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Posts posted by xMaix

  1. 1 hour ago, Greyed said:

    Still hoping for the Duvari Drifter honoring "Melee with Fire Weapon Input" that was broken in 33.0.1.

    Im waiting too for this. I cant enjoy the new update like this.

    1 hour ago, MamaFelicia said:

    Hotfix number Four of asking you to at the very least add a way to rebind the quick shot so Drifters can melee with Mouse1/Right Trigger

    +1, need fix ASAP

    • Like 4
  2. Since the Void change its being like this. I cant see how much Void traces i got because this overlaping. The title on top of the items its overlaping too (i didnt mark it), where it says "Reliquia Lith Probabilidades", this is less annoying but the Void Traces one is the worst.


  3. 6 hours ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

    No1 says thay they hard to counter, duh. But that doesn't make them better as a enemy. It is easy to kill a nullifiers? Yes it is, very easy. Does that make them less annoying or unbalanced? No, it doesnt.

    I dont find them even annoying really. i dont know what is all this fuss about the nullifiers, i dont understand it. Its another enemy, for me is not easier or harder than the other,sure not annoying or unbalanced. I really really keep thinking the mayoritity of the people talking about it dont want to change weapons (low rof) strategies or use parkour. I can be lazy too and keep whinning about it because i use the same thing over and over, the fact is you can bring a low rof like a bow and a secondary with high rof, DONE for that argument.

    People talking a lot about nullifiers and no one talk about the corpus tech with that one hit supra? Thats annoying

  4. After many year playing, i still do not understand what is the bigdeal with nullifiers. Yeah its a change in your strategy but they are not even hard. I mean, unless you are in an endless mision lvl 200 or more. For the most part they are just another unit like the others,not a big deal really. I dont know if people are just bad at the game and parkour, whinners or used to play COD and stand still while firing instead of moving.

    If you have an slow fire rate weapon because you love them, just bring the secondary with high firerate or use melee, you have 3 weapons people. I use to play with tigris and i know i cant destroy that bublewith that weapon, i go mele or just parkour through the buble and shoot them. 

    On the other hand, if you are playing with lvl 200 or more you SHOULD be prepare with good gear and strategy to beat them. If you just use the same weapons and mod combinations for everything you are playing the game wrong. You cant kill a person and a tank with a pistol right? Its the same same here.

  5. 10 hours ago, TyrannRedeagle said:

    I realize somehow it has became a tradition to start doom threads after every patch. But if you will, let's take a deep breath take look at the changes before hating them.

    I updated the latest patch and played 3-4 hours of it. Yet in this time alone, I saw too many outbursts which comes from a frustration of encountering something new. I encounter far too many "I hate new market panel" comment in the game chat. Why is that exactly? Because they didn't see the credits tab in item's page and thought "everything costs plat now" and got frustrated. Or another reasoning is that the market place isn't looking exactly the same as yesterday. Guys, market now has a search bar. It now shows you if you have that item. It shows you if that item needs to be acquired from clan labs. It shows you related bundles. They are net improvements here. Sometimes something may look different and it is still ok. We can get used to the new.

    I personally like new the archwing system. Even in the low level planets like venus, I managed to level my archwing in one mission. It was a level 18 odonata. I never managed to level it up before. Because all missions were only giving a 1/20 of the experience needed to level up. In Earth I did four missions and I managed to level up to 22-24. It is a huge improvement over the old system. Archwing moves are more complex now. Feels much more like space vessel. This is my personel preference and I completely understand if you are against it but I find mobile def mission for archwing fun now. Combat is more fun for me. Drops more mods and xp. 

    New starchart looks different. That doesn't mean it has to be bad. It is confusing because we are playing with it literally the first time. Old starchart had tons of redundant maps which no one was ever going to play ever. Junctions gives tasks and those task are directly related to introducing new systems to beginers. Completing junctions gives bp's and starts new quests which were overlooked in the market tabs by new players. These are overall improvements over the old "we tell you nothing, you need to look at wiki to see what to do next" approach we all suffered when we started the game. Of course I could offer some improvements to make it look less confusing and more informative(resource drops info for example) but I don't believe harsh criticisms are justified just because it looks different then what we used to.

    Finally new farming system. It is new and we don't have the numbers to claim whether this reduces the grind or not. Only thing I know is that I was trying to get hikou stars and someone rolled a saryn systems which I don't have. I loved that. And I liked that I don't have to lock myself in a specific void mission and I think it is a refreshing change. Horrible rotation c stands for relic farming but gone from prime farming. Fusion and orokin cell drops gone bye bye too. And do you remember everyone outraged about luminous bonus and how they won't be getting it while soloing? Every mission I was in(only T1s) dropped 8-15 of them during the mission. And you don't get the bonus if your reward is not the most desirable one in the group. Bonus is nothing compared to what you'll be getting by doing the mission whether solo or group. Not worth getting angry about at all.

    Yes there are tons of bugs. And DE will deal with bugs. They are not a constant part of the patch so let's not treat them as such. There might be things need tweaking. Nullifier spawns next to you is an example(though I find staying at a distance from the fissure somewhat fixes this. Fissure are their spawning point so I don't mind not building fortifications right at their spawn points anyway). 

    Tldr; let's chill out for a while.

    Very good explained. Its a shame what is hapenning in the forums lately. When the community was smaller we all were polite and construtive, we were a good community, forums and ingame. But is inevitable when the game grows a lot of new and different people come in, usually from other games where developers dont listen to community and they react the same way here because is they all know.

    DE is different people. Before and now, they try very hard to improve the game for us. They can make mistakes of course, and they do all they can to fix those mistakes. Remember, they CANT make things for everyone, there is always someone who dont like some changes, deal with it. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Business shouldn't have anything "personal" in the first place.

    Besides, people are different. Some may like negotiating, haggling and stuff, others may know what they want and for how much they want it. Besides, the opposite group - the "baazarines" - can also be irritating, speaking softly.

    I remember the times when I didn't know about warframe.market.com existence and had to swiftly sell some trash for a quick plat via trade channel. Obviously, I dumped the price to speed up the process, and you know what? Some people haggled to lower the already dumped price! There were even strange occurrences, when people haggled to lower the 5-plat-worth mod price by 2 plats (!)... I understand that there are people who just like to negotiate, but I do not share their views, and don't create topics on "how impudent or annoying modern scavengers and traders are"



    Business is different in each part of the world believe me. In some countries, business is more direct, but in other countries is warmer, more friendly sort of speak. You can do business in an office and end it there, or you can do business during a dinner and a drink, it depends what culture you are in. 

    My error was to put the word "impersonal" there,it seems the word can mean different things to everyone. Just forget about that word.

    I agree with you, trying to haggle 2 plat from a 5 plat trading is too much hahaha. I dont haggle for 10,20 or even 50 plat, i'm talking about bigger prices, like 100, 300 plat or even more of course. I use warframe.market.com too, but not  a lot of people use it, thats why i go to the trading chat too.

  7. 11 minutes ago, ArcherAz said:

    to be honest, my overall experience with the people of trade chat has been fantastic. I've been able to haggle and have been haggled, I've chatted with some of my buyers and sellers, and for the most part we always give a goodbye after the trade. I think saying all of trade chat is unsocial or rude is an overgeneraled statement that relies solely on personal experience

    I also had good experiences in trade chat. Usually when you are trading something in the range or 10 or 50 plat all is fine, people is polite and wish you good luck even. But, when you have something a little more expensive, like 100 plat or 200 plat the thing changes and people start to not responding and such, at least for me. 

    I´m also have to remind one thing i said earlier. Everyone here may have a different trade chat, because is language locked, and region of course. So maybe Spanish trade chat is not the same as French, German, or English (England and USA). 

    On another note, i think it could be a good addition to the game if we could trade chat with other regions too.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ElCorintio said:

    Hmmm, then... I wonder if this difference on the trade experience could rely on one sigle little thing. I usually put the price immediatly... So, to me just come people really interested on buy the stuff, or people asking me if i could low my price a little bit.

    Btw (general talking)... People not answering isn't rude for me actually, and mistakes of not having free slots, or credits for taxes, or even enough MR are just mistakes, and not people trying to be a jerk or something like that.


    I wonder if this has to be with a cultural thing. I mean, i'm from spain and i usually play the client in spanish, but the downside is the trade chat is only with spanish people, which is less people than a english client. My experience in spanish is not as bad as when i change the client to english because there is more people trading in it.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Madho said:

    I don't see why trading should be personal. You've got something I want, I'm buying it, deal, just don't you dare scam me. At all. If I can't afford it, I grind more plat or I'll find another person that sells at a lower price. Simple as that. It's not the wet market where you can bargain and stuff. If you're jacking the price sky high like 120p for a buzzkill, I'm shutting you down, because that just proves you're a scammer.

    Normally, no one would like to do business with people jacking the prices too high. It's often a take it or leave it situation. Plus, no one would expect someone who intentionally tries to scam people with a big price tag would be settled for a 50% discount for one prime part. If you're really trying to trade, lower the price. Never, and I mean NEVER, EVER try to push it.

    When i said "personal", i dont mean to be friends with them, just "thx or no thx" that's all, it's common courtesy at least to answer

    I look for many Warframe Trade sites for reference prices so i'm not jacking the price sky high, just the usual for a required item. You are assuming a lot of things from my post and answering to it that i simply didn't say, like scamming, pls stay to the point.

  10. 8 minutes ago, ElCorintio said:

    The trade experience as always been nice for me, people almost always seems to be polite, even when they try to negotiate and I refuse. Even when a guy tried to sell me a Heavy Caliber insted of a Piercing Caliber (until this day I'm still not sure if this was due to his ignorance or this guy was trying to scam me)

    Anyway, if this problem is a constant on your trade experience, maybe the problem coud be in your side of the road (?)

    The example i wrote is how usually goes, i dont say anything more, just "xxx plat" or something like "xxx plat but i discount you xxx plat if you have this prime part i need" (I even haggle for them there...)

    I dont think im the problem here, i'm writing this because i´m the kind of person who tries to be polite, not the other way.

    7 minutes ago, Alma_Elma said:

    If you've ever worked a job in retail, most customers are impersonal.

    I like it because it keeps business short and direct to the point.

    Yeah i worked with the public too and i now how awful people can be, but i dont agree with you in the second phrase. Yes business is shorter but at what cost, it's 1 millisecond of you time to say "no thx" instead of just banish.

  11. As the title says, i´m trying to sell something in the trade channel and people are so rude, no social skills, no negotiation, even blocking. I've being in warframe since it came out and the community in game is awesome, even in the forums we try to help everyone with problems, but for some reason, people doesn't know how to speak to each other or haggle when it comes to trading.

    Usually, the conversation for me is as follow:

    Me: WTS xxx

    Other (Private): How much?

    Me (Private): xxx plat


    Now this usually leads to no response at all, blocking me next time i try to talk to them or telling me the item i'm trying to sell is too expensive and then blocking me. Do you people stay with the price someone tells you? No one, and i mean NO ONE try to haggle, maybe exchange prime parts to discount the price or whatever.

    Very few people said to me "not interested thanks" or "sorry i dont have that much plat, but thanks". Ok, they dont haggle too but at least they have courtesy and politeness, and that's what a conversation is about.

    What do you think? It is only me or is trading a little impersonal these days?

  12. I don't know if anyone said this already but here i go.

    Can we have Electric Shield ability like Ivara Quiver or Vauban Minelayer type mechanic? I mean, you can choose between Standard Shield or Personal Shield and cast it. If i play alone is too much time to put the shield and pick it up every time i need it. I think this is a good idea.

    Thx for reading

  13. Mag + spam 2nd power + Sancti Tigris for the remaining survivors (dont mind Eximus units)

    And thats only you, there are 3 more guys in the mission with you who can finish the eximus (or bursa) if you cant finish them (with tigris you can finish anything)

    Corpus sorties for me are the easiest. I jump right into one when i see one.

  14. Same here. For me, Warframe NEVER crashes, but hosting the Tactical Alert Crashes me one of 2 times. Note here, i have all the graphics at the maximum except for the AA which is on FXAA and the Vertical Sync is Off.

  15. I was thinking today, why we cant Downgrade our mods? I mean, i waste a lot of cores and money to upgrade my Trascient Fortitude (for example) to its max for a specific warframe but i dont want that max for another warframe (usually Corrupted Mods)

    I dont know if someone think and post about this before me. My idea is the possibility to downgrade a mod without a cost everytime you want, with a simple arrow up and down like in the website Warframe Builder i mean. This way we dont need a lot of the same mod at different levels, i think is a waste or resources.


    At this time, i dont see a problem implementing this. Thats why i write it here, to know your oponions and if my idea can be good or bad for warframe.


    Thanks for reading

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