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Posts posted by (PSN)MoonLustre

  1. 1. Yes, there are people, you could just get an invite, go to their lab and copy the blueprint.


    2.No, you'l have access to everything the clan alreayd has access to. If you already have the research for something and the new clan doesn't you and your new clanamtes will have to research it.


    3.Mobile defense is a good mission type as they tend to have more enemies and they're comming towards you.


    For Oxium farming, try Baal in Europa. Really nice spot there.

    Thanks both for the reponse though, and I'll try that area out~

  2. 1. PC community must be a lot more friendly than PS4 Community xD. Some guy name VietTurtle went full on nerd rage at me like I was trying to exploit the game or something. I've played a lot of games and I've played many were it takes weeks and sometimes months for high rarity drops. But dang, he got mad at me and TRIED calling me out due to me wanting an item that takes like a day to build. Good Lord, the gaming community is getting worse and worse~

  3. Trying to build the nikana but i'm the only one in my guild throwing materials into all the research. I would like to find a guild that would be nice enough to go in and get the blueprint and that's it. 


    1. Are people in this game friendly enough to even let me do that?


    2. Is there some kind of restrictions on the researches if I were to leave and join another guild? (I'd rather not have to restart all of the researches all over again.... Or something like that. This game requires patience, and restarting all that will over do it for me.)


    3. What's the best place to farm Oxium? (Having trouble getting them, I can find like 2 every time I do a corpus mission. But I need 300 for the nikana research and 100 to make it.)



  4. Started like 4 days ago. I've unlocked up to planet Venus. Killed vor 2 days ago. and pretty much farmed Vor for 1hr today for some mats.... I have no quests showing on the Navigation control panel, after I killed Vor i've stopped receiving quests as far as I can see and I really need to kill Jackal, how do I unlock Jackal boss fight? His level is locked and I see no way of unlocking it, i've checked online etc, and the info is just not what i'm looking for :/... I've been doing some of the missions, but i'm not really understanding how the missions progress... Help Meh Please! :D

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