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Posts posted by TobiIsAGoodBoy

  1. A rifle riven I recently tried to unlock kept resetting progress every time I happen to get fly-byed by a dropship on the plains. The riven does NOT state that I need to complete it without dying and I have completed it twice with the progress resetting every time I die. It's honestly irritating. And yes. I know you're going to just tell me to do it again and not die. Before I get an arrogant response, just know that YES, I KNOW. Fix your bugs. I'm sure I am not the only one with this issue. I'm sure it's not the only riven that does this. That is all. Good day to you.

  2. This is a report/ complaint to the DE's regarding the grey screen.


    For the last three days I have been trying to do mods alerts but every time at extraction I have been getting a grey screen and no reward from the mission. I also cannot replay the alert as it has counted as completed. Yesterday I lost Accelerated Blast. I got Sprint Boost this time, but occasionally it doesn't seem to give me my rewards. I am forced to trade for these mods when I could easily have gotten them on the alerts. I don't know how many other players experience this, or if perhaps I am just unlucky.


    This problem is probably going to continue for me and possibly others. Could something please be done about this?


    Kind Regards


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