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Posts posted by RhageKage

  1. Ran into a consistent bug on Ur, Uranus The infested disruption node. After hitting round 10 and completing the first key, the enemies stop spawning and the completion on the side stops updating. So you cannot continue and have to extract. I've run into this bug 3 times on this map, have not confirmed this problem for any other Disruption node on the star chart. 

    Edit: Was able to reproduce the same bug again, which key it initiates on differs from the first to the third activation but it's always on round 10. We put a key into the third node and the timer stopped.


  2. Hope this is the right place to post this, but ever since the latest hotfix (15.1.01 on 11/5/2014) I have been getting a Mission failure while playing solo whenever I go down and revive. It isnt taking from my revive pool so I still have 4/4 but it picks me back up and immediatly ends the mission with a failure screen. I've tried clicking forfeit and that still ends the mission as it normally would, but every time I die its game over no matter what. Anyone else getting this bug, or is it just me?

  3. Spores, plastids, salvage, all of that kind of stuff is dropping a hell of a lot more yes. But now we have no drops from bosses, or they drop a single item repeatedly. The sort of "basic" drops (and I'm using that term loosely) are coming out in high amounts but the more rare items i.e Gallium, Neurodes, stuff like that have become nearly non-existent. I have to wonder how this has gone unnoticed or unfixed by now. It's been about 24 hours nearly and while that isn't a TON of time, I think it would be enough to readjust the tables a bit. Just my thought's on the drops matter.

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