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Posts posted by Fruitdragon

    • TYPE: In-game
    • DESCRIPTION: Was in a Flotilla, and there was a 5 minute period where not a single Kill Code was transmitted to anybody. A Host from the Murex side left and it fixed the kill codes. However, it made it so the lobby was lost at 99/100 just because of a bug. Pretty mad about it.
    • REPRODUCTION: No idea. I assume there was a large influx of Kill codes and the game couldn't keep up? Maybe one of the Murex squads bugged out and failed to retrieve a kill code and it ruined the entire flotilla?
    • REPRODUCTION RATE this is the first time i've seen it
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Playing the Murex raid. Went in the sentient ship and deployed Oplinks. Murex died but only the host gets credit for all the kills. First time my squad did it, it only counted 1 and the other 4 were never counted on the Client's UI. Only counted for the Host. Seems to always bug out after the first kill. Sometimes it doesn't count the first kill at all for Clients.
    • REPRODUCTION: Go into the Murex raid, place Oplink, get the kill, UI bugs out on itself.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Host AND Clients should have received credit, not just the host.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Worked for Host, bugged out for clients.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened all 4 times we tried it.
    • Like 2
  1. I've had this problem for a while now and the new Erra quest/Anomoly tileset brought it back to my attention. For some reason, any time there is a cinematic related to a quest, everything is extremely loud just for that part. I have music off, but the music comes back on full blast during a cutscene and I can't hear any of the dialogue. When I, or someone in my squad, boards the anomoly ship in the Veil, all of the sounds in the entry cutscene are extremely loud and ignores my settings.

    Is there a way to fix this other than maxing out the sound in Warframe and lowering it in volume mixer? Or is this just a bug. Any time I watch a stream or YouTube video relating to cutscenes, their audio is fine. Seems to just be affecting me.

  2. Title pretty much sums it up. I've noticed lately when I'm doing invasions and I run an exterminate with the infested faction, upon arriving at extraction I'm anywhere from 10-50 enemies short from the goal. This leads to me running back several tiles to force spawn enemies, back to extraction, and back several tiles again. Sometimes I have to do this back and forth 5+ times to spawn enough enemies. I'm not sure if it's me killing them too fast with Ember or something. Seems to happen roughly 80% of the time.

  3. 9 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    sounds like you're running out of RAM. Chrome is a notorious memory hog. can't say anything more specific without any actual specs. maybe try opening task manager to see what's going on. could be some sort of bottleneck.

    Can't be. I have 16Gb and with Warframe up it only runs ~7. I have an AMD Radeon 7, GTX1070 graphics card, my PC isn't overheating, all levels are normal. Just seems odd how it only works with Warframe. Even if I turn my graphics down all the way it still happens.

  4. I have a dual monitor setup. When I run Warframe alone or with Spotify/in a discord call and such, my FPS is perfect. However, when I open Chrome and watch any sort of YouTube video or Twitch Stream on any quality setting, the game gets jittery. My frame rate doesn't move, either. Says it's running at 250+ fps but it looks like 40. It fixes when I minimize the video/stream or close the window. This only happens with Warframe. Anyone have an idea how to fix this?

  5. For about a few weeks now, every time I load into a mission, no matter where/what it is, my FPS goes from a capped 60 to 20-30 for the first minute of the mission. After I play for a little bit, it goes back to 60 for the remainder of the mission, no matter how long it is. The same thing happens when I go to my liset, however it only lasts about 30 seconds but then it comes back, even when I don't move. I've tried messing around with the settings but I can't seem to figure out what's causing it. Currently I'm playing with everything on high besides Bloom which is pretty low and I have dynamic resolution off.

    Can anyone give me insight on to what might be causing this? It's only Warframe, no other game.

    I have a good computer with a 1070, Radeon 7 and all that jazz so I highly doubt it's my rig.

  6. I have been trying to get into a Public Squad for the highest bounty. I have been affected by three bugs when trying to join a squad.

    The first is that I will instead be put into a LOWEST bounty squad instead of the bounty I originally selected.

    The second is that I and some others will be put into a squad of ~6 people. Some will be in the squad in-game, and some will be in the Squad CHAT but be alone in-game.

    The third one and the most common that's happening to me, is that I will be successfully put into a squad but the majority of my HUD is missing. I took a screenshot of my HUD and the only things that I can see is the minimap, objective, current weapon and ammo. Everything else is missing.

    I wish I had more info but these same three bugs just keep rotating between each other.

    (Screenshot from third listed bug)


  7. Currently, when we preview a skin that we don't own, our current colors automatically correspond to the skin we are viewing. In order to see exactly how each color works on a different spot, we have to go back, change the color, then view the skin again and repeat. I was wondering if we can have a more in-depth "showcase" of the skin where we can preview the skin and customize it fully before buying said skin. A lot of times I regret buying a skin because I thought the pattern/colors would work well but they didn't and I figured this would help.

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