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Posts posted by SiptoCoffee

  1. 1 minute ago, Pakaku said:

    No revives, as well as only being able to play it once every hour regardless of how far you get, I’d assume

    Excavation, Disruption, and Sanctuary Onslaught come to mind in terms of other mission types that don’t forfeit your rewards if you “lose, so it’s not as uncommon as I originally thought

    I never knew disruption has no reward loss, the more you know I suppose. Although makes it feels even more arbitrary which missions do and don't have no reward loss.

  2. 49 minutes ago, VibingCat said:

    And let's have checkpoints as well, for when internet issues happen.

    I agree! But I do understand that would take a considerable amount of development time (i'd assume) and an even larger amount of bugs, so I don't really expect the devs to add something like that unless it was their whole focus for an update. But hey, maybe one day that'll happen.

  3. Warframe has a crude system of mission failures (especially on endless missions ) of not rewarding anything. But surprisingly enough arbitrations don't function like this, sure you lose the basic resources that drop, but you never lose any of the vitus essence that drops or any of the rewards from rotations, but something like mirror defense, or circuit despite being newer gamemodes, does NOT function like this, if you fail you lose everything. This creates a frusturating scenario where instead of players pushing themselves in harder scaling, or playing with less experienced players, its better to take no risk at all and leave earlier to avoid the harder (and sometimes overtuned scaling) and play with players who have better gear and are more experienced. This is to not say that there should be zero downside of failing a mission, but taking up to hours of someone's time for something to happen and they get zero rewards from their time is an awful experience and should not happen to any player. Probably the most obvious solution is instead of losing all rewards, players only lose a percentage of rewards, (maybe 50%) or make it like arbitrations where they keep all of the rotation rewards and important material drops, such as crystal fragments in mirror defense.

    Edit: This topic is purely for bringing more attention to what I believe is an issue, the suggestions I make are very shallow and I don't intend of them being a huge fix, at best they're bandaids and don't fix the underlying problems, still, i'd love to hear some ideas you all might have for fixes!

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