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Posts posted by NullDragon

  1. Weapon(s) used: Ankyros

    Faction(s) fought: Corrupted

    Mods equipped/Stance used:  Fury (maxed), Viral + electric damage, maxed pressure point and spoiled strike, Fracturing Wind(maxed)

    Thoughts & Experiences: Damage about what I expected from Melee 2.0 and other experiences. It's definitely viable now. Fury was nerfed, but is still a noticable effect in attack speed. Volt and Warcry seems a bit too powerful with their attack speed buffs, though, and I don't think attack speed buffs are healthy anymore. Makes it harder to combo too.


    Combos are... underwhelming. I frankly can't figure out what the difference between not having and having a stance mod for my fist weapons are. The only thing I noticed that was actually useful was the E E E E(hold) combo, for the shoyuken and ground slam. And that could be done without the stance mod by just jumping and then attacking after three hits?


    I frankly don't understand this combo system, and see room for it to be greatly improved. The uppercut + ground slam combo feels like it could be like the standard charged attacks, and just held down at any time to end a combo. Plus with combos, I usually kill them in 1-2 hits, and so it seems pointless to actually continue the combo since I can't dash or the like to nearby enemies.


    For Fractured Wind specifically, my suggestion would be to restructure things entirely, if not add more stuff to it entirely. Hold E after 1-3 attacks: Uppercut to groundslam combo finisher. AoE of knockdown should be larger than it is now.

    Hold E while not in a combo: Rapidfire punches that stagger an enemy. Can cancel the recovery animation early to take advantage of the stagger, entering a normal combo. Something like a second or two recovery time if you don't cancel into a regular combo, to prevent permstagger.


    Sample Combos:

    Hold E, E E Hold E: Rapidfire punches, two regular punches, then an uppercut into a groundslam finisher.

    E E E Hold E Hold E: Three regular punches, uppercut into a groundslam, rapidfire punches.

    E Hold E E Hold E: Regular punch, uppercut to groundslam, regular punch, uppercut to groundslam

    E E E E Hold E: Regular 4-punch combo like it is now, followed by rapidfire punches.


    That sort of freeform combo would, I think, feel a lot more 'warframy', and wouldn't be too hard to implement. You could expand it later with pause-E moves, or crouch-E moves, or so on. Just freeflow combos, with each button a specific useful attack that can be chained into each other. Maybe even other classic fighting game combos, such as launchers that launch enemies into the air so you can keep up a combo while both are airborne(fun with Zephyr or heavy enemies, especially fun with Rhino and Vauban!)


    Approx. Time Spent: 10 minutes(plus a few hours trying to get a stance mod in the first place)
    Supplementary info: Mouse and Keyboard, played with three other people


  2. An idea that's been kicking around in my head is to completely rework how mods in general drop.


    Missions 2.0: Every mission is now an alert!


    How does this work? Instead of rewards being random, every mission you do has a specific reward. Be it credits, resources, or a specific mod. Want a specific mod? Look for a mission with the mod you want! Uncommon and Rare mods would be harder than normal missions, possibly, or pop up not as often.


    Once completed, you'd have to wait for it to refresh before doing it again for a reward(doing it with a friend would probably result in no reward). Enemies would only drop fusion cores from now on. But since everything is an event now, there will always be missions for you to do, and you can choose what mission to do based on what you need to advance your warframe.


    Properly tweaked, you'd be getting less mods than before. Every mod or item you get, though, would be something you wanted to get. Either running a bunch of missions to get a bunch of duplicate mods to fuse together, or playing a credit/resource defense/survival mission to get lots of fusion cores. No more dozens of Trick Magazine filling up your inventory.


    Further tweaks may be needed, needing to run 4 rare missions to get one rare mod, for example. Or simply making rare missions a lot less common than other mods.

  3. so this is why valkyr still can't survive well with that high armor. Thx for the info. 

    Let me fix my sentence then, if I have to describe trinity without blessing, she is as squishy as ember. Aka, health drop fast. 

    That's why she has link, primarily, for those situations. 75% damage reduction on all damage taken, which is better than base Valkyr's armor(she only reduces damage by 66% to health)

  4. As title said. One of the annoyances I have with Nova on my team is M Prime. Use the ability, shoot one person, entire room just vaporizes. Eh.


    Why is this a problem? Game is about shooting people. Not being able to shoot people really sucks. I'd like to be able to shoot people and not have one ability just... kill everyone. Explosions are cool though. Being able to proc tons of explosions without killing everyone instantly is awesome.


    New Nova Ult:

         Remove explosions on death. Instead make the extra damage scale with level of mod and power strength. Extra damage is applied as a blast proc(doesn't proc itself), smaller AoE than it is now, knocking down enemies hit. Or making them ragdoll and fly around(on a cooldown for the ragdoll, not the damage), if possible.


    Why is this better? It makes it a lot more satisfying for everyone else in the team. And it keeps the explosions! And it doesn't vaporize everyone in the room instantly, leaving everyone else to just kind of stare disappointedly at the dust that was once a whole group of enemies.


    Slow can be removed or lowered if needed. It was kept in it because a lot of people appreciates the slow.

  5. For minimal changes, you could just remove invulnerability from her ult, and add power elsewhere if needed.


    Ult restores 50%/75%/100% of total health and shields. If you want it to scale with duration, do the healing over 5-10 seconds, and do the healing quicker with duration mods(+100% duration = heals in half the duration for the same total amount).

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