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Posts posted by silent_buddha

  1. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)MERCENARY_X334 said:

    Do your homework on this, it's not the first time an alert for event mods were in a tact alert then removed later on. But hey what do I know?

    You should actually do some Homework.

    The dual stat mods were originally only available from Tactical Alert events.  The Shock mods, for example, were from the Tethra's Doom Event.  After that they were no longer available.  Eventually some were made available through killing Vor in the void.  And eventually they were made a permanent part of Warframe through certain missions.

    They could eventually be removed from the game but not due to a tactical alert.  If they do get removed, it'll either be because they no longer serve a purpose (like how many Melee 1.0 mods got removed when Melee 2.0 was implemented) or just because (like how the Snipetron was removed).

    Had DE wanted them to remain exclusive they never would have been put back in.  Had they wanted them to remain somewhat kinda sorta rare, they'd have left it only on Vor in the void.  But they made them available through easy to do missions, meaning it's here to stay for the most part.



  2. ESC will not back out of some menus.  For example, Foundry and Arsenal.  This happens in most menus.  It still works in the main level of the in mission menu, however.

    Jumping no longer works in game as no key I bind to it will allow my character to jump.  For example, Space is what I normally use to jump.  No longer works.  Rebind space to forward movement and it works.  R is what I use for forward movement it works.  Rebind R to jump and it no longer works.

    Melee and Quick Melee also have the same problem.  No key or mouse button bound to those will allow Melee or Quick Melee to work.

    I normally use the stand alone version of the client, but installed the Steam version of the client to test if something was wrong with the install of my game.  The Steam version also has the same behavior on my machine.

    Everything worked fine in 15.5.5



  3. OK, how the heck are you supposed to know if a node is on or off? The only way I can tell is that Energy Overflow increases the cooldown timer. If it's a color thing, they need to make something different for people that are color blind (I'm red/green color blind).


    Thanks to the people that suggested making sure a node is on. I didn't even know that was a thing. And I have no clue how to make sure other nodes are on or off since they look the freaking same no matter how many times I click them.


    Just tested and it's working now that I turned the node "on". Someone tell the devs to give us some way to know if a node is freaking on or off.


    Regards, SB

  4. Tried it on both Ivara and Loki.


    Did it in solo missions to make sure I'm the host. 


    Doesn't matter how many times I activate it, I get absolutely 0 energy regeneration.  Also doesn't matter if I hit enemies with it or not.




  5. <clip>...whats with all the high MR hate all of a sudden?

    As other's have mentioned it's always been here.

    Part of it is just newer players lashing back at low MR discrimination which also exists. Like when you see someone advertising that they only want MR 16+ players for X Void mission/Raid. As if MR actually meant anything in relation to a players skill.

    MR really means nothing other than X person has spent a lot of time or plat to level up a lot of items.

    It's entirely possible for a MR 18 person to be just as bad as a MR 4 person. Also quite possible for a MR 4 person to be as good as a MR 18 person.

    Also as you and others have noted. Not every low level hates high MR players and not all high MR players discriminate against low MR players. But when it happens, it's just sad.

    At the end, be the bigger person and don't give them a reason to think they are right. Yes, it probably felt good to set it up so they would fail. But the point could have been done just as well to let them get downed and then revive them. And then just explain that it's a team game and it isn't all about the kills.



  6. Thank you DE for addressing the "too small" UI when in weapon/warframe/companion upgrade screens and when viewing mods for those of us with high resolution monitors.


    And my poor aging eyes thank you even more.

  7. UI is still tiny on Mod Station UI and I can only see 2 rows of mods at a time. So when I scroll to the bottom the last row is cut off toward the top. Yet the scroll bar on the right seems to suggest a much large view-able selection.


    display res is 2560x1600 

    aspect ratio: 16:10




    Exact same problem here for me.  I complained about in the previous thread but guessing noone cares about people using high resolutions for the game.


    In the update warframe/weapon/companions pages it makes it almost completely unreadable trying to figure out what mods are available to put on the weapon.  Even mousing over mods on that screen barely makes them readable on a 30" monitor.


    It's so sad as it was at least useable, if a bit large from 14.00 to 14.06.  I really wish they'd put in an option to have the previous larger version or give us some ability to scale it to a larger size when using high resolutions.

  8. ARGH!!!!  WHY!?!?!?!?!?!


    With update 14 I could finally read what my mods did without squinting at the screen.  Now they are even smaller than pre 14.  


    Please revert it or at least give an option to have the mods and loadout screens take up more than just a tiny portion in the center.  As it is, my aging eyes have a REALLY REALLY REALLY hard time reading what the mods are.  Impossible without mousing over them and extremely hard to do when moused over.


    This feels like a slap in the face after they were finally readable without mouse over with 14.0 through 14.06.



  9. The bug is really easy to see.  


    With any active weapon assuming you kill anything with it, it will gain far more end of level experience than any other weapon due to active exp versus passive exp.


    Go into a mission with Kunai.  ONLY use that weapon and no other weapon.  No melee, no rifle, no shotgun, no sniper, no bow.  You can have them equipped just don't use them to kill anything on the level.


    At the end of the level, you will have the exact same EXP on the Kunai as the other weapons.  This is absolutely impossible to do unless you kill 0 enemies during a level with weapons.  Otherwise you'd have to kill exactly the same enemies in the exact same numbers on all weapons to end up with the same weapon XP.


    For example, my most recent mission I got 186 kills with the Kunai and 0 Kills with the other weapons.  Kunai ended up with the same approximately 2k XP as the other two weapons.  If I host I'd generally get the same 2k XP on the melee and shotgun, but would get around 6-7k XP on the Kunai.


    It still levels up, just horribly slowly compared to when I'm hosting and get actualy active XP from them.


    [edit] Just finished a defense level where I used Kunai only as host.  295 kills.  11595 XP + 354 bonus. versus 1595 xp + 354 bonus for other weapons.  Defense mission before it using only kunai, 195 kills, and only ~1400 xp + bonus (don't remember bonus number) for all weapons equally).




  10. So after much testing, it appears that I do not gain any Active affinity/experience when using the Kunai in co-op games unless I am the host.  This brings progress on the Kunai down to a crawl in general as the passive co-op affinity/experience gives me less than half of what I would get with active affinity/experience.


    Obviously not a problem in solo missions as by default I would be the host.  But that once again brings affinity/experience down to a crawl.  And co-op is generally more fun than solo, anyway.


    If I switch to a different weapon, that weapon gains active affinity/experience as normal.  Only the Kunai (thus far) suffers from this bug when it is the active weapon being used.




  11. Er, yes?  I like the game, but I'm not a charity.  If I like something I'll buy it, but I'm not going to drop down money on something I basically already have.  And it's not totally free.  In what world do you live in that something you get for paying someone 50 dollars is free?


    He meant that you are paying for the platinum.  The weapons and frame for the different levels could be considered "free" bonuses for being a founder and buying the plat before the game is out of BETA.




  12. We need to improve it, absolutely. I look forward to some suggestions for that test (and I will take it again myself).



    I made a suggestion in the other thread I participated in about the rank 5 to 6 test that might help older people like myself who's reaction time, sight combined with hand movement, are lower than say someone in their teens or 20's.
    After examining why the test was so difficult for me despite never having a problem in actual FPS games, I broke it down to one very basic thing.
    I cannot track the balls because it bears no resemblance to how an enemy would move in game.  In other words since we don't have teleporting enemies (other than melee grineer), the fact that the next ball in the chain just "appears" (gets connected by a line) doesn't allow for any sort of tracking.  Imagine if you will if the game was filled with enemies that only teleported everywhere and never ran from one place to another.  That exacerbates the whole reaction time/tracking issue.
    My suggestion in this case wasn't so much to change the time it took for a new ball in the chain to "activate", but to instead have the link that connects the original ball to the next ball in the chain to start moving in that direction immediately.  That way you don't compound older reaction times by first having to find what the next ball in the chain is but then having to move to it.  I found that for me, by the time I had arrived at the next ball, it was already onto the one after and I was hopelessly trying to figure out where to go.  If instead the connecting line started moving to the next ball then there would be something to track.  Your hand eye coordination remains important but you don't compound it with aging eyes trying to figure out where to go.  That is further complicated if you have a large monitor which fills in more of your visual FOV.  I have a 30" monitor that I play on, so the distance between balls and the area I must track is significantly larger than a 24" monitor located the same distance away.
    This is completely 180 degrees to how things happen in game.  I have no problems tracking and shooting the fastest enemies in game due to the ability to track their movement.  Hence, if nothing changed other than the line moving towards the next ball instead of just popping into existence, it would help significantly, IMO, without removing the need to have decent hand/eye coordination combined with some bit of accuracy.
    As it was, I passed purely based on luck after multiple failures that caused me to almost quit playing the game, by taking a weapon with the largest ammo capacity I could get and then spraying and praying as I moved towards the last ball in the chain.  This is something I absolutely HATE, as in the game itself I always attempt conservative bursts targeted at the head or aimed headshots and generally have no problems even with infested rushes.
  13. My primary is Fang. Its probably one of the most powerful melee weapons I've ever gotten, being it hits like 3 times per strike.

    I used Burston before. The problem I had with it was Aim correction due to recoil. If I could get it down, that weapon would be beast, but I couldn't resist the bow when it came out lol.

    Mk-1 Braton isn't hard to use, its just crappy.

    I actually prefer the Burston to the Braton. Higher damage output with lower ammo consumption. You just have to get used to the burst pattern. Braton is definitely better for sniping something, but if I want to do that I carry around a Lex or Lato Vandal if I'm using the Burston.


    O.O No way. :) Bronco is still beast mode even with the recent nerfs to it. Sicarrus on the other hand. Although with the buff to its crit chance recently, I may have to give it a try again.

  14. +1 something needs to be done about that redirection mod. You can drop every single mod but that one is extremelyy rare

    Heh, and here I've gotten about 9 or 10 redirection mods and not a single flow mod. Maybe the wiki is correct and certain mob types drop certain mods more often with all mob types having a chance to drop any mod.

  15. Well my mk-1 is supercharged, that said I have looked at the boltor and gorgon as possible replacements, despite the loss in accuracy.

    Anyone got any input on what would be a good upgrade from mk-1 for someone that GREATLY values the accuracy and lack of recoil on the mk-1?

    I definatly won't be getting the normal braton though, Its fire rate does not seem like it was worth dropping 15 accuracy over, I already run out of ammo faster then id like.

    The Boltor is definitely nice. Not as nice as it was in U6, but still nice. The innate armor penetration is quite good, especially if you are unlucky on mod drops for an armor piercing mod.

    If you run out of ammo quickly then something like the Burston is a decent alternative also. But it's one of those guns you either love (if you understand and can control the burst fire mechanic) or hate (if you don't want to bother getting used to the burst fire mechanic). It has a higher damage per bullet so ammo lasts a bit longer.

    Shotguns are nice as well. As long as you don't mind the relatively long and frequent reloads. I myself love the Hek still while I no longer use the Gorgon (used to love the Gorgon). The Latron is also quite good if you can get used to semi-auto and tagging headshots. Although it may not be good enough in the tougher planets if you don't have a good team.

  16. well then that is awesome i was led to believe diff and no info on buildin it

    Yeah, the game is in BETA still so a lot of things aren't very well explained in game.

    Eh, the blueprints are very noticeable if you just looked in the store. I think the Lotus even shows you the Foundry at one point.

    The Lotus shows the foundry but isn't terribly clear on how you get the blueprints. A person digging in the marketplace might run across them. But if, like me when I first started playing, you think the Marketplace is just another name for cash shop, you might never go in there. Or only see the first page of each section (which is only platinum items usually).

    More likely what happens for a first time player is they click on the weapon or warframe icon in your Armory and see Warframes and Weapons for sale. Some are credits and others are platinum. You don't see blueprints there. So it'd be easy to assume then that those platinum items can only be obtained with platinum.

    It's just a bit of confusion. Hopefully by the time this game comes out of BETA, things like that won't be as confusing for new players.

  17. Hello guys firt of all sorry for the grammar I speak spanish

    well I have a question about the rank lvl actually im on lvl 3 and take me like 2 or 3, some times 4 missions to only earn 100 points and this is really annoying I dont know if im doing something wrong or its supposed to be

    Leveling up your Tenno (character account) requires leveling up your Weapons and Warframes. I still need to test if leveling up your Sentry and your Sentries weapon also counts or not. Each level of a Weapon or Warframe is equal to 100 points towards leveling your Tenno.

    If you want to level your Tenno quickly then the fastest way is to buy a cheap weapon, level it to level 10-15 (takes quite a bit longer after that) then sell it and buy another cheap weapon and repeat. I like leveling stuff to level 30 though, so I don't do that myself. :)

    the seond point in think its more important

    Since I started I had problems with lag this only let me play in private sessions (with a bit of lag), if I want to paly with a friend I must be the host and this increases the lag but if I play with 3 or 4 my computer looks it will explode and the Team have lag too. But when I join to a session its like if I were palying alone but rarely I can join to other sessions always im expelled(connection lost) and never more i can join this session.

    Thanks and again sorry for the grammar

    If you are playing from Spain (that's my guess since you mentioned speaking Spanish, but I guess it could be another Spanish speaking country), then you are likely to have quite a bit of lag depending on who you connect to. Playing with someone in the US or Australia, for example is likely going to be nearly impossible.

    You could try finding people in the "Find a Squad!" section of the forum that live in your geographic area. That would give you the best chance to have a good connection to everyone in your party.

  18. the duel pistols Akbolto, duel Afuris, karaken, Paris and duel heated swords their are many many weps can only be unlockd with plat go ingame market and take a look for yourself

    You might want to go look yourself. I spent in game credits on those and made them myself. Not a single platinum spent on weapons except for the Orokin Catalysts. And I have 2x Orokin Catalyst blueprints in my inventory right now. So I don't even have to buy those with platinum for my next 2 weapons.

    Platinum is there as a convenience. If you don't want to spend the time to farm the stuff like you would in a normal non-F2P game, then you can buy it instead.

    Me? I gave them 50 USD because I've spent more time in this game than I have in many "normal" games. I don't think I'm ever going to use all of that money in game (only about 10-15 USD so far in over a month). But that's besides the point. I gave them 50 USD because I have definitely gotten 50 USD worth of gameplay out of it.

  19. They could of chosen to give us everything like most other video games for 60 dollars which is fair imo but instead they choose a method in which they can take more money that is greedy. I mean come on they give you 50 plat to start off with then you have to spend 10 bucks to get 170 plat which puts you at 220 plat but o wait!!! certain warframes cost 225 plat LOL so then your forced to drop another 5 dollars. Hey you want the bow wep? well drop some more plat and cash or some other badass weps again drop more plat and cash i feel like im being charged everwhere i turn.


    I spent 50 USD. Out of that 50 USD. I've probably use about 10-15 of it in game. The rest is just sitting there.

    I have almost everything in game. Only missing a few weapons and a few warframes that I haven't taken the time to farm.

    If this were a normal game. You'd spend 50-60 USD. And you would STILL have to farm those extra warframes and weapons.

    The only thing you really "need" to buy, IMO are warframe slots and weapon slots. And those are bloody cheap. Orokin Catalysts and Reactors could possibly go on those but a patient player can get those in game as well without spending real money. And even the weapon and warframe slots are questionable as to whether you "need" to buy them. If you have a favorite warframe then 2 slots is fine. If you don't just keep the one you like best, then keep making and deleting the other one until you find one you like better. The same goes for the weapons.

    Unlike some F2P games. You can get basically EVERYTHING in this game without spending a single penny.

  20. I also hate how excalibur, VOLT, and Loki are belittled by being the beginning classes it makes them undesirable. It's just not about the characters tho its like every little thing cost a ton of cash to unlock because some things you can't buy with in game creds.

    Eh, those 3 are all great warframes.

    Hell, Excalibur has perhaps the most powerful offensive 25 power cost ability of any warframe.

    Loki is night invulnerable if played well. Volt's 100 power ability is able to clear entire rooms.

    All the warframes are pretty well balanced with each having it's strengths.

    As to the cash shop. I've gotten 50 USD in credits. The only thing I've had to buy really are weapon slots and Orokin Catalyst/Reactors. Everything else I'm fine with spending the time to get in game as I find it enjoyable and it makes the Warframes that much more meaningful to me (I built them!).

    So due to that I have only spent about 25% of my platinum in well over a month of play. More than fair, IMO.

    If they truly were greedy then certain weapons and warframes wouldn't be attainable without platinum. But as it is everything except weapon slots, warframe slots, extra revives, colors, and appearance altering skins can be gotten in game without platinum.

  21. Well, I finally got past it based purely on luck.

    I finally just got the gun with the largest ammo clip I could find and then used "spray and pray" aiming to just start hosing the screen with bullets whenever it got to the 4th or 5th globe which was about to light up.

    I'm sure that's totally not what this test was meant to test. In rounds 1 and 2 I did it like you are probably supposed to with a single bullet for each globe. But what I finally determined was my problem was that while I can easily follow a target that is moving, no matter how fast or how much it dodges, I don't have the reaction time necessary to jump from one globe to the next as I'm not actually "following" anything. So by the time I actually go to the globe that lights up, I wouldn't actually have any time to make sure my aiming reticle was over it before shooting (hence why even shotguns don't help).

    It "might" be possible for someone like me to do it if instead of it just jumping from one globe to the next, it instead had a line that MOVES from one globe to the next instead of just suddenly appearing. That would allow someone to at least try to track movement like they would if they were tracking an enemy that is moving and dodging.

    All together if I had to rate this test on a 1-10 scale I would give it a negative 20 since the only way I was ever going to pass it was based purely on luck.

    So, to anyone else having trouble. Instead of picking up a gun based on accuracy or even spread fire (shotgun, I tried that as well, no go due to age and reaction/tracking problems), pick one up with a decent rate of fire and the biggest ammo clip you can get. Then spray and pray whenever it gets close to when an orb should light up.

    Absolutely disgusted with this test as in game in real missions I almost always go for aimed headshots.

  22. It is the case. As you might see above, I failed for 3 days. You do not loose anything by playing in between.

    Well that's good then. Unfortunately, I'm now at the point where I almost didn't even bother to log in to try to pass the test.

    If DE want to discourage players from playing the game, this is a good way to do it. I'm now having to struggle to convince myself to actually log in and attempt the test even if it only takes me a few minutes.

    The old method of testing where you just run around killing some stuff was fine. It was more like a rite of passage than something that could seriously block someone from progressing. I don't mind things like that which make Rank progression seem notable.

    But this. Ugh.



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