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Posts posted by Heartwarder

  1. Primed Streamline, if it were to happen, cant be just +5 levels to a normal one. It should be at most ~40% maxed, since effect of this statistic is non-linear and all, and it should consume significantly more mod points - like 18 or so maxed, so that fitting it without compromise is hard or impossible, to offset its effects.

    More mods affecting efficiency should definitely happen: a drift-like with +15% (so I can retire R4 pair, these unfinished mods give me tickles), alternative corrupt mods sacrificing other power (i.e. range, strength, cast speed) and even non-power statistics (like health, or movement speed). It should always come with a significant compromise though!

    As per your statement that focus of the game should be more on powers and less on gun/sword-play - it is just your opinion - and I strongly disagree: all aspects of the game should be balanced - movement, weapons, powers, team interactions - and "combined arms" approach should always be optimal, as opposed to singular reliance on specific weapons or powers. Granted, this balance is currently uneven across frames and scale levels, but I believe that should be addressed and instead of granting your wishes of godly powers. Speaking of which, just having relaxed efficiency-to-duration ratio will not fix the most problematic powers at all.

  2. So, when are riven disposition going to be updated?! I cant wait! I want to see, for example, Opticor disposition to slip one or two notches (better two, the more the better, at least for dramatic effect) I want to see tears of extreme buyer remorse, I want to revel in the drama of youtube videos of people tearing their hair and cursing over buying some riven for mucho dinero.

    After that, I would rather that disposition adjustment be entrusted to a bot and updated monthly. People behind it now clearly fail to stay on top.

  3. Correct me if I am mistaken somewhere:

    • to get the blueprint every member of the clan, including empty spots within a clan tier, should save on avarage 32 survivors in one singe tier 3 mission;
    • to get built ignis every member of the clan, including empty spots within a clan tier, should save on avarage 99 survivors in one singe tier 3 mission;
    • clans 99% made of avid grinders get to keep an ignis blueprint dispencer in their dojo.

    Individually, scorring 32 resques doesnt seem very challenging. Scorring 99 - would require purpose built frames, prebuilt team and probably some gear not available to newer players. If your clan has inactive memebers or unfilled slots you multiply these thresholds by {clan tier max}/({inactive memebers}+{empty slots}). Example: 10 sleepers, 10 missing members if storm clan - 100/(10+10) -> 125% of thresholds -> 40 and 124 for bp and weapon respectivelly. Since its scaled with denominator one is progressivelly more in trouble the more clan members are missing. Only two thirds active players, everyone has to score 50% higher. Half players active - do twice as high...

    While I can understand why DEveloper thinks clans should be punished for keeping inactive mambers, why not having a member equals having inactive one. Clan tier limits are rigid and arbitrary. This is uncomfortable, but bareable with research costs - really if it takes 10% longer, it will just take extra week or month. With this kind of timed events it isnt "fair" at all, you dont have extra weak or month, and in the long run, if events like this persist, would accomplish nothing, but promote douchbaggery on warlords part when they feel the need to constantly police their flock not only for activity, but also "productivity" replacing more casual players with more avid/resolved ones.

    Another thing, if clans that scorred blueprint dispencer will be forever the only source to get it, wouldnt it promote trading admissions? While the idea of elite clans growing a stock of their unique weapon stocks sounds awesome, it might create drama and toxicity, since neither clan contributions, nor trading for promises is regulated. Warlords can be despotic rulers too, answering to noone on recruiting/expelling matters.

  4. 21 hours ago, Orthelius said:

    Thirdly, we let Acolyte mods work on Hysteria.

    This increases the risk Vs reward aspect that Valkyr Should represent as the Berserker. She bleeds and sustains herself by destroying enemies up close an personal. Hysteria has fallen behind other conventional melee weapons due to Acolyte mods, and her 4 has become a near non ability for those not dedicated enough to add on all the forma needed for that Flow and Efficiency. 

    How about nerfing acolyte mods instead? You never ever thought about other frames with summoned weapons did you?:)>

    Seriously though, Blood Rush defiantly requires a nerf at the very least to Weeping Wound's numeric values. Maiming Strike is somewhat too gamechanging as well...

    But yes, mods not working on summoned weapons is aggravatingly uncomfortable, not just acolyte ones, syndicated and rivens too. All these mods should either be allowed to apply their statistical effects to both weapons, or summoned weapons should stop scaling from them and something akin to D&D "implement" be introduced for all frames!

    In fact, I demand it! I want my spores and fireballs to have nice weaponlike scaling! Nao!!!

  5. 20 minutes ago, game4ever07 said:

    Who else more excited for secondary and shotgun riven than nidus?

    Cant wait to get my hands on Spira and sonicor Riven!

    All they want from rivens is empower their already powerful weapons...

    ...if DE intention was to save some obsolete guns, it does seem like it has failed.

    Have you ever considered additive stats for rivens? Or more additive stat mods in general?

  6. While you are free to do with your creation what you will, you cant deny my freedom to call your approach to fixing kuva siphons silly!

    Okay, when everyone but the host could just kill the guardians wasnt very challenging... so you fixed that, but from there you stomped any and all smart ways to do it. Do the slam dang with operator or sod off. Nova priming, immune, volt zapping, immune, frost slow patches, nope... and now ivara cant protect operators as well - for no apparent reason they are unaffected by invisibility zone - pets, sentinels, resque targets, other players are invisible, but not operators. Why the hek not? Balance reasons? Rubbish! Bullets hit operators, so area effects should too! Same with guardians - without any ingame justification this fat guys ignore everything we throw at them, but like Achiles, break from a teeny slap that doesnt do squat to any other entity in the game. At least there was a justification for Achiles heel trouble, what is Guardian's excuse?

  7. 2 hours ago, TheScytale said:

    Just because you only care about numbers, doesn't mean that everyone does. If I like a weapon but it sucks, I can pay to make it better. And that's why Riven mods are here in the first place.

    Except it didnt turn out like that! Look at the trade chat - people offer insane amounts of platinum for "popular" weapons, while prices for less used weapon's rivens are comparable to primed mods, if they are beneficial to the weapon. As I stated earlier, riven that would fix a weapon that sucks is less likely to appear since many riven's stats will not affect that weapon. Basicly only base damage and multishot always work, everything else is subject to original weapon's downfalls.

    Also, introduction of riven mod slot for platinum will impact the ingame economy: sale prices of rivens will go down across the board, hitting cheaper ones the most, as speculators know there is a pressure to sell; introduction of another platinum sink will also increase sell prices of all tradeable items across the board slightly. I already foresee introduction of storage limits for prime parts - to combat stockpiling:)

    3 hours ago, Insizer said:

    I've been seeing a lot of these memory leak fixes recently. What exactly is "memory leak"?

    You could have looked it up, but here you go anyway: basicly it is when system thinks a piece of memory is filled with something, while it no longer is. Like if you need to process an arrow shot from your Dread - you create an object with velocity, orientation etc. etc., then it hits a wall, at this point you need to clear this memory and mark it as free so something else could be stored there... memory leaking is when this last part fails, memory is not released, program asks more and more memory. You can imagine it is bad, even if you have an insane rig with 32 Gb:)

  8. Paying for Riven mod Slots is such a low move, regardless of the price! Price being equal to that of a warframe slot and tripple of a weapon slot is rubbish!

    You said you introduced rivens to diversify weapons being used, yet with riven balancing problems* and now prohibitive costs of collecting... mission failed! Unadventuresome players, which majority are, will only seek rivens to empower their already powerful weapons. Others will only keep rivens for weapons they like the play dynamic of, becoming soft locked with those few weapons all the same!

    Unless your data structure is really $&*&*#(%&, riven mod should not take more then 64 bytes to store. That should not make technical problem at all! If it does pose technical problem you could do away with random stat distribution - random prefixes-suffixes with fixed amounts multiplied by disposition is enough for anybody! For crying out loud, you introduced them, you dont get to hide behind "technical reasons"!

    *Multiplicative nature of riven stats makes it so that weapons that are "good" are more likely to get benefiting riven - "good" weapons usually scale well along multiple multipliers, while "bad" ones have multipliers that cant be scaled in this manner - example: a miter riven with 250% critical chance, number is huge, but 2.5x0 is still zero. This wont be helped by any amount of disposition, it is also multiplicative! Yet mods that apply in additive manner exist! Entropic Burst for Supra adds +20% status chance, Covert Lethality adds +100 base damage. Switching to this model would make any riven roll be beneficial to any weapon!

    Well, if I am ranting here anyway, I will bring my own problem with rivens - summoned weapons! I have to keep one of the three tabs without rivens to use with Ivara and Titania. Trouble is polarity requirements for a loadout with and without riven do differ! This was an issue before rivens too, as one could not (efficiently) use a weapon with syndicate augment for summoned weapons. Please, come up with a solution! Perhaps let stat bonuses apply?

  9. And I actualy liked the no-map mode... It is "mental" hardness, rather than "twich" of others. Yet, I must say, it is not that hard at this point, to make it realy interesting we need moar "rooms" (map fragments). I hope you remake this mode at some point, perhaps in some new form of entry, so that those not up for mental challenges can avoid it:)

    As for other changes to NM, I realy dislike the no-energy/no-shield combination as it means I cant play solo with my beloved "caster" frames - without fuel and shields my Ember becomes a one-shot target... At the same time Rhino, and to a lesser extent Saryn and Frost, in that same situation feel almost at home. That is bad, dont you think? Frames should be kinda "equal" for these purposes, at least its a goal to strive to.

    Also, my experience (in armored frames) with vampire mode shows, that even shieldless, it is run&gun, as you become almost invincible if you kill fast enough. So it the most simple mode, careless shoot 'em up... Doing it with shields now, seems even less difficult, isnt it?

    Another suggestion I would make, is to scale nonlineary the time bonus in NM timer mode - so that the more time you have, the less you get from a kill (something like a square root curve?), and perhaps tie it to the "CR" (challenge rating) of a killed mob - i.e. killing charger isnt the same as killing ancient...

    Anyway, thank you for your continued effort and the fantastic entertainment you provide me with this game!

    Forgive text walls, I dont write to often:)


    I wonder when the damage mitigation (armor) scaling and/or mechanics are gonna be revamped, so that non-armor-ignore weapons are more concurrent:)

  10. You are the boss, dear DE, but I am not sure adding more fuel to gear++ race with this AURA giving points thing is a good idea. Difference between fresh and geared players is crazy as is already (~x15 for weapon damage potential if I've done math right).

    I wonder if you would ever consider downbuffing Pressure Point to what it were, but take all other goodies along down with it.

  11. Thank you dear Devvies!

    Fixes are most welcome.


    New weapons never hurt too, although the name GLAIVE was a bit confusing - one expects a polearm, but what we got is a huge suriken:)

    Speaking of polearms - would be interesting: doubleswords, glaives, naginatas, kwan-daos, bastions etc. etc. etc. (take a pick from a long long lists of tools to hurt up-close history and fantasy settings provide).


    Fall-off mechanics is a nice new change - perhaps it should be exploited more!

    Every ranged weapon might have range thresholds, like that we seen already in tactical shooters and pnps: point blank, normal, long, very long.

    This way classical projectile weapons should deal maximal damage up close and lose it (proportional to sqrt of distance ?) in range.

    Less classical projectiles, like arrows and bolts, may follow other falloff rules - for ex. less damage reduction, with penalty to accuracy they get already.

    Buckshot guns - quick falloff, but perhaps we need a mod. card to allow increase of effective ranges? For e.x. we have AP upgrade called Flechete (which are IRL small arrows loaded instead of spherical projectiles) which would be logical to increase range...

    When/if you introduce more exotic weapons, like beam or gyrojet-like projectiles you could use this mechanic to reduce close range effectivenes - this would make it interesting i.e. weapons less effective up close would force one to manuever or switch to melee...


    Beg forgiveness again, for lots of letters and bad grammar. Yours truly!

  12. There is nothing about weapon range changes in patch motes yet I am unable to shoot as far as I was able before the patch.Well I can shoot ofc but there is no hit. I am sure I was able to hit from some spots before the patch and now I have to be close to be able to hit.


    My dilettante guess would be the Devs reduced projectile TTL (time to live) to reduce lag. While reduced lag is good, and many weapons realy dont need that much of a range as you arnt likely to hit anyway... but Latron and other long guns do suffer.
  13. Reading patch notes the other day made me feel like "wont work" about this "lose/bail out - lose all stuff" part... But you cant sew a feeling to a case:) Now day of experience shows this is in fact a fact: quitters still quit - in boss schematic grinding process, if boss didnt drop the part desired by quitter (s)he, as the name suggests, quits. In doing so (s)he suffers little to no consequence, while those who stay not only have to finish in reduced team, but in one of four cases have to suffer "host transition" which may (or may not) crush game, fail objective or, most commonly, forfeit all loot gathered before the transition of host, including the stuff from the boss. Also one will not know if his loot before host swap was erased until (s)he reaches exit:) (and although I used smile there it isnt funny at all).

    Bottom line - the mechanic intended to stop people from forfeiting match not only failed to fulfill it's goal, but also introduced a new source for frustration and, possibly, trolling/griefing if host chooses to ruin game for others for ex. by bailing right near extraction (just imagine the ammount of rage it will generate if all loot were to be lost).

    Perhaps this mechanic should be rethought or removed, at least until host transition process is fixed (also those cases where other glitches like players or targets clip through floors or otherwise become unreachable, preventing completion).

    Responding to those who would suggest playing in premade groups... well, just dont:) It is neither a solution, nor a good thing to suggest.


    Speaking of other less major issues:

    - As others said already (and even got a responce from Steve) it would be good to get a more informative description for frame's "powers" i.e.: Damage ammount and type, radius of AoE, range etc. etc. and all this reactive to power level increases and, maybe, interactive to Flow, Continuity, Reach and Focus - all should be in-game.

    - Another instance of unthought mechanics seems to be ammo - max. count and increase per picked ammo box is in no relation to per-shot dammage. This, perhaps, should have lead to cirtain weapons being ammo efficient while others not... In reality some weapons never run out of ammo (Lex, Bronco, Latron) while others can never get enough (new gun, furises etc.). Perhaps ammo max. and ammo from pickup should be at least in some degree of reverse proportion to damage per shot? Else many weapons are not realy viable other then just to look cool:)

    - Speaking of reverse proportions, a lot of unlove (mild hate) comes from faster frames (namely lokies) to slower ones (namely frosts and rhinos) about "slowing group down"... perhaps to make speeds even in long runs drain on stamina should be reverse proportional to sprint speeds? This way rhinos run slower, but can do so longer, while twichy lokies run faster still, but get winded sooner and all happily reach exit in the same time:)


    And seizing moment, already walls-o-text, I would suggest a feature: sorting mod inventory!

    - by type of mount (pistol, rifle, frame etc.);

    - by type of polarity;

    - by rarity;

    - hide/stack duplicates.

    This would ease navigation alot! Please! Pwetty, please:)


    Forgive walls of letters, and maybe lack of english grammar. Yours truly!

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