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Posts posted by MadMartign

  1. Will the alert system be getting some changes?  Currently I feel like these alerts which only reward credits are pretty much dead and no one does them.  I know we can't have 24/7 BP alerts, but perhaps just adding some materials or something to the alerts which are credits only would be a good start.  Although with the new drop rates that might not be a great solution either.  Maybe a point system where you can earn points for doing alerts and there are daily/weekly tiers of rewards for that?


    Also, will you ever introduce a cooldown system for abilities? It seems it would be far easier to balance warframe abilites using a cooldown system than the current RNG energy system, which with current energy drops/energy siphon/energy vamp is pretty much broken.  I feel there needs to be some major balancing in this area.


    How about unlocks for dojo statues/decorations through things accomplished in game? For example, we can unlock a fusion Moa statue after the clan has killed x# of fusion moas? 


    How about some sort of salvaging system for weapons that you are going to get rid of?  Or being able to recover potatoes from weapons that are obsolete? ( example i have potatoed latron, once i have latron prime, i have no reason to have a regular latron).  You could have the salvage system introduce some sort of chance to get materials back, which would of course cost credits to use.  ( which would add another much needed credit sink to the game).  As far as recovering reactors/catalysts, perhaps it could be a dojo workshop room which would take special tools and materials to do.  (IE you need to build the room/make 1-2 tool items/then spend some materials to get the potato back.. the room/tools would be permanent once built).  I think a system like this would be far better than the current way which is you build a weapon, max it, then if you dont want it anymore you just sell it for a tiny amount of credits. 


    just a few ideas.


    EDIT: perhaps extend the transmutation system to include BP/parts/maybe tower keys?

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