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Posts posted by (PSN)rklein23

  1. Sorting warframes in ascending order is fine for most people, but since I have multiple of each, the order is now random per warframe.  Before the PS4 update on January 19th, they were in ascending order and then in order by the date they were placed in my arsenal.  This made it easy to keep them organized because I have 3 of almost every warframe.  The first Loki, for example, has a naramon aura polarity, the second has a vazarin aura polarity, and the third has a madurai aura polarity.


    Now there seems to be no logic to the order per warframe.  What happened?  This has made it very difficult for me to tell which one I’m supposed to select.  I don’t want to select it based on a visual because of the delay on PS4 when making selections.  The only available solution I can think of is to re-forma all of the auras and hope that it doesn’t happen again.  I really don’t want to do that.


    This game needs an ascending name + aura polarity sort option.  Ascending name + creation date would also work.

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