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Posts posted by sardonicmermaid

  1. That's honestly why I've been such on the fence abt the skin. I will make a more final decision when I see it ingame I think but... yeah. I use the agile animation... trying to imagine that skin sitting on Merulina and kicking her feet honestly kind of makes me chuckle? Sounds ridiculous.

    I think two and four would have matched her better in the concept sketches. Two at least keeps the pearl / clam idea from the skin we are getting, but it just seems more magical to me. Maybe the skin will look fine with bright colors and her alt helmet? That's what I am holding out on. Otherwise, yeah, I will probably skip.

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  2. Hi! I got stuck on this mastery as well. I ended up beating it with Skiajati because it has the unique trait of turning your character invisible for 5 seconds after finishers. The time refreshes every time you do a stealth kill, so you should be able to kill everyone really quickly.

    Hope this helps you as well! It still did take me a few tries to perfect the timing. 

  3. Hello and thank you for the opportunity! 

    Ludo - save our city

    Ludo - an italian werewolf in st louis


    Coheed and cambria - the willing well ii: from fear through eyes of madness


    I'm sorry if these have been previous requested, this is my first forum post and I'm not quite sure how it works on mobile! The search is also weird lol. 

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