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Posts posted by (XBOX)MrDrProfMichael

  1. I will get you an invite as soon as I get on here in a bit. Don't worry about the mic... we got a few kinect users and yeah if its done right... its not bad at all.

    I got your message and messaged you back twice and added you but you never responded??


    You told me to leave my clan and message you back when i left, and i did. That was 5 days ago.. I understand if you didnt see it or something because you have a lot to manage but i would still like an invite if possible.

  2. Starting to get back into Warframe after taking a 2 ish week break. only problem is i dont have anyone to play with at the hours that im awake. would love an invite. my gamertag should be the same as my forum name but just in case its MrDrProfMichael.


    - I dont have a mic at the moment but i bring my kinect closer to me and my friends dont think its a problem so i hope thats alright.

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