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Posts posted by Entelechy

  1. Thats probably a good point about the devstream alerts, since a player could theoretically have started on the day and therefore not be able to achieve MR2 for the Archwing Quest, let alone the construction times. Arguably these aren't the players that should be doing the alert anyway but it's better to keep it as open as possible.

    On the other hand,

    1) newbies can ask for help doing the 'regular' GftL alerts, since they're open.

    2) I'm MR8. Haven't bothered to get an Archwing yet, because - honestly? I wasn't planning on playing that game-mode at all.

    Lo-and-behold: 24h GftL tater, in Archwing.

    and with a bare-minimum of 6+36 hours to build (don't think that I have 50p to rush it atm), I couldn't get it even if I tried.


    Edit: and as a newbie, putting a tater on, say, Rhino, will make your initial experience with the game a lot less unpleasant (once you level it up a bit, anyway).

    Believe me, as a person who started with Mag, (and ended up doing exactly that,) I know.

  2. Most of the time those 'shady alliances' are made with a purpose to simply block the solar rail so that no one else can take it.

    I do not know if the alliance you are talking about is an offender, but it is a common theme that's been appearing.


    Well, I hope DE is aware of it and planning a response then.


    I mean what if they put in DS: Conflict a reward of 200k credits, its community's decision wether to keep them or not right? It is a moral decision everyone has to make.



    Most PvEers won't do the PvP just to have a 0.0001% effect on the outcome of the conflict.

    (I assume that) many people have written off Dark Sectors and washed their hands of it.

    (I speak from observing my brother, who's been playing Warframe for longer & much more intensively than me.)

    Of those, some need the credits, and so will divebomb any high battlepay fight, because they don't care who wins anyway, so might as well get paid.


    And, of course, you have the people with a vested interest in who owns what.


    So no, it's not a representation of 'The Will Of The Community', and absolutely not a "moral decision" that 'everyone' has to make.


    I watched my brother spend... idk, probably 20ish hours over 3 days trying to affect a few DS fights.

    The experience has rather soured him on the whole gimmic.



    That would make having alliances etc redundant 

    A group of people to socialize and group with?

    (With a dedicated channel, as opposed to 'Friends'.)



    You are not forced to play those: i stopped when i discovered how useful interceptions can be.

    You make exp killing enemies, capping towers and you can even get some nice tier 4 keys.

    Which is well and fine if you can solo them, or have progressed that far.

    Unless you luck into a squad-mate, you'll be unlocking the planets mostly alone.

    Which, to my surprise, can actually be done with starter gear IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT MODS RANKED HIGH ENOUGH.


    Which requires access to the creatures who DROP those mods, and being able to FINISH THE @($!! MISSION, since you only keep credits and exp from failed missions.

    Which is no help to you the NEXT time you try that mission, since you're exactly as powerful (loadoutwise) as you were LAST TIME.


    tl;dr - My brother (whom I mentioned above. He's a MR16 account with every mod except the event ones tmk) does that.

    I can't.



    if you want quick money go run some void runs

    if you don't have keys just join someone hosting

    more credits less time


    See above.

    Not everyone hosts T1, and not everyone can contribute to T2+.

    As I discovered back in MR2 when I was trying to get a Control Module for a Rhino with only Jupiter and Mars unlocked.



    Whoa dude you are sounding really selfish and what not. You're there for one reason but someone else would want to be there for another reason, but what gives you the right to push aside other peoples desires for yours? 

    That's a two-way street.

    I want to be able to use the DS for exp and credits.

    Can't do either when they're in conflict.


    Why should someone else be able to shut me out of a DS at THEIR whim, just so they can get rich or have their clan name show up in game?



    You just said the reason why most players don't play DS.


    75% tax = 75% less interest in DS




    only do pvp if the battle pay is 100k+ or when im really bored...


    As I was saying...



    and dark sectors takes around 3-5 minutes

    t3 captures take 2-3 minutes

    and theres no tax on it!


    Not everyone can do T3 missions.

    And if you can't, you need credits and crafting fodder to be YES-able to.


    And there is a tax.

    It's called 'Spend time and effort in content that rewards keys, then sacrifice to the RNG in hopes you get the key you want.'

    This, of course, presupposes that you CAN do the content to begin with.


    Before completing my Rhino (with help from someone), I couldn't.



    Not the same thing, but a nearly solution:


    Go to mars


    Kill anyo


    Sell mag part






    Or you can go to phobo's boss mission to get double (trinity and weapon part)

    Ah, now THAT is a useful response.

    Thank you, I'll try that.



    I'm going to make myself suffer and do PvP just to attack that rail with my clan as many times as possible because I want to annoy you.

    Well, everyone needs a hobby.

    Enjoy your masochism/schadenfruede, I guess?


    Why is it that every game I play, its me and 3 other rhinos stomping the crap outa the level. I normally end up going solo cus of this.


    I haven't seen a huge many.

    I can tell you why I play one.

    My first frame was Mag.

    She's great against Corpus, but with a limited mod selection, not amazing against Infested (only Pull's really useful, and at 25 energy a pop, fairly expensive), and downright bad to solo with against Grineer (all that Impact damage... -_- ), which you will be doing for quite a while, unless you luck into a squadmate.

    (I haven't played this game alot, yet. Haven't decided whether I want to buy plat (waiting on PWE-deal conclusion), and haven't got anything worth trading yet, so still with the starter 50 plat, which I'm not sure whether to spend on slots or Orokin plugins.)


    For the same amount of energy as Shield Polarize you get Iron Skin, which is neutral to Impact, vs shields' +50%. Not to mention it being nearly double my Mag's shields (1.5k vs 800).


    Maybe when I have a better idea of what I'm doing, and more importantly, a better mod selection (yay this week's alerts!) I'll be able to move on to another frame.

    (Looking forward to Loki, Nyx and Vauban (again, yay this week's alerts! :P).)

    But I can't survive clearing the planets with anything I have available except the Rhino.


    So I use the Rhino.



    Ed: Well, that ended up being a bit of a rant. Sorry.


    Tenno on ALL platforms, 


    Ooh, now that's nice. :D


    Monday, Sept.8: Kubrow ate my Homework!


    Wait wait, you mean I'll actually be able to get and support a Kubrow before next year? o.O



    Tuesday, Sept. 9: Engineers are a student’s best friend!  

    Alert 1: Vauban Helmet
    Alert 2: Vauban Systems
    Alert 3: Vauban Chassis


    The last 2 days were actually amazing for Vauban.

    All 3 parts within 48 hours.

    Sadly, I missed one.

    Woot! :D




    Wednesday, Sept. 10: Homework is a Nightmare!

    Alert 3: Blaze

    Thursday, Sept. 11: Don’t let friends Corrupt you! 
    Alert 1: Blind Rage
    Alert 2: Narrow Minded
    Alert 3: Fleeting Expertise


    That Blaze will go nicely on my Drakgoon >:3

    and HOLY FISHSTICKS Fleeting Expertise! O.O

    That's going to make a big difference on my frames.

    Blind Rage and Narrow Minded as well, to a (much) lesser degree.



    Haven't gotten far enough along to be too excited for the stances, but less grind is always welcome.

    Yay for rare resources! :D


    Sunday, Sept. 14: Weekend almost over!

    Alert 1: Forma BP

    Alert 2: Forma Crafted (item)

    Alert 3: Orokin Catalyst 



    Yeah, that ought to get me off to a nice start :D

    Might even use them on my kubrow! :P



    Thanks DE, good calls all around.

    This is going to be good... :3

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