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Posts posted by Shafara

  1. This. Agree with you on this. Power creeps has been off the charts since the introduction of primed mods.
    Even im trying to play a non meta build on ESO and can still solo wave 8 with Vauban/Revenant/Mirage and sometimes Khora.
    It hard to reach a balance and create content with proper management/mentality on how the game was designed.
    I've been talking on discord with my mates about how warframe need STATS-SQUISH on at the very least mod values. Warframe power creeps comes from modding the arsenal.
    Makes every mods out there halves their value. [Adaptation] from total of 90% to 50% max. [Serration] from 165% to 90% or something. Dual stats mods from 60/60 to 40/40. Same goes for absurd numbers on mods out there like [Split Flight].

    More fun randomization in the stats is also good for the game. It makes player who have loves for the weapon invested more into the weapon. Currently every weapon have its own static amount of stats and its only customization is forma to get more polarization and extra pexilus mod with some same old alt-fire system which is expected and gonna get boring from here. Any weapon with 20%++ CC 20%++ SC and 100++ base damage is absolute OP on arrival based on how modding works.
    For example, currently Braton Prime have static 12% CC and 26% Status.
    Gives every weapon a set amount of Min/Max value on specific stats. Like Braton Prime can have 12%-17% CC and 24% - 28% SC or any kind of available stats after claiming it from the foundry. Forma or a special new kind of forma can randomize these stats without resetting its rank or polarization.
    Makes alt-fire in a weapon as a mod for every type of weapon. Let me choose whether I want my Kuva Bramma to act like Lenz explosion or Bramma Cluster.
    Same goes for Warframe, every new warframe now is just not seen after 1 month unless it can provide energy or heal allies. Have you seen alot of Gauss lately?
    My idea is to add another special abilities slot. Makes warframe choose what skill it want to equip. Back in the day we have to slot the abilities for the warframe be able to allow to cast it.
    Now add an alternatives to warframe existing abilities. The only one I can think of right now is a alternative to excalibur exalted blade which instead summon 3 AI sword (moddable like exalted blade) that do the killing for you while you're freely using your primaries. Does have to put an alternative to all abilities tho, just the one that sorely needs it and change the warframe play style from time to time.

    Some of these idea might not makes sense since how it will break the game code or in need of another whole game to make it. Just an idea how to make the game fun again.
    Crafting and Enemy AI is another type of challenge lol. With how challenge customization as it is now. No wonder fashion-frame endgame is no longer a running joke in the community. Its actually true.

  2. DE took like 10% of what Shadow of War does and only enticing player with rewards within it. Nothing less, nothing more.
    From my perspectives they probably gonna seperate what Shadow of War feature does to other faction so the feature becomes unique in a way.
    For now, until Lich got his own spaceship, its just another Stalker hunt for weapons and ephemera.

    Whats the point developing all those features and content just to make it very specific play-style and can be enjoy by a small group of people by separating them in what we called 'content island'

    I always had this idea of merging random encounters from other content into normal missions since I got this feeling of DE wanted all the new players to feel all of the content available early on. Currently, we only have a few random encounters in a mission like Ayatan, a bounty hunter (syndicate, stalker etc), scannable lore and friendly lich spawn.

    Makes every node have a nightmare version of themself. Exclude dark sector and derelict, add more unique mods and some kind of currency system for those who dedicated to this. It can be Nightmare +2 or +3 with multiple modifiers, the limit is DE imagination.

    Next is content integration. I would like to see more random unexpected encounter more in a normal mission even while I'm opening relic. There are a few I can think of.
    The reward can be tweaked or discuss, imagine the idea first.
    Clem spawn randomly in a tileset asking you to do 1 chore for him so he can reward you with resources/10min booster or something.
    A random yellow portal that will take you to do 1 wave of sanctuary onslaught (level scale on current node) for exp and 1 random relic reward.
    An infestation tower that spawns a wave of infested and can only be damaged by player own build tower (basically mini tower defence encounter).
    A hidden rare unique boss that can be only discovered by scanning at least 3 wall mark to reveal the location with unique weapon BP and resources token (choose which resources you want by consuming the gear).
    (If got any lich actives) Random thrall will spawn and will keep running away from you that drop 5 murmur or something (nodes level scale).
    Any other content specific unit spawn (faction-based) like arbitration drone, a rare spawn stalker with 1 of his acolytes, corpus banker unit that runs around like diablo loot goblin that drops a big amount of credits.

    Since DE wanted people to play on all these nodes ever since relic opening rework, at least make it interesting and engaging.
    Another this challenge, for some people/player, challenge can be fun. Wheres the fun the moment you discovered that 1 gun that mowed down high end content like a breeze without getting bored till the next 30% CC/ 20% SC/100 Base Damage weapons comes in.
    Warframe seriously need stats squish. At the very least all of mods value by half. This allow player to have challenge and DE to properly do a content that doesn't involved the same old High armor enemies with invulnerabilities phase and wave of of enemy to slow players down mentality lately (looking at you Thermia, Ghoul, SS).
    The last event that I actually enjoy from DE is Tubeman of Regor which actually using my brain do the events while having some fun choosing which side to win.

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  4. Some tips -
    - Failed attempt a lich gives 10 murmur (not sure, but I've read somewhere)
        - This include a failed requiem attempt or simply take down the first HP bar 3 times
    - Taking down the first HP bar 3 times wont level up a lich after he/she leaves the mission. This include other player lich.
    - Thrall spawns more with full 4 man squad
    - Get to know at least 1 requiem before attempt a take down, by the time you get your 3rd requiem, you can kill the lich at the very least level 3
    - Get to know your lich, some lich have weird quirks, elemental weakness.
    - Level 1 lich can only take over 1 planet, it wont take another until you level it up
    - Murmur gained prior before you've join the mission also count towards your total murmur gained when you finished the mission

    Farm murmur > Get 1st Requiem > Test Requiem > Lich Level Up > Farm Murmur > Get 2nd Requiem > Test Requiem > Lich Level Up > Farm Murmur > Get 3nd Requiem > Last Attempt.


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  5. Some of my build suggestion on kuva lich rank 5.
    Revenant with his 1 and 3 skill combined. His 2 also sleep the kuva lich.
    Volt 4 can stunned the lich briefly and use 3 to amplified yours and teammates damages. (works best if you know the lich damage weakness)
    High strength Mesa with pistol fire rate arcane melt down the lich HP.
    Wisp 4 works sometimes. (Depends on weakness).


  6. I have the idea on my mind that there's a special Corpus debt collector looking for the debtors that the tenno hides.
    Your objectives is to find and kill these debt collector before he/she finds the friendly debtor.

    Same with infested.. 1 of your random warframe got corrupted and have hive mind of its own. You have to tracked them down and cured it yourself before it takes more of your warframes.

  7. Shadow of mordor system works because the uruk-hai are the one getting pounded on instead of us. Gathering information on whereabouts, weakness and immune to 1 trick-pony the player have every time we encounter them. In here we just test some card to kill it.. we don't even have a chance to 'shame' the kuva lich to lower its level or re-roll it stats/weapon/rank whatsoever.

    DE use the old system which is Kuva intregrated into the new lich system which is good. Make more use of it.
    1. Use Kuva to level up kuva weapon from 30 to 40
    2. Use Kuva to radiant a requiem relic. (fit the lore)
    4. Makes the Kuva Lich appear anywhere. I missed the time where random encounter happened in the middle of mission outside of the main objectives. Like in Path of Exile, need more  of those, as in for now we only have syndicate and assassination attack.
    5. 1 special nodes at kuva fortress that let player hunt their own kuva lich anytime. (solo or party, even make the player pay with kuva to enter)
    6 . Parazon was underwhelming. Let player inject it with kuva so it influence the kuva lich outcome the way we want it. (RNG still applied but more to our setup)
    7. What happened to War Within ending? I choose to eat the kuva? does it effect anything?

  8. For me, I use a staff/poles with slash as the highest damage and high status chance.
    Nekros will descerate at the rate of 3 enemy per second. It also helps that if the slash proc, it will cut the enemy into max of 2 body parts and nekros count this a 2 descerate for each body part. Some enemy cant be cut like boiler or infested moa.
    Channeling only increase damage done. So once enemy is killed my focused melee. Nekros descerate count as one.
    My advice is avoid using channeling damage.

  9. The problem with Arbitiration is not the 0 revive. Its the mechanics.
    1 arbiters that makes everyone it link immune? meh..
    Multiple different of arbiters with different ablities. Yes please.

    Ive done enough arbitiration to know that soloing it sucks and if the host died and leave theres a chance that my game will stuck/crash in a loading screen. Rewards is not the problem as the can be changed/added later on, the gameplay/challenge for us to get the reward is the problem. I had this idea that reward the endo based on player performance but that required DE to remake the whole game engine. 10 rounds/minute per reward sucks, I rather have 500 enemies come to me at once per round to defend that guy for 1 reward than waiting for 10 transaction between round for 1 meh reward.
    Also DE, please add 2 warframe/weapon at a time for the bonus strength/damage.

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