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Posts posted by Bennyboombox

  1. The Brakk should be on-par with the Detron.


    The Brakk is severely overpowered (the damage fall off does nothing): Higher rate of fire, much higher damage/pellet count/crit chance/crit damage.


    Brakk S#&$s on every other gun.

     Who ever said they should be on par? strong delusions

  2. It's never been stated that the brakk will remain exclusive.  People shouldn't get butt hurt if it's released again.

    you bet your bottom dollar I am gonna be butt hurt if people don't have to do 100 mind numbing missions to get it. That is spitting in every persons face who took the time to earn it.

  3. I glad I have ammo conversion mods if something like this was to happen.  Other wise I not looking foward to go look for sniper ammo for a rocket launcher,torid or the penta.

    They have a Conversion mod for sniper ammo so no problem

  4. Imagine this - Soma with 140 on radiation and 138 cold elemental and 20's in the missile damage mods, now put a 93% critical chance modifier on that with 150% critical damage and your hitting mobs at around 3-5K a bullet. thats my current build.. its rather OP sorry. needs a serious dose of nerfbattus. Bring the the accuracy down on the thing or give us mega recoil, we do have modifiers to lower that....


    stop playing on venus.

  5. Why is this turning into a cool kids club of I have more money than you so I get more stuff.

    This should be available to All players regardless of how long they have played or how much they have paid. The fourth pack is an amazing deal for the brand new player that wants to WORK towards earning everything.


    This. The sense of entitlement is unreal "I paid for founder so only we should get exclusive stuff and everyone else can go fly a kite"

  6. hey now, sobek can be effective at ranges SWraith can only dream of.




    typical does not mean correct.


    also, hovering on peoples' names shows quick info, like account age. 

    (my account is 9 days older than yours).

    just sayin'.


    i've seen almost everything. Braton Vandal needs to be rebalanced again, yes. since it's not really 'useful' compared to the Braton.

    honestly, Brandal should have a 10% Crit Chance. make it cool, yo. an automatic weapon that has decent Crits? that's still relatively uncovered material. 

    i like that it's more of a marksman weapon than Braton, but just that doesn't set it apart from the original model. 


    watch out guise his account is 9 days older then the other dudes so he must be more right.

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