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Posts posted by Aftermathie

  1. I personally just filled this out:




    And received the WAR 340526.


    These WAR ##### are crucial if you are crashing. Even if you don't want to post the ##### here, please fill out the crash report.


    The crash associated with WAR 340526 has been fixed internally and will be deployed in the next hotfix.

    Any idea whats wrong with the Archwings not appearing?

  2. Far too late for that. And once again, impulse rushing has instant buyer's remorse. gg

    it's really sour when you finally get into warframe again after a big break for the update, and you can't play it


    i get that it's hard to bugtest everything, but why release the update on a friday if the support goes down during the weekend

  3. that feel when you waste 50 plat on archwing rush and cant even play it because "You need to own an archwing or complete the archwing quest" :/

    seems like the problem occurs when you rush it, so if you are planning on rushing your archwing you might want to wait

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