around in the relays, why not do something with them?


    I'm all out of ideas, I'm curious as to what other people would like to see in the future of the Relays! =D

  6. Instead of just adding MORE things into it, why don't you just fine-tune the entire RNG system when it comes to survivals and defence? It's pretty much a joke already while people are busting their butts and then getting an insult to the face when a forma or a core appears on a 20-40-60 minute run. Should work the other way. Rares should be more COMMON the longer you stay, because you're dodging, killing, and working hard for that part. It seriously shouldn't be the other way around.


    Though, I'll give you credit for trying, I guess. Kinda stopped farming him because it began to feel like a joke. It's almost like you want us to pay for the access instead, which I can understand. It's a free game and you need to earn the cash somehow, but us loyal Tenno who farm for HOURS need a break too!

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