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Posts posted by (PSN)familiaboss

  1. On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Cmdr-A said:

    Uhhh, what happened to bows? I thought only 10 weapons were being repassed over on? Why did all bows basically get hit with the nerf stick like no tomorrow? The dread can barely even do any crit chance now with maxed point strike????

    I'm console I don't want to see that on console so many potatoes gone to waste :(

  2. I am a console player(PS4) the way i currently have my controller setup is 

    Powers: Touch pad- Up-power 1 ,Down-power 2 ,Left-power 3 , and Right-power 4  

    (Click-in touch pad: hotkey for gear slot 7 has my synthesis scanner)

    L2: Aim in/Enegry Channel

    R2: Shoot/Block

    L1: Crouch,Roll,and Slide/{Hold to move down Archwing only}

    R1: Quick Melee/Melee(Melee Combos) 

    D-pad: Up-Arrow is active power (Use last power activated). Right-Arrow is Waypoint. Down-Arrow is Consumables. and last but not least is Left-Arrow for my  Focus and Transference.

    Thumbsticks: Move,Look around (L3 Press in is Sprint) (R3 Press in is Secondary Fire)

    Buttons- Triangle: switch weapons (hold for melee) Circle: Reverse Camera, X: Jump (hold X moves up Archwing only) And Square is Reload and context action.

    I've played warframe since it was released on console and i haven't played any other way. A few changes here and there due to the games updates, but i have always used my powers on the touch pad for the controller. And i may have my Archwing move Up and Down controls backwards. Aslo the Up-Arrow you can use to reuse the power you use with the touch pad, but instead you hit D-pad up and it will use the last power without having to use the touch pad can use to spam powers like for nidus his first abilities, etc, but let me know what you guys think and what your favorite settings are!





    16 hours ago, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

    Marelok- Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Primed Pistol Gambit, Primed Target Cracker, Jolt, Pistol Pestilence, Scorch

    Cernos- Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Argon Scope, Bladed Rounds, Vital Sense, Infected Clip, Stormbringer 

    This builds are nice and do work but i do like my bows would mod it a little different(because i don't have some of those mods) my favorite bow is paris prime i have a 4 forma build, but Marelok is good all around i prefer a status build instead but that just me play around with them and see what you think! xD 

  4. I'm looking for a daily squad to run with on playstation to farm and run with a squad. looking for a fun time and few new people to run with it, but i am a MR17 : add on psnfamiliaboss.png

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