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Posts posted by ZecoraTE

  1. This may take a bit of explaining, when you get the vasca call point and use the lure call, it should be like the others of a fast or slow movement, but with the vasca it snaps from one point, usually the middle area, to the upper or lower area with no transitioning movement, making it a bit annoying to try and catch them.This has been happening for quite a while and is making grabbing nephils a bit hard at times. 

  2. To put it simply, if you scan Fragment 3/5 and you have no scans for that character, then it goes on the first scan as 1/5, and that screws up the general flow especially afterwards when you're checking what you got. Now I need to run around all the caves for about a couple more hours to find which ones I haven't scanned. 
    The partnership fragments stay in sequence, the cetus fragments stay in sequence, why doesn't the Fortuna ones?

  3. Doing the daily quests are fine as is, but the one thing I do want is the option to tell the Syndicate that I don't want reinforcements for any missions. I can do most of them by myself(Exterminate, sabotage and such) and don't feel like leaving the 2 people behind every time I start the mission, I don't quite feel letting them die is a good option either. I'd much rather go to the syndicate leader, tell them I don't need/want reinforcements, and leave it at that, save for a couple syndicate members waiting at the exit point for their rescue target as that would make a bit of in-canon sense.

  4. I'm not sure if I should report the tactical alert bug here or in the day of the dead thread, but it seems appropriate here. 
    With the new alert, there's a problem with the Jack-o-Naut AI. Once it rushes into the hole between the wall and the fallen tree/tunnel, it can't get out and it just stays there spraying its stuff unable to move, thus making it impossible to kill the thing. I would prefer this event be on a more open tile but oh well.

  5. I'm using the Vaykor Hek and while my Hek riven works, the Hek syndicate "Scattering Justice" doesn't work on it. Is this because of it already being a syndicate weapon? This really confuses me considering the mod in question is the only one that looks like it'd match the weapon, and it's being offered by the syndicate. No other syndicate has a specific mod weapon and a special version of the same weapon except Red Veil. I'm not sure if it works with the red veil either but i'm just a tad confused. 

  6. There is a common problem of the host leaving while everyone continues, then the host migration never finishes completely, then it kicks you out with your score and rank but with no rewards that you earned. This seems to only happen when the host leaves/disconnects/crashes. When this happens this kicks you back to your orbiter unable to move but able to click on things to leave your squad and chat and such.

  7. I've been doing void survivals for various items, and each time I host, the other players slowly drop out of the match without the game telling me they left. Usually when someone drops it'll say "X has disconnected" and whatnot so I know to reinvite them, but this hasn't been happening for quite a while. I'm not sure what to do but I know to blame my ISP as usual, but is there an actual fix for this or is this purely on my end?

  8. When I do a spy mission, especially a syndicate mission, Along with grabbing unidentified items i'm not fully sure what was the rewards from the intelligence gathered, if the syndicates allow you to even have the rewards at all. Considering Sabotage identifies the stuff you picked up, and you get unidentified items from the intelligence, make the rewards "Identified: xxxxxxxx" like in sabotage and make everything a little more understandable please.

  9. Not Entirely sure if this counts as a bug or not, but here goes:

    When using the simalcrum it all seems fine and works well as it should, but it says abort mission and brings you back to the relay like the mastery test simulations do, but the end of mission screen brings up a mission failed state for some reason when you leave the relay as is. I have a feeling it's not supposed to fully do that.

  10. This has happened quite a few times but it seemed few and far between to duplicate it, but it seems to mostly happen in the void on capture missions. The last time it happened was on a T2 capture and when I jumped over a barrier, it warped me 2 rooms back into a lot of enemy fire. Though I have experienced it outside of the void, it seems to happen mostly on grineer tilesets from what i've experienced, the asteroid ship tileset I believe.

  11. Doing a T1 survival, my carrier started grabbing items en masse, but I couldn't collect a single one. Even after dying and letting my carrier die so he respawned as well. Possible reasons: sometimes when there's a load of items, the carrier gets them and it moderately goes through them one by one, and maybe the greedy pull mag system made it stuck in the counting everything phase and letting me unable to get anything.

  12. On every grineer spy mission so far, there's been two laser barriers that have been bugged out, mostly not being visible when a grineer object isn't near it(The balls, large explosive barrels), or the barrier being shown as a laser panel via orikin void hazard rather than a whole barrier. 



    -First image is of the first laser barrier you approach in the mission via the balls conveyor belt

    -Second image is of the second laser barrier on the barrel conveyor belt working, but not visibly displaying it is.


    I've gotten one more bug regarding the lasers inbetween conveyor belts, from the ball conveyor belt to the loot container belt, not showing up when it's active, but I haven't been able to get it to happen again.

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