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Posts posted by BlackMonark

  1. 15 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    The Shield thing is likely due to you using a mod from the Augur set, which grants shields on ability cast.

    As for the ability scaling: Don't complain when something nice happens. Accept that they increased the scaling and move on.

    Completely forgot that Augur Secrets gives shields on cast. Strange that I haven't noticed it before. Doesn't explain the sudden change in numbers and the 2 no longer giving armor, which as I said - wasn't stated. 

  2. With my previous 227 duration/323 strength Chroma build I was getting like 1k% scorn and 560-ish% fury buffs. Now its like 1200% and 900%? As far as I'm aware DE said nothing about our buff scaling HIGHER with strength just that the calculation is now going to be base stats x vex armor + mods. Also Elemental Ward doesn't give armor anymore?

    EDIT: Must be a bug cause after damaging myself the armor from the 2 is definitely still there but no longer there on text.

  3. If I recall you get the same exact inventory as PC but a week or so behind. You'll get what we get just later. And I think that applies to any update/content as well.

    EDIT: I wouldn't call dual stat fire mods and the baro noggle "cool"

  4. 3 minutes ago, Howling_MoMo said:

    say that to the people who hate running bounties seeing how there are plenty of people who dont like POE because of burn out.

    I could say that to anyone about literally any grind in this game. A grind is a grind. You either deal with it or don't do it and lose out. Bounties are short and the relics will more than likely be in the bronze tier of rewards. Running bounties over and over is no different than running fissures over and over or many other things.

  5. 1 minute ago, Spell said:

    After major nerfs of my favorite stuff - Tonkor, Simulor, Valkyr, now Ember - I barely play anymore, let alone buy plat.

    After watching DE's work I'm not even sure what is worse - when devs think money are more important than gameplay *cough*EA*cough* - or PvE "balance" is more important than game's popularity and sales?

    Almost like the Tonkor and Simulor were broken as F*** once upon a time, and Valkyr was way too good. So I think they deserved the nerfs. Ember though? Not at all.

  6. 1 minute ago, MillbrookWest said:

    For the uninitiated... what was the nerf (i don't read patch notes outside the 'big' ones)?

    I used it to power level my mag earlier and i can't recall it being different to the last time i used it several months ago.

    Lost the ability to headshot enemies.

  7. What im talking about has nothing to do with disconnecting. It's when someone joins the mission just as the 1st objective is or has been completed. 

  8. If you grind Bounties in pugs or with some friends, if a random joins at the wrong time in the mission it will result in everyone getting completely different items from the rewards. I've had several runs where someone joins late and me and my friend start noticing we get different items. Such as one time where he got augur secrets and i got 300 endo etc.

    Just thought I should let people know if this hasn't already been discussed and this needs to be fixed, good luck out there.


  9. If you grind Bounties in pugs or with some friends, if a random joins at the wrong time in the mission it will result in everyone getting completely different items from the rewards. I've had several runs where someone joins late and me and my friend start noticing we get different items. Such as one time where he got augur secrets and i got 300 endo etc.

    Just thought I should let people know if this hasn't already been discussed and this needs to be fixed, good luck out there.

  10. In my opinion, if you come to Warframe and complain about the grind you're just wasting your breath. Warframe at its core is a repetitive game where you do the same thing over and over in your own play style/fashion. Pointing out the obvious and complaining about the grind is stupid. 


    And Warframe isn't even that bad when it comes to grinding. Have you ever played Vindictus.

  11. So my friend and I were doing a MD and after depositing the package into the terminal the Staticor would no longer fire projectiles but would perform its animation and consume ammo.





    Before I posted this I decided to do a test to see if I could replicate it. Reloading while holding the package causes it.


    EDIT: 1 Forgot to mention that this happened with only the Staticor equipped. 

    EDIT: 2 Did another run. This time with weapons on, still bugged. Switching weapons doesn't fix it.

    EDIT: 3 Seems to be more than just reloading, doing anything while holding it breaks it.

  12. Any chance you guys can talk about Dojo 3.0? Possibly new rooms, decor, features, etc. More specifically on the Treasury as I was under the impression that you could place materials in there but according to the wiki the ability to do so is there but the functionality is not. Which doesn't make a lot of sense. Thanks.

  13. Hey, so I stopped playing when the whole Tyl Regor and Nef Anyo event ended and, call me lazy but could someone list all major changes since then. I know there's the new Parkour system and what not but that's about it.



    -Where to farm EXP and Resources now?

    -What frames got buffed/nerfed?
    -Is the market pretty much the same?

    -Major changes?




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